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  1. I use Choco Java at work all day and them switch to Bobas or Gorilla juice at home. Occasionally I'll have some Coffee Expresso but I've pretty much settled in on 2 flavors. I don't try out new ones as much as I used to.
    1 point
  2. Yes you did I use a VG/PG mix so all good for me no leaking at all so far.
    1 point

    Time For A Mod

    Altsmoke makes the Silver Bullet ... and they have a bunch of colors now! http://altsmoke.com/...lverbullet.html Variable voltage is nice... I have a VV Saber Touch and to be honest I only use my 3.7 v devices with LR cartos... so VV isn't really necessary for me! Also, I'm not a fan of battery stacking anyway... not that they would blow up, just not the safest thing to do. I have just settled in happily with 3.7v and LR.
    1 point
  4. I personally do not agree with the if you cant smoke there don't vape there rule. It's fine if thats your thing but it's not for me. I feel if people see up abstaining from vaping in places where you can't smoke they will think, so those are just as bad as cigarettes. I don't want that, I want the opposite, so I vape everywhere. In 6 months no one has asked me not to vape in their business place. This includes fast food restaurants Wal-Mart, Home Depo, Lowes, Malls etc. Lowes is supposed to have a no vaping policy but it's not posted publicly in the store. I know Wal-Mart has a no vaping policy for the employees, they have to vape outside on their breaks. I have had people from both stores come to me and ask me where they can get an e-cig for themselves or a loved one. I have had store managers tell me it's o.k. if I vape there because they understand there is no second hand risk to them and they believe the corporate policies were made out of fear and ignorance. Today we know so much more about e-cigs than they did even 8 months ago when I started studying them. I used two months to study the pros and cons, who was saying what and if they had an agenda before I tried them. I guess word of the truth is trickling down to the common man. I believe that vapers should be seen and heard. Of course if asked to stop, I won't simply say O.k. I'll put it down and stop - I will use that as an opportunity to educate. I will say I will stop if they insist, but to quell their fears I will demonstrate the e-cig, tell them of the studies that show there is no risk to others, show that they cannot smell it so it would not bother anyone, explain to them it's no different than using a medical nicotine inhaler ( which they could not refuse you to use because it's "medicine") and finally how i believe this wonderful tool has saved my life from a horrible painful death, then ask them to reconsider - but if they insist, I will be happy to stop. This hasn't happened yet. I do normally talk about all those things when ever people stop me and ask me about the e-cig. people for the most part are curious and want to know more. By me vaping in public I have helped save lives and to me that's what it's all about. That's the best reason to keep vaping everywhere. Just think, your choice to not vape could help cause someone who really needs an e-cig to not be exposed to them, and thus they may die a horrible painful death. At least it's worth a try until they make you stop I believe. Am I out to save the world? YES! Thats just my take on it, you have to do what you are comfortable with.
    1 point
  5. I don't necessarily believe in all day vapes as I get pretty tired or desensitized to them, I prefer to use 2-3 flavors each day and Boba's is always in the rotation. I vape it most evenings. Simply one of the best juices I have tried. Awesome.
    1 point
  6. Well guys I couldnt wait any longer. I got Boba from his steeping slumber and tried it. Its really good and I kinda get this undescribable taste to it, its nuts. I like it but I dont think its gonna replace my vanilla tobacco. Nice for an occasional vape I think.
    1 point
  7. I guess I need to practice a little more watchfulness. I had to google stealth vape That sounds like a solution! Since I've used my pv while driving, I'm ALWAYS paranoid about the police pulling me over. As for trying out vape night at a few places, that's a big step for Chicago! I just moved from chitown a few years ago & man -- people would look at you like a leper for smoking even while outside. (I think that's when my hiding habits started) I'd be interested to hear how that goes up there. Thanks for weighing in folks!!
    1 point
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