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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/19/2011 in all areas


    Just Saying Hello

    It really is quite amazing! I remember when I first found out about them on the internet in some ad or something... I had never heard of them before at all. I thought they looked mighty interesting to say the least... so I started doing a bit of research and landed on the Vapor Talk website/forum. Shortly after, I ordered my first e-cig and gave it a shot, and didn't want another analog from then on. I never thought it would be that easy... nor was I even planning on quitting analogs in the first place... it just kind of fell in my lap and loved it. It's nice to hear about all of the great success stories from everyone... and to think that there is such a debate over them is insane! It's crazy that something that has saved/is saving so many people, and improving the everyday lives of those using them... could create such a huge fiasco! I never have really understood 'those people' that are so against them... but then remind myself that it's all about money to that group of individuals anyway.
    1 point
  2. thorne

    Just Saying Hello

    Welcome to VT. And congratz on the decision to toss the analogs. This is the most helpful forum I have been on, so if you have any questions, just holler.
    1 point
  3. nana

    Just Saying Hello

    It is truly amazing, isn't it? I quit right away - after smoking for 34+ years. I am coming up on my two year anniversary of being smoke free and I'm still amazed by it. Congratulations and welcome!
    1 point
  4. frosting

    Just Saying Hello

    Congratulations! It really does feel amazing. All that is required is the want to quit, and even then without it I think it can greatly help some cut down on their cigg intake. After my 3rd day I feel like I'm in the clear. Only wish I did it sooner as well
    1 point
  5. mjradik

    Just Saying Hello

    Welcome Shelly. I was told about ecigs about 2 years ago, but never followed through. I kind of whish I did, but at the same time, I'm kind of glad I didn't. I look at OLD posts from 2 years ago, and it seemed there still wasn't alot of GOOD products out yet, and alot of people got frustrated and stopped vaping. I mean if I had to use one of the 'analog' looking ecigs, that only lasted an hour, and pay $7 bucks for, I would have given up. But that my opinion, and I could be wrong, maybe I would have stuck it out.
    1 point
  6. wendallb

    Just Saying Hello

    Welcome to the forum and isn't it just wonderful...I quit very fast also after 50 years of analogs..
    1 point
  7. cheryli

    Just Saying Hello

    I know. Isn't it amazing. I got mine in the mail after doing tons of research so I knew what to do with it...never had another analog. Congratulations.
    1 point
  8. nana

    Just Saying Hello

    I don't belong to any other forums, so I may be just a bit biased, but I like this place. It's comfy. It's homey. It's safe. It's family. Chris has done a wonderful job putting it together, maintaining it, keeping the drama out, and keeping it a good place to be. He's picked the best of the best as admin's to help him out, too.
    1 point
  9. Chris, I didn't want to say where it was from. I hope you appreciate me withholding that. I'm only trying to figure out what it is that I'm sure I'm doing wrong. When I just pressed on the button to see if it was discolored behind it (i.e., the color of the liquid), it is not. Nice, bright, shiny white LED. It seems that is a simply a case of liquid running down the sides and defying gravity to go around the button (as I rest it button up at the fifteen degree angle, as mentioned previously). It's not a huge issue, I was merely curious if it happened to anyone else and see what I might be doing wrong. Placing it in a cup of some sort while it rests will likely help, especially when it's overnight and in the off mode. I appreciate the help and the service, if it were indeed warranted. (Not the same as "under warranty".)
    1 point
  10. Tagsanstuff

    Tanks Or ?

    I got mine from https://www.cignot.com I got 2 of them..
    1 point
  11. Jeffb

    Tanks Or ?

    Changing flavors in the tanks is much easier than the clearomizer. I did not like the clearomizers that I had due to the heating element being too close to the mouthpiece. It made for a very warm an uncomfortable vape.
    1 point
  12. Chainvape

    Vv Box Mod From Mv

    Nice! Thanks for the info. Got the package today they sent a 5v box mod instead of the VV. No big deal as the VV is on it's way after a short chat with them. They also gave me a free 3.5 ohm atty along with a bottle of juice. The 5v box mod is pretty cool...props to MV's CS.
    1 point
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