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  1. never ordered from wordup but i may now just to show and review that there a good supplier , i work in a dealership, unfortuantly in the biz that the customers are allways right really SUCKs cause you will always get that 1 person that cannot accept they made a mistake or missunderstood something so they feel if they make the most noise they will be compensated... ****** d o u c h e is blocked
    2 points
  2. frosting

    Are The Vendors Involved?

    I saw this in e-cigg news, but there's not a lot of traffic there. I wanted to know from an Admin if suppliers/vendors are aware of this and are informing their customers so more people vote no. E-ciggs are the little guy so I think getting the word out is huge. Really curious if vendors are doing anything to try to stop this. ""Legislator(s) are wanting to double the tax on cigarettes and tax eCigs the same as cigarettes. Can you imagine paying 10 bucks for a tiny cartridge? (the rip-off vendors claim that a cart is the same as a pack of cigs remember). Vote NO!!! Here is where you vote: http://www.govtrack....?bill=s112-1403 This explains what they intend to pull: http://thomas.loc.go.../z?c112:S.1403: QUOTE: Other Tobacco Products- Any product not otherwise described under this section that has been determined to be a tobacco product by the Food and Drug Administration through its authorities under the Family Smoking Prevention and Control Act shall be taxed at a level of tax equivalent to the tax rate for cigarettes on an estimated per use basis as determined by the Secretary.'. UNQUOTE ""
    1 point
  3. Saabdrifter

    Ss Ming Tip

    I think it looks great, but I don't think I will buy anymore SS tips. I have a Super T tip ant I like it but I hate it when it hits my teeth! Also it has a slight taste that I do not like.
    1 point
  4. First off mods are custom made so it will be pretty hard to price shop the same mod with different suppliers. What you can do is pick what features you might like to have and look at different types of mods that offer those features. It will help us, help you, pick the right mod or at least point you in the right direction. What kind of features would you like? Higher voltage? Bottom button/switch? Variable Volt option that will allow you to experiment with different levels of vaping? Then there are the juice feeder mods. There are tons of options available.
    1 point
  5. Most people complain that flavors are not strong enough. So when making our liquids I made sure they where stronger than what is usually stock. They might be a bit more likely to stick in your atomizer, but it will not ruin "future vapes." Usually you can blow our your atomizer, add in new e liquid and after a few puffs the new flavor should take over.
    1 point
  6. Christopher

    Ss Ming Tip

    Heh, I like my women the way I like my Ming tips...
    1 point
  7. 34 days and I didn’t even worry about celebrating the 30 day mark. Seriously? If you want to quit smoking, do your homework, and read the forums. Spend the money, and find a combination you like. My Cliff’s Notes version: (1) Joye eGo starter kit (1) Geoff’s Blend e-liquid (1) Plastic, tapered drip tip (1) Group of supportive folks on an internet forum -Cantus
    1 point
  8. I have basically had above average transactions with 99.9 % of the vendors I've ordered from over the last 2 years! And, I have made it a point to order from MANY different ones that are out there, just to see what they had to offer in the way of juice/products/etc. The only time I ever had an 'issue' at all was with them as well... so I simply decided to take my business elsewhere and not make a big deal about it. I too work in a very customer oriented environment... and I have learned a hell of a lot of things in the last 10 years, the main thing was that I needed to remember to bend over backwards for every customer !! You really should make it a point to go a little above and beyond what you need to do... because, trust me, they will likely remember it and return again in the future. We must remember... 'the customer is always right'!!
    1 point
  9. Can't help you on wordup but I have used Sweet-Vapes and love their service.
    1 point
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