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  1. Burn

    Liquinator Tank

    I am a direct dripper and will do that whenever I can but I don't like dripping and driving so I have been looking for an alternative. Cartridges are terrible, Boge cartomizers were great at one point but they burn too easily unless you are frequently dripping or refilling them, which doesn't serve well as a direct drip alternative while driving. I then got an ego Tank and I can not get the flavor or performance to be suitable. Next came the MAP Tank mod which is perfect, for about 5 ML and then no matter what I do, the flavor goes south very quickly. I picked up a Precious Lv2, with the auto feeder, it works great but the unit was essentially DOA after 3 hours and I am now waiting on a replacement (since march!) The MAP was the best but only getting 5ML per carto was pretty frustrating. I recently received a Liquinator Tank Mod. This one uses the BOGE carto again but this time, they cut slits in the bottom of it so that the liquid that surrounds the carto is constantly being saturated. It has not flooded the carto for me at all. The flavor and performance is great and the carto has not burned in 20 ML. I think this may be the perfect solution and wanted to share it with VT. They do charge 5.95 for shipping then proceed to ship it first class... That is my only gripe and in the end it isnt really a big gripe. Cutting the slot is very easy if you have a dremel or in my case, I use a drill with a dremel cutting disc. Link to the site: http://www.vaporescence.com/index.php?option=com_virtuemart&Itemid=334 Video of the mod: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o-49YN6RzXg&feature=player_embedded
    1 point
  2. miatafrank

    Dual Coils

    The two coils are wired in parallel. Each coil is 3.2ohms, so the combined resistance is half that of one, which makes it 1.6ohms
    1 point
  3. Beans

    The Reo Grand

    Month 1 with my Reo Grand. Yes I know, everyone and their mother is doing reviews now and rarely are they worth the time to read. However I haven't really heard the Reo mentioned too often on VT and being the quality MOD it is I thought I should give my 2 cents and some tips. I hope someone will find it useful. First, just trying to buy a Reo tends to be a bit of a headache. You have to be very patient and check daily for the sale announcements, then if you can schedule your free time around the upcoming event you must be READY. You must have a pay pal account, account already set up with Reo Mods, the batteries and charger on order with another company since they only sell the MODS and quick fingers to nab the little box of your dreams. Once you have accomplished that, your all set. Shipping was fairly quick in my case but you must sign for your package. It will NOT be left at your door. Now for the Reo Grand......My first impression, it was big my hand and fairly heavy too. Now, I compare it to holding an eGo for the first time after being used to a real cig. You get used to it quickly. It's a solid piece of T6 aluminum. Should you be mugged it will work very well clubbing your assailant to death. The craftsmanship of the Reo is impeccable. From the smooth machining, the slide door design and window placement to the perfect anodization job, I can not find a single flaw. These simply don't break either. And yes, I have damaged my hard wood floors with it numerous times now. The button at the top is solid and secure, it locks easily by turning ever so slightly to the right. I really enjoy the button placement. It seems very natural to me, I guess because I was a thumb sucker so your essentially holding your hand in the same position. Talk about the pacifier effect. The best feature isn't the beautiful design, craftsmanship or it's durability. It's the ease of use. Prior to my Reo it seems that most of my time was spent topping off my Carto, flooding it and cleaning up the dribbles. Followed by cutting up paper towels so I would not be caught without, popping off the DT to make sure it was slushy (like 500 times a day) so I didn't get that terrible burning hit, fidgeting with the draw (Not all mods are created equal) and packing enough juice in little bottles that always seemed to leak and 2 or 3 extra batts when I leave the house. Now, I fill my 6ml bottle for the day, slap in a set of fresh batteries and vape. When the flavor changes I squonk the bottle(a gentle squeeze) take a quick draw to pull the juice up, throughly sluchifying the filler and vape again. I have never had a single burning dry hit or any misfires. When I leave the house I grab 1 set of batteries and nothing more. At first I was a little bored with the lack of fidgeting my husband so fondly called tying lures since my tackle box was always nearby, but now I can't get enough, it's simply devine. I'm not going into how it vapes. It works each and every time as it should. It can be used with 3-6 volt batteries which is great for me coming from a VV mod. The 6V with SR Boge cartos is simply a great vape. For me, this is the perfect MOD. I can't Imagine being more gratified with another PV than the Reo Grand, perhaps the woodville would be nice but for now I'm just concentrating on getting myself to the next Grand sale.
    1 point

    Liquinator Tank

    EXACTLY! I finally figured out the same thing... slide the tank down to block the air inlet and give it a couple of good pulls! Fills that carto up like a champ now! What I don't get is why am I one of those that has to do this to draw in liquid? I guess some people aren't required to do this step as there cartos stay wet enough on their own. After cutting up 10 different cartos you would think one of them would work like it's supposed too! Anyway, I'm still diggin' this tank w/ the LR Boge cartos though... and now I know I can at least get liquid where it needs to be! I highly recommend this to anyone who already enjoys cartomizers... it makes life a lot easier when it comes to keeping the filler material nice and wet. Man, I sure am glad I didn't throw in the towel on this, after I sat and thought it through it now works great! I actually talked to James from Vaporescence on the phone and he couldn't figure out for the life of him why it wasn't working for me. I had done everything exactly as I was supposed to do when setting it up but it would NOT soak up any juice from the tank. And even the one they sent out with it that was already cut didn't pull in anything! Evidently others don't have any issues with it working because all I was finding and hearing was 'how great it works, etc'. Either way, I guess I'm now satisfied w/ the Liquinator, especially since I know what I need to do for it to work for me. It's certainly much easier/quicker than popping off a drip tip and 'topping off' all the time! Thanks for the advice though kingbtheone... at least I know I'm not the only one that has to do this to 'juice up' their carto. Hell, I just assumed that the filler was supposed work as a wick and draw in the liquid in, had no idea I needed to do 'suck it in'! I searched high and low online for tips on how to use it and could only find a few videos out there. And they were all of people praising the thing... not how to make it work! By the way, I cut my own cartos with a dremmel and it works like a champ! Oh, and it only needs two small slots on each side of the carto, ask me how I know! I finally got pissed off enough that I took one and slotted that baby to pieces... and it still didn't work. All it really takes is two little slits that are about 1/4" long each... until you can just barely see filler. (If you use high VG juices you may need larger slots though so it can penetrate.) Then, I take a dental pick and just make sure there aren't any small bits left floating around, and make sure the filler isn't blocked off. If you aren't careful with a dremmel, and you take too long cutting the slot, you can get it too hot and it will actually 'scorch' the filler and nothing will be able to pass through. You want to make the cut as fast and clean as possible and it will be fine. I would guess a hacksaw would work as well then you wouldn't need to worry about getting it too hot since it's not nearly as high speed as a dremmel wheel. The dremmel is just a lot more fun than using a hacksaw though... so that was the route it chose. All in all... this 'tank' is a GREAT investment IF you are a carto user/fan!
    1 point
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