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  1. *I have never ever Vaped before just thought I'd add that* For about two hours right after my E-go charged i simply could not put it down. It was so much fun! Granted the cartridges that came with it tasted more or less flavorless i was enjoying it so much it didn't matter. Figures I buy 2 packs today and Ta-Da There is my e-go on the counter. It took a few minutes to get the hang of. Charged rather quick for me, maybe 20-30 minuites. I'm thinking it may have been tested before shipment so there was a partial charge. So far it seems like everything is working! So thrilled with Liberty Flights right now. I was skeptical and concerned with it being cheap but so far so good. To me it feels very much like smoking but not as "harsh". I find it really refreshing actully. I was afraid the hits where going to suck. After getting the ego out of the box, and examining the cartidges. I put my lips to one and gave it a go. "Oh No" I thought. I was so wrong! Amazingly that itty bitty hole really does pack the vapor punch. It was such a good time seeing how big i could vape. I used that first cartidge preety fast! The stuffing began to come out, go into the atomizer so that's when i figured "Ya that's done now". I ran upstairs excited to show my Mom. She took a couple drags but both made her cough. Willing to give it a go when her allergies arn't as bad. My very first pull on the E-go getting it right, i coughed too. I was like "Whoa!! it does work!" After a few attemps of no vapor i figured out i had to keep my finger on the button while i inhaled. I also let my brother try it 4-5 times to see if he could like it. He was really critical about it, but that's just his personality i suppose. He didn't think it was much of a comparison to smoking. Maybe when i get more flavors I can try to change his mind... Now, satisfaction after eating with the E-go. Not too bad. Not the same but tolerable. Throat is getting a little irritated now after vaping almost 2 hours straight. Who woulda thought? Slightly wanting a cigg, but I got that off my mind after going to work out. I notice I'm coughing a little more vaping after eating. I'm sure in a couple days that will go away. Loving Vaping so far! Alas, a trip to the Mall using the E-go. Nobody really noticed, or if anyone did they didn't say anything. I also took it to a local smoke shop. Vaped in front the guy. He was selling some E-ciggs but none as snazzy as my E-go! I could tell be was impressed. If i absolutly must i may pop by there for a juice as mine needs to "age" about a week. Overall my first day with the E-go has been awesome. Since about 2pm no cigg! No cravings! ( okay drinking iced coffee right now i gotta be honest i kinda want one. Until i order more i hope this Fluval will work up some magic with at least some of the juice i have right now untill i get cartomizers. So that was my first day ever with my E-go and vaping. Already in 7 hours of being smoke free im feeling fantastic. I can breathe! Its amazing to think sticking with it, things can only get better for my body from here on out. I gotta say the E-go really truly is, something amazing. At least for me!
    2 points
  2. One thing to keep in mind by the way, the forum now auto saves your posts so there isn't as much of a need to copy and paste as their used to be. If you loose your page or refresh, when you come back to the quick reply box a "View Auto Saved Content" link will show on the bottom of the box. That will reload your last auto save
    2 points
  3. jen_haynes

    First Day With My E-Go!

    Congrats Frosting! I just got mine on Thursday & was really surprised. I had 1 analog in the last 28 hours (also a miracle for a pack a day smoker of 25 yrs for me). Unlike you, though, my brother totally digs it! My husband likes it (he's a beer smoker). I can't get over how my hands, my hair, & my clothes no longer reek. My 7 yr old told me today: You smell like cookies momma. I plan on sharing the device with family & friends that are hooked on the nasty tobacco weed like me. Today I felt the possibility of life - an old glimpse of my former myself. Keep at the vaping & your not alone on this journey. Sincerely, Jen (mother of two)
    1 point
  4. DMIAvaper

    Wow! This Is Weird!

    I got an ego t atty with one of my first purchases. I thought that I had blown out all the primer and threw it on the battery and had this awful burnt taste. Did not know what was wrong with it. Put it on the shelf, got some good advice on these forums on how much primer is in those type of attys, and revisited. Could not believe how much I was able to blow out of that little thing. 100% better now, working great!
    1 point
  5. maverick

    Wow! This Is Weird!

    Agree with Brian. Remove the inner baffle from the mouthpiece tank, for sure. I then leave the outer one on and use a Q-tip to remove condensation from the tip......when necessary.
    1 point
  6. YouMayLose

    First Day With My E-Go!

    I also got my ego today but unlike you I didn't share mine.. you no how the commercial goes...lego my ego lmao.. I also can see this working well to keep me off analogs... now I guess tomorrow morning I'll get 1 of those analog free counter signatures and see if I can finally give them up once and for all. And hopefully you do as well :-)
    1 point
  7. I'm with John, and very happy with this vendor. The Ressurector has replaced the beloved Boge 2.0, due to increased juice capacity; and even though it's lower in resistance.....it gives off a cooler vape for me at 3.2 volts/Ego. Mod vaping at 3.7 is a nice sweet spot. Dual coils have not revealed any advantage for this vapor person. The 15 carto deal and free drip tip is a hard to beat deal. Fast ship, nice customer service, choice of steel or black cart combo, and overall top notch seller. Very legit.........
    1 point
  8. Here's a little trick with the Ego T.......Wick adjustment on these can be tedious when starting out. If you notice one is clogging up and hard to draw? It's flooding and needs the wick pushed up in the spike. However, instead of doing this, you can run the higher VG (50/50 mix) and it will slow the feed down. If it's dry burning and giving a foul taste? The wick is not feeding fast enough and needs pushed down in the wick tube. Solution is to run the higher PG (thinner mix) through this atty for speeding up the feed. It's one of those push/pull type of things, but often the described attempts can save you from pulling the plate and messing with anything at all. Most of them are set just right (genuine Joye) and you can run either mixture just fine. And being a pure water drinker myself?......I still take in a few extra glasses a day since vaping. Hope this helps and congratulations on your accomplishments. Vape on.......
    1 point
  9. Another thing you might try on the soft bottom is to pre-punch a hole. I used a 12guage needle I bought off ebay for 99 cents. I filled down the sharp point, and used that to make a nice clean hole. I haven't had a single leaking issue for a month now. Been using the same 5 tanks/bottoms for the month too.
    1 point
  10. If you want a juice with more VG, you may want to try the Organic juice from VapeRite. It's 100% VG, but somehow it's not as this as normal 100% VG juice. That's all my wife uses and it works great in the eGo-T. She like the Waffle and Blueberry Pancake. I'm not much on them, but she loves them. I do like the VR4 tobacco - very nice flavor.
    1 point
  11. Brian

    Wow! This Is Weird!

    On the tank, you can pop out the little mouth piece and the one directly underneath it. See the hole (the air hole on the part you put in your mouth)? Just stick a paper clip or something in it and pop it out. Just below that is another one you can also pop out. I found this gave me a better draw, better vapor, and it keep you from getting juiced. Condensation can build up around the air hole and eventually you will suck it through (yuck). It's the first thing I do when I get a new tank. And no, it won't leak.
    1 point
  12. johns

    Are These Too Good To Be True?

    I have ordered from crystal clear vaping twice now with no problems. I've ordered the resurector and the boge carto combo deals and been happy with both. If you are into tobacco flavors try his Black n Mild.
    1 point
  13. Viper Ron

    Ecig Taxes

    Placed my vote
    1 point
  14. frosting

    Ecig Taxes

    I'm likely going to mention this elsewhere if an Admin doesn't see it. I saw a great idea. I know VT has good connections. This news needs to be sent to suppliers so suppliers can let their customers know too!! I voted, i'm tweeting this crap like crazy. Twitter seems dumb, but post something enough a lot of people will see it. Trying to get other people to support it but i'm not THAT much of a twitter head.... Its important people vote, but as important people get the word out. Maybe i'm just a passionate person but this just seems so so imporant.
    1 point
  15. Brian

    Noobie And Want Opinion

    Welcome to Vapor Talk! Looks like you're on the right track. I agree with everyone else - get a few more flavors. When I ordered my first kit I got two 30ml bottles of one flavor and one 30ml bottle of another flavor. They weren't very good, but it didn't take long to get some new juice in. Several months later I tried them again and they were still awful. LOL! 90ml of juice down the drain.
    1 point
  16. I have tried a couple different attys with the juice. I have mostly LR but I do have a couple SR and there is some flavor that comes through with SR. It almost seems like the LR just burns up the flavor. don't get a burny flavor but not much of anything. Kinda like smoking a stale analog.
    1 point
  17. Sometimes if a juice sits for a while to does improve, this is not always the case but it does happen.
    1 point
  18. I have not tried either of those flavors but from reading on these posts, sounds like you should probably just dedicate an atty to 'em. I am relatively new to the vaping world, almost have three weeks under my belt and feeling good! One of the flavors I had was tobacco and the other was an RY4 blend. I agree that just letting them go is probably best but every time I look at those gigantic bottles I just can't do it!
    1 point
  19. well at least it's not a cinnamon or coffee that will stay in the atty for 1/2 of its life! Sometimes you can mix two wrongs to get a right, and sometimes the juice gets better. I'm sure you'll find a way to use, or get over it. Flavorless helps the possibilities.
    1 point
  20. I would agree with that! Feel like I had to use it somehow. Honestly the stuff is pretty much flavorless, the weird thing is the juice actually smells pretty good. That is as far as it goes though.
    1 point
  21. oh no. Breaking in new attys with bad juice DM? Sounds like a way to taint a fresh atty. ...I always appreciate a good juice on a fresh atty (after the primer is blown out). Whatever works for you- but it sounds like you need a good local vapemeet to swap those juice out at.
    1 point
  22. I would concur with Viper and Troop. I the first 2 bottles of juice that I bought I did not like at all. I did not like the flavor, strength, TH, or pretty much anything about them. Luckily I had bought a sampler pack from a different vendor that came the next day. I bought 20mL bottles too. The only thing I use them for now is to break in new atomizers.
    1 point
  23. Like Troop says, a lot of vendors sell 3ML bottles and it is perfect for trying different juices without having to much if you do not like it
    1 point
  24. That should get you going! I'd grab a few more juice samplers from different vendors just in case you don't like the two you got. Chocolate can be hit or miss. Sample sizes will allow you to try more and find the juices you like quicker. Good luck!
    1 point
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