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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/26/2011 in all areas

  1. vaporz

    Health Observation

    They say electronic cigarettes have not been tested. They don't know if it's bad for your health or not. More testing should be done. Well I think the testing has been done. How many people have now been using electronic cigarettes for at least a year. We are the test subjects and I would have to say from my own personal experience from being a smoker for 27 years to being a vapor the past year that they are most certainly better for your health. Before I started e cigs smoking had led me to needing an asma puffer. Not long after I switched did I put the puffer away. My color changed. Everyone was saying I just looked better. I know I feel better. How much more proof do I need to give myself. I"m convinced. Take this statement to your labs fda. Electronic cigarettes are much healthier than regular awful smelling tobacco cigarettes. I think it has more to do with the tobacco's companies making it difficult. You don't need a lab to to tell you this is healthier. There are already thousands of guini pigs who have already done the testing. The fact I can go to any local convenient store and buy a pack of butts but not buy e liquid with nicotine in it just says the fda is incredibly stupid or there is something else interfering with the slow process of legalizing nicotine for electronic cigarettes in countries like Canada. It is healthier and we all know it.
    1 point
  2. noXious

    Vg Or Glycerine

    VG = Vegetable Glycerin. Glycerol, Glycerin and Glycerine are the same. I think what varies is what and where the glycerol is derived from and maybe it's level of purity?? It is used in all sorts of products but I'm not sure if there is a purity level that determines food grade vs other grades of VG. Here's the wiki entry for Glycerol .. it might help
    1 point
  3. ThaHodgehound

    Health Observation

    Going on 2 years here myself and never felt better! I have not noticed ANY negative effects!
    1 point
  4. slowtrain


    oh man, i just got one of these on wednesday from lite cig. They sent me a free bottle of juice to try and threw one of these in the package. i didn't realize what it was at first but after double checking online i was very surprised and excited to try it and wow! I was previously using the out of the box ego set up and this thing is way better! Super easy to draw and tons of vapor. It seems to use juice really fast, add to that the fact that every time i use it it tastes like i wanna use it again, but yeah. Now i gotta go buy a bunch of em!
    1 point
  5. Strykker118A

    First Day

    As long as you have a credit/debit card your options are limitless and I must say it feels good getting packages. Im like a kid on Christmas day when my packages come. Shoulda seen me today when the mail ran. I literally ran to the mailbox for my Madvapes and Vaporpro orders, lol.
    1 point
  6. kitsune

    Health Observation

    Unfortunately there are those that need something to pick on....currently (among many) its smoking and anything remotely resembling smoking...ya, that means us. But, I am with you. Currently I am 2 1/2 years into vaping and have not smoked since I began this amazing journey. I smoked for 30 years and had quit quitting, that is, until I discovered vaping. No more short of breath, no more hacking up a lung several times a day, improved circulation, no more second hand smoke for my family/pets. The community has grown so much during the last couple years, our voice will become louder and louder !!!
    1 point
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