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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/09/2011 in all areas

  1. Hello everyone Im new to vaping. Been about 3 weeks and just saying thanks to everyone in expanding my knowledge on this whole new experience. People here are friendly and its a great place to learn. I started today and I can say that ill be on here a lot. Im eager to learn more about this new lifestyle I have picked up. ecigs have given me a better life in just 3 weeks, wow! I feel great, I sleep better, I can breathe again, no more stinky clothes or smokers breath, and (sorry for too much info) my sexual desire for my wife has increased. Spread the word to your family and friends and promote a healthier lifestyle for loved one. Take care everyone and keep vaping!!!
    2 points
  2. Sign up for an account in the Vapor Talk store and we'll get you a little something to tide you over if you'd like Just help spread the word about Vapor Talk and we'll call it even
    2 points
  3. Cartomizers FTW
    1 point
  4. Uma

    Atty-Tank Vs Carto

    Goodprophets has a thin vg line that works in most cartos and or tubes. Write them a note and ask which one would be goo for your type of carto.
    1 point
  5. Christopher


    You only need to "steep" custom made e liquid that's true strong or not quite the flavor you like. There isn't much to it. Just let it sit for a while. Though IMO liquid should be ready to go on arrival.
    1 point
  6. Welcome to Vapor Talk!!!
    1 point
  7. Strykker118A

    New To Vapor Talk.

    Thanks. Yeah I finally got away from the noob section, lol. Im really liking this site. Its a great learning experience for my vaping journey and I love learning new things and meeting new people. Everyone is so positive and friendly here. Not like most forums where people are arguing and cursing each other. Seems like were all one big happy vaping community and its great. I will be spending most of my spare time on here now, so bye bye facebook, lol. Thanks everyone and have a great day!!
    1 point
  8. Uma

    Atty-Tank Vs Carto

    Check this genius out! http://www.youtube.com/user/mwa1024#p/u/0/tze-R5oWoGA combine that stroke of wonderfulness with any tank, even the diy tank:
    1 point
  9. Sharon

    New To Vapor Talk.

    Strykker118A, Welcome to Vapor Talk Forum! You just have to have at least 5 posts in the noobie section before you can go everywhere on the forum and post. I hope this helps you and welcome again!
    1 point
  10. Strykker118A

    Best E-Cig

    Its all personal preferance bud. I think the Joye ego has been the best for me. Ive done my research on a lot of devices and I must say the ego has been splendid. I use a regular ego battery with the mega atomizers and carts. Occasionally I will use the ego battery with my 510 atty just cause it seems to put off great flavor. But definitely go with an ego. There are many different names depending on the vendor but if you check out vaporpro.com they sell genuine Joye products, not the knockoff stuff. Their prices are the lowest I have seen anywhere. Good luck and vape on brother.
    1 point
  11. Hang in there bud. You opened my eyes and now Im gonna start keeping extra bottles around just in case funds get low, its tough nowdays for a lot of people. Good luck and vape on dudes!
    1 point
  12. alan

    E-Cig Poll

    Only had 2 of them.510 and its big brother,the EGO.I don't even know what the VP-PT is?
    1 point
  13. Brian

    New To Vaping Please Help

    Welcome to Vapor Talk! Look into the eGo. The standard batteries are 650mah and generally last 8+ hours. You can also get them in 900 and 1000 mah. The standard 510 battery is 180mah and will only last 1-2 hours max for a heavy user (I got about an hour from them). If you're looking for something a little bigger, check into some mods like the Silver Bullet from Altsmoke.com or the Bombshell from Hotvapes. They use a replaceable 18650 battery that is 2600 mah and will usually last most vapers all day or more.
    1 point
  14. Haven't been around lately but I got my Provari finally, only took 2 weeks and I gotta tell you, it sure has spoiled me. That thing is silky smooth. I also got a NOeGo 18650 and I'm enjoying that too with the dual coils on it. I keep the Provari home. I'm afraid to take it out and about. Still use the eGo-T too on occasion. I have to admit, I've only been doing this since April and I have sure become obsessed with vaping. No analogs either at all!! I'm happy.
    1 point
  15. Hey Uma, 5 months is a long time to be without internet. I bet you're enjoying it again. I'd be lost without it. I can sit here for hours looking at stuff. Glad you're back and gettin caught up with all the new PV items.
    1 point
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