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  1. Just found this on youtube I think that is a little much and probably little to no one would be interested in getting one. Looked for the website that was on the description and apparently it is gone.
    2 points
  2. I have decided to post a new recipe/ review of that recipe here every weekday and randomly as I feel like experimenting. A blog of sort about my DIY journey. I use 100mg/ml liquid for my mixes, it is a 100%PG mixture because I am a big PG fan for the throat hit, I find it is easier to keep off the analogs when the liquid performs more harshly. A quick warning about this strength of liquid: THIS STRENGTH WILL MAKE YOU WANT TO CRY IF YOU GET A DROP OR TWO ON YOUR HANDS! I thought I was Mr. Toughguy, lo and behold I was careless, got about 5 drops on my hand, and even though I vape 24mg/ml liquid, the room started spinning, I almost passed out.=(Everything is fine now, but I have found a new respect for nicotine)@ This stuff is not for playing. I remember when I started smoking,13 years old, and we would hit them as hard as we could to get a buzz, thisbwas 10 times that buzz, and not fun. I don't ever want to do that again. I suggest using 36mg/ml for mixing. It is plenty strong, and still cost effective. I am a huge fan of menthol and sweetener. I love the cool feeling, and I love sweetness in my juice. My recipes will reflect that. I also love huge flavor, so I go very heavy on flavors. I suggest starting low and working it up to taste. A word on menthol crystals. They are very cheap and extremly strong. In a 5ml container I added 6 medium to large crystals and filled it with PG, placing the plastic dropper bottle in my pocket for about a half hour dissolved the crystals and resulted in a very strong liquid I could drop into any liquid to add a hint of menthol. I do this with almost every liquid just to add another flavor layer and bring me back to my old Newport habit. Will continue post later, sweet vapes order just got here
    1 point
  3. Deadpool809

    Pv Or E-Cig?

    I am not saying that he is any less of a **** for putting it the way he did - but in part, he does have a point. When you quit cold-turkey, that is a serious accomplishment, because you are cutting yourself off a drug that you are addicted to, and demonstrating the will to stay off of it. When you switch to a PV, he's right - you only kind-of quit smoking. You are still taking the drug, and are still addicted to it. Yes, it is absolutely better for you, but you are still addicted to the drug. I have a very libertarian position on the matter, and think if people want to take a certain drug, they are more than free to. But I have to say that he did accomplish something you did not. You both quit cigarettes, but he actually quit nicotine, which is much, much, much harder. If vapers are going to promote the item based on it being a way to quit smoking, I think it's important to recognize that quitting the nicotine is also important, and someone who gets there without the aid of a PV is to be applauded. Because they did do it better than someone who just switched and is still getting their nicotine fix. Even if you are vaping, saying you are or are not a smoker is really just a semantics game. If you are taking in the nicotine, you are still addicted - no matter what delivery method you choose. I think they are great for it, but I use it like I used cigarettes - because I like smoking, and really don't care to quit. Sure, I have the nic level dialed in low, but that works for me. Ultimately, I think we should be less concerned with what other people think. PVs are good, because they don't have the carcinogens, but they are bad in a way because many are still used to deliver nicotine. It is a bad we choose to include in our lives, and we have every right to do so. I guess it depends on how you present it. Rather than saying that you quit smoking, perhaps the device should be sold in your description as a healthier alternative. Because at the end of the day, those that are able to completely quit have accomplished more than those who still take in nicotine. They DO have more bragging rights, and I have a feeling (not accusing anyone specifically, mind you), there are some vapers who do brag about how they "quit smoking." And if I quit cold turkey (and I did at one point - there were several years between the time I smoked cigarettes and the time I picked up my pipe for recreational smoking), I would be a bit irritated by someone bragging about quitting when they never faced withdrawals.
    1 point
  4. mega

    Mega's Mad Science

    maybe people just might get a 3ml sample who knows moneys a bit tight since i dont go back to work till middle of march. but maybe in a week or so ill be getting one going. I hope. but yeas I like your idea about a rating system. but what would go out would be marked only with pg/vg content and nic content. keep people guessing.
    1 point
  5. baaahhhh! I hear the Pcc hold 2 batteries and 4 cartomizers.
    1 point
  6. whokrz

    Wood Tube Mod

    They will be made with 14650 and 18650 tubes/cones. The riva was just a test to see how it would look on a battery, sorry for the confusion. They are very similar to how I turn a pen. Here is a link. http://gentrywoodturning.com/cms.php?id_cms=7 Step 6 and 7 are skiped because bushings are not sold for these tubes. Bushings act as a guide while turning a pen blank these are just turned by eye.
    1 point
  7. I get a good 8 hours outta mine. Maybe sumthins wrong with the batt? I remember a couple years ago we were really happy to get 2 hrs outta a batt
    1 point
  8. BirdDog

    Facebook Parenting :)

    Wondering if he removed the battery before shooting the laptop and someone send that man an ecig.
    1 point
  9. bobthesalesclerk


    Already did My guitarists roommate. Has aa 2 year old son. sent from my Ice Cream Sandwiched Gtablet
    1 point
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