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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/13/2011 in all areas

  1. Sharon, Wow! That's dedication!! Thanks for the help people!
    1 point
  2. This thread is priceless. ((((((( hugs to all ))))))
    1 point
  3. I keep mine topped off during use also. You never want to vape a dry cartomizer, or a dry atomizer. But tossing them away after only 4 or 5 days? I get a lot of good use out of mine. They fire just like new if they are rinsed out with hot water and the air passage is cleaned. I let them air dry over night or until I want to re-use them again. I only use the same type/flavor of juice in each one, so no change in flavor. Easy to do and well worth the effort. A 5 Pack lasts me a while before I need to reorder more.
    1 point
  4. As stated above, the batteries need to be dead before each re-charge. I "ALWAYS" wait till my eGo batteries blink indicating that they need a recharge. My buddy recharges his batteries any old time as he pleases and my batteries last WAY longer than his. He buys batteries much faster than I do. His go bad and need replaced. Costly mistake! As for cleaning a cartomizer, I use hot water to rinse them out and I also run a piece of dental bridge floss through mine. You can buy it at any Walgreen's pharmacy. It's like a flexible pipe cleaner but smaller in diameter so it fits through the air passage way. It gently pulls all the build up off the coils. I use dual coil and single coil cartomizers. It makes my cartomizers last a lot longer. Hope this helps!
    1 point
  5. fran1959

    To Much Throat Hit

    I really like juices from Ms. T's Bakery, they are a mix, more VG than PG and you can request any nic you want. Her peach juice is very good and I especially like the chocolate brownies. VT juices are also very good, they are PG though. I would suggest ordering small bottles or samplers if you can to see what you like, there are so many choices.
    1 point
  6. Uma

    To Much Throat Hit

    I, too, prefer more vapor than TH... and flavor with my vapor. VG = vapor PG= flavor NIC = TH with those (prementioned) basics in mind, one can easily adjust any juice on hand. Personally, I like to always have on hand the same flavor in VG (MsTsBakery) and PG(VaporTalk, LiquidXpress, etc) and mix in an empty bottle (or direct drip) as needed. I also buy premixed VG/PG blends. (TastyVapor for example) VG and Cartomizers don't always get along. The Direct Dripping method and Bottom Feeder (ReosMods for example) PV's certainly work nicely though. GoodProphets has a nice VG line that is thinned appropriately for cartomizers. You might want to give their VG a try if you're using carto's. I'm sure there's others out there, but I can only think of the one off hand. It's all trial and error and happy surprises. Finding the right combo for you personally is a personal adventure. I hope these tips help you with your journey. Good luck and Happy Vaping!
    1 point
  7. BirdDog

    To Much Throat Hit

    All three will affect throat hit. PG, nicotine and the menthol. The two that affect throat hit the most is the nicotine and the menthol. When you start vaping there is an adjustment period. Flavor will be dull, from years of smoking, but will get better with time. Some people notice better flavor within weeks or some may not notice for several months. You can try lowering the nic level and maybe try a few different flavors other than menthol. You can also order liquids with a PG/VG mix. You just have to experiment until you find the perfect vape for you. Good luck.
    1 point
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