I have a few drip tips/510 attys coming, what is the life of a typical 510? I am hoping the 510/dripping will work better with my higher VG liquids than my ego-C tank system or carts. Bobas is great, but jams those up pretty hard.
Any specific differences between drip tips? I have a few soft ones and a few acryllic ones coming just for fun, I think? Haven't gotten on the tank train yet as I am still learning and I don't seem to have to refill cartos too much as I am using Ego Dual Coils and they hold plenty, and when switching between two they last quite some time. I don't think I will really need a tank. Although I am sure I will get one, or a few...I want A Jonboyusmc tank just for fun, but they are quite hard to obtain...
Will post back with my experience once the LT arrives!
Also, new favorite liquid website! Sweet-vapes.com! This place is amazing. Picked up their blueberry cheesecake in double flavor 24mg, and the throat hit is rediculous. I cannot believe the flavor and power packed into it.