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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/03/2012 in all areas

  1. Happy new year everyone, it was my birthday also on new years =D. Well I drank up and it was the first time I vaped while being drunk and it was like i was puffing out atomic mushroom clouds, i guess it really numbs your senses even more, i guess i was taking super long hits than i normally do. Anyways people at the party stared at me like what the **** is this guy doing, what is that thing hes holding and what is he smoking, and why does it smell like a scented vanilla candle instead of smoke, is he doing drugs? Well, after a half hour of drunken ecig talk to my friends and some random people i never seen before, I let them try out my ecig and kind of told them about what it is. I was surprised not a single person knew what it was, but my cousin and 2 friends who smoke cigarettes are trying out ecigs now, and a couple are more interested in them and probably will switch to them also. I just wanted to share a story, it kind of feels good helping someone I know switch to ecigs and hopefully get normal cigarettes outta their life, i know im glad I found vaportalk and it got me to switch to ecigs as well. Happy new year!
    2 points
  2. snubber

    Remember Your E-Cig Roots

    At the start of a new year we tend to look back on the past year and reflect on what we've done and look forward on what we plan to do. I've recently passed my 2 year mark here on VaporTalk and wonder where the hell the time has gone.Although I haven't been here as long as some others I have noticed so many changes, both on the forum and with the people. So many have come and gone, and you wonder where they went and why they left? Chris has said that it's the nature of a forum. Not being on many I wouldn't know, but I can't help but wonder why? Did they just get tired? Have they gone to other forums? Or did they just give up? I can't imagine finding a better, friendlier, or more helpful forum than VT. I have many people here to thank for helping me when I first started out to quit analogs. With their help and encouragement I'm coming up on 2 years smoke free. So what all this is leading up to is never forget where you started and who helped you along. If this forum was your first stop in a new way of getting healthier then don't give up on the forum. Stop bye from time to time, say hello, let us know how you're doing and how your e-cig journey is coming along. I myself am guilty of not coming bye as often as I should, but I have never forgotten where I got my start. So stop bye from time to time, say hello, maybe you can help someone else on their way to quit. The people here really do care and like to help. Hope to see you all often. Good luck and Happy Vaping!
    2 points
  3. As much as I despise doing a "me too" post, I do agree Snubber. I think that all of the new podcasts and forums started in the past year has scattered folks far and wide. More places to go then vaporers to fill them. I encounter old familar names in all of the ones I visit. The new social media of G+ has made private or exclusive what was once public and accessable to anyone in the forum posts and chat. Its all about invitations, hangouts and approvals now. If not invited or popular your out. If you are not known you maybe ignored. If you don't know about it you will never be told. The curious and new folks will still need places like VaporTalk to get started and will still need good and current information. We can still give them a leg up with or without the old regulars. Once you get tired talking about the new diamond encrusted gold plated conspicuous consumption mod powered by unobtainium come on back and help a newbie choose a Ego.
    1 point
  4. wow really?! Tell me more about this microchip controlled cartridge... Who the heck leads up the research dept? Read More: http://www.tradearabia.com/news/HEAL_189320.html
    1 point
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