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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/03/2012 in all areas

  1. There is no such thing as too many toys !!!
    2 points
  2. Its real easy to calculate how much $$$ you save on quitting analogs by subtracting out the $$ you would spend on per pack. 6 months in, and for me its about $1,700. 1.5 packs a day times 180 days. In MD its costs about $6.35 per pack with tax. But I’m interested in any hidden savings people are getting as well. Like for me, my daily work day morning ritual would consist of going to the local corner store, to buy my pack of cigs for the day, BUT I would always also get a cup of coffee and a ham, egg, and cheese breakfast sandwich. That’s $4-$5 right there. Now that I don’t smoke any more, I never go there any more. In the last 6 months, I think I’ve been there only 2 or 3 times… Now in the mornings, since I don’t stop for cigs, I make my own coffee in the morning, and eat breakfast at home. So really in addition to the $1,700+ I saved on analogs, I also calculate I’ve saved an additional $500 in breakfast sandwich/coffee purchases. Just wondering what other hidden savings people have…
    1 point
  3. Jeffb

    Newbie Question

    Also remember all the juice in the cart doesn't get used up, so I think mjradik's numbers are close but still high.
    1 point
  4. DAYVAPE, Thank you for the recommendation. My wife has now been inspired to quit tobacco. So, I should get her an eGo so I can try it as well. Is there anything that I should know about that system before I buy it?
    1 point
  5. elDuderino

    Ce2 Vs Tank?

    I'm gonna jump in here bc nobody has actually answered your question. A CE2, also known as a fluxomizer or clearomizer is essentially a "tank." They typically come in .8ml and 1.8ml sizes, but no one refers to them as "tanks." When ppl refer to tanks, they are talking about MAP tanks or similar. These typically hold 3ml - 5ml in juice. There are tanks designed to use CE2's and tanks designed to use dual-coil cartomizers. The actual tank you get depends on whether or not you prefer ce2's or dual coils, bc the tank itself is seperate from the atomizing unit that is placed inside it. Once the unit burns out or quits working, you can replace the ce2 or dual coil without having to buy a new tank. A simple google search of MAP tank will produce many vendors selling tanks. You just have to decide if you want to use ce2's or dual coils. I personally have a provari and use a 5 ml ce2 MAP tank. I like the ce2's bc you can get a 5 pack for $12 from gotvapes.com I've never tried dual coils because they are typically around 1.5 ohms. With such a low resistance the provari's protection circuit wont allow you to vape them at higher voltages.
    1 point
  6. I like a mix of them. PG makes more vapor and more throat hit in my experience.
    1 point
  7. PG and VG are fine - it is far more important to look into what is used in the flavoring. Diacetyl is bad to inhale. It is sometimes used in buttery flavors... but I think most places are avoiding it now.
    1 point
  8. some are alergic to one or the other. other than that there pretty much the same. pg is thinner vg thicker. both clear, but can say pg gives a better throat hit and if you dont care about that then you havent had a good thorat hit. lol. I can say from he past you can drink either one. dont recomend that. but you can.
    1 point
  9. Quick answer: No, neither has any benefit of being less harmful to you than the other. Not that I am aware of, PG is an oil derived dispersant, nothing too terrible except that it is derived from petroleum http://en.wikipedia....ropylene_glycol VG is about the same thing, VG typically isn't derived from vegetables, although we still use the term VG what is usually meant is Glycerol, also known as Glycerin(e), and it is typically derived also from petroleum. Neither have been found to be cancerous, both are used in food additives/medicinal uses for various things. Skin protectants/moisturizers/ect. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Glycerol In my opinion neither has a significant damage to the environment or to the body over the other. It is simply based on how you like your vapor to perform that would determine your usage.
    1 point
  10. Stossel takes on the FDA's war on vaping: http://www.foxnews.com/opinion/2011/11/16/fda-is-trying-to-kill-smokers/
    1 point
  11. if these pics bother any hardcore smokers they will just get a cigarette case to but the packs in. people have to WANT to quit not be forced too!
    1 point
  12. I don't think there's a single smoker in america who is unaware of the dangers of smoking, self-righteous anti-smokers will jump at any opportunity to tell them. So will this inform anyone of something they weren't already aware of? probably not. would it have dissuaded me? no. This may be an unpopular opinion, but i think enough has been done to inform smokers of the health risks of smoking, smokers know it's bad, and have that voice in the back of their heads that quitting is probably a good idea, but quitting happens by choice, when the drive and desire to quit overpower the addiction, and no amount of fear-based mud-slinging or tax-hikes will fully eradicate smoking in its entirety. But the true zealots of any cause never really stop after tunnel vision sets in. smoking at this point is wildly unpopular, broadly known to be extremely bad for your health, and ridiculously expensive. Friends telling friends about vaping will eventually do a hell of a lot more than outright oppression. I believe it's time for the anti-smoking zealots to slow it down a bit and let smokers quit on their own. And hey, if you're an anti-smoker who has trouble letting people live their lives, maybe it's time to go after fast food, that will kill you way faster than smoking could ever hope to. Jon
    1 point
  13. nana

    New Cigarette Health Warnings

    Of course I can't know for sure, but I don't think the pictures would have stopped me from picking up the habit. I first tried an analog when I was probably 10. Some friends had them and gave me one. If that choking and coughing didn't stop me, I don't think anything would have. I snuck a cigarette any chance I had after that, but didn't start smoking full time until I was 15. I know for sure those pictures would not have helped me quit. It was the cost that finally made me want to quit, but even then I couldn't. Vaping is the only thing that ever worked for me. And it's still working - almost two years later.
    1 point
  14. Seeing the real thing didn't stop me, so I guess not. The only thing that has stopped me from smoking is vaping. So, so glad I found e-cigs and this site, couldn't do without either.
    1 point
  15. I doubt u'll get "hooked" that much more than you already are. Ever since I got the 36mg, ive been vaping a lot less. Because now i can get my nicotine buzz, and enjoy it for a lil while. Im not constantly picking up my ecig all day anymore. Im using it when I really need it, which is closer to how I was with analogs.
    1 point
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