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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/01/2011 in all areas

  1. Jeffb

    Ss Ming Tip

    I Want!!!!!
    2 points
  2. Hi All, It's been a good 4 days of vaping with my eGo-T Mega. I had one Marlboro menthol analog last night and frankly, it tasted horrible. I was getting dry heaves. I can't believe I was used to that! Anyway, since Saturday I've been using both the regular and LR atty with 100% VG menthol juice. I've read in various places not to use 100% VG juice with these atties, but I haven't had any problems. I got some pure PG juice yesterday and tried it with the LR atty and I noticed something odd. The throat hit from the normal atty on the VG juice vs. on the LR atty on the PG juice was the same, but the vapor from the PG juice on the LR atty seemed much less full than that off of the VG juice on the normal atty. I cleaned out both atties and tried it again and the same result -- much less vapor from the LR atty with PG juice. I had to take a significantly longer drag from it to get the same vapor production from the normal atty. Is this typical or am I just getting weird results? Also, I've noticed that the atty leaks with the PG juice. If I fill the tank up completely and take regular drags it's fine, but it seems the moment the juice level falls below the rim of the atty, it starts leaking. Consequent drags and I could tell the atty was flooded -- I could hear significant bubbling from the atty, and upon unscrewing the battery the was a lot of leakage. I ordered some silicone tank caps from Vapor Kings. Hopefully those will help with the leaking because I'm a little bit torn. The VG juice's flavor is a bit more subtle with a hint of sweetness to it, while the PG juice has a much stronger menthol hit...but with the significantly less vapor production and the leakage, I'm a bit turned off by it. Are there any pure VG menthol juices that you recommend? I'm currently using CloudPure menthol juice ordered from cloudsofvapor.com.
    1 point
  3. Maybe try a 50/50 or 40/60 blend? It'll be a thicker vapor, without too much flavor dulling
    1 point
  4. Brian

    Dual Coil Cartimizer

    I tried them and didn't care for them, but I agree with Dayvape - you should try them. You'll find with vaping that for just about every atty, carto, PV, juice, etc., there are some that love and some that hate each one.
    1 point
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