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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/30/2011 in all areas

  1. Brian

    Dual Coil Cartimizer

    I tried them and didn't care for them, but I agree with Dayvape - you should try them. You'll find with vaping that for just about every atty, carto, PV, juice, etc., there are some that love and some that hate each one.
    2 points
  2. I agree eGo, here is the link. And welcome to VT http://www.forevervapor.com/products/Joye-eGo-.html
    1 point
  3. Tektronik

    Dual Coil Cartimizer

    Those dual coil cartomizers have been working well when used in an e-liquid tank. I've been using them in both the LIquinator and the J-Tank. They duallies work very well for those applications. By themselves, eh, They tend to run hot, and I've experienced a burning taste with it that way.
    1 point
  4. I switched from an analog, to an analog shaped e-cigarette (with analogs) for a month and then to an eGo. The day the eGo arrived is the last day I smoked. It doesn’t taste like a cigarette, and it doesn’t feel like a cigarette. You’ll have to get over cigarettes first.
    1 point
  5. CantusPro

    Taking The Plunge

    susan55040: Find a juice you like and a Personal Vaporizer that meets your needs. After that, vaping is actually BETTER than smoking. Once vaping is better than smoking, you won’t WANT a cigarette. -Cantus
    1 point
  6. I agree I still prefer the single coil cartomizers
    1 point

    Dual Coil Cartimizer

    You should try them... you may like them. For me... I still prefer the Boge LR's though for some reason. I think it may have something to do with the duals running a bit warmer maybe.
    1 point

    Vg Verse Pg

    I understand... you weren't really asking if someone preferred attys over cartos.... I'm sure Jeff didn't mean for it to sound like that. (LOL) I have never used distilled water... but I personally wouldn't do it. Your best option would be to order 100% PG juices and start over. Otherwise, you will pretty much not even taste anything once you cut it enough to really work like it can/should in a carto. I use 100% all the time for that very reason... better absorption for sure! Save the VG stuff for atty use... about all it's good for now. Good luck!
    1 point
  9. Ooh some Cosmic Energy .. nice! Welcome to VT I think either option is an excellent start for you. Honestly, I don't think there's one person here who can say they didn't aim to replicate that "real cig" feel when they first started vaping. Most of, if not all, felt exactly the same way and for all the same reasons. Again, if you opt for the Volt because it looks more like a real cigarette in size and shape then it is a good choice. The goal is to make the transition as smoothly as possible. That being said here are some things to consider that we have discovered by initially opting for the "mini" style e-cig such as the Volt: 1. Battery life .. these do not last very long. 2. Versatility .. most of us have needed to fine tune our vaping setup and the minis offer little room for versatility; the various styles and differences in atomizers and other accessories .. there are so many to look forward to! A fine example is that most of us end up preferring the "low resistance" atomizers or cartomizers which you should not use on small batteries as a safety precaution. 3. Vaping vs Smoking .. even a small style battery like this feels awkward when held like a cigarette. While it's not at all heavy, it's still heavier than a traditional cigarette. Whether you opt for an auto or manual battery it is unlikely you will hold it the same or rest it from your lips like you may with a cigarette. 4. Comfort .. once graduating to an eGo you realize it's nowhere near as large as you think it will be and it's actually a lot more comfy than the mini style batteries to hold (remember, you are likely to hold it differently - NOT like a traditional cig). My first purchase consisted of two different mini models (one with a PCC). I vaped them for about two weeks before I bought an eGo. That was almost a year and half ago now and I haven't looked back. The eGo is just as attractive as the mini but I can do so much more with it. I still love the eGo to this day and use it daily, all day. There isn't as much help problem solving issues with the smaller batteries because there are so many models but so few experienced users. The eGo is widely recognized and used by the vast community of vapers and you can always find help trouble shooting issues you may experience. The Volt is very attractive and is more than likely just what you need to get away from smoking cigarettes. At the end of the day, your lungs will thank you for it
    1 point
  10. Welcome to VT!! Both the eGo (XL) and the Volt are great starter kits. The eGo will take you beyond starter into the wide world of variety. There's always something new coming out for the eGo maniacs to try. The eGo with the Mega Dual Coil cartos are the hot ticket item at this date in time. Madvapes automatic drip system is another hot item for the eGo. (the list goes on and on). If you get an eGo, (hghly recommended), then be sure to get the Manual type battery... also the XL batteries will handle LR better without shortening the overall life of the battery. The VOLT is awesome too, and perhaps more Social friendly. (out on the town). I would get this in an Automatic. Just be sure to take the cartomizer OFF the battery to top off. You are mostly a weekend "smoker" and this would work well for you. It produces great vapor and is elegant in style. The Prefilled cartomizers are really handy and they'll be coming out with more and better flavors soon (if not already). You can also use any typical prefilled KR808 carto with these. They're individually wrapped and as long as they're kept in a cool dark place (lower cupboard ie) then you'll always have some on hand for the night out on the town. Same goes for the eGo too, only in the 510 connection of course. LiquidXpress has a nice Honey Flu Cured Tobacco for instance. Best of luck to you... and don't sweat it. If you're anything like the rest of us, you'll need a back up kit to soothe the worried mind. Getting both the eGo and the Volt is not far fetched. It's just a matter of time.... Relax and enjoy!! You're on the right track already and will do just fine.
    1 point
  11. First, let me welcome you to the forum! That's some heavy smoking while drinking for an otherwise non smoker, story or lives right? One thing important you need to know is strength. If you're smoking a pack per session I'd suggest that you purchase e liquid that is 24mg. Sure you can buy 24mg carts, but we don't suggest it. It'll end up costing you more money than you need to spend. Purchase liquid by the bottle and drip into your cartomizer or atomizer. Don't expect to find a liquid that tastes exactly like any brand of cigarette. It just isn't going to happen. Because an ecig doesn't burn anything it's almost impossible to replicate the taste of cigarettes. Though I would suggest the following flavors, USA Mix/Blend, 555 or our Traditional Tobacco (shameless plug) You already know about direct dripping and cartomizers which is great. That's half the battle. I would normally suggest a Joye 510 for a social smoker but, because you smoke so much while you drink, the Joye eGo is probably a batter bet. The reason for this is because the eGo will last upwards of 12 hours. The Joye 510 only lasts about 2 hours. This is correct. It is ESPECIALLY true if you are going to direct drip. Auto batteries are nice but the liquid will enter the draw/air hole and destroy the battery. (Within a week or two usually) This isn't an issue with manual batteries. I'd say about 98% of us use manual batteries. And honestly, it becomes second nature, you don't even notice there is a button after a while. Hope that helps
    1 point
  12. miatafrank

    Dual Coils

    The two coils are wired in parallel. Each coil is 3.2ohms, so the combined resistance is half that of one, which makes it 1.6ohms
    1 point
  13. Burn

    Cartomizer Vs Atomizer

    I know many wont agree but when you consider everything; cost of attys vs cartos/ flavor, maintenance, etc. i just drip into cartos now and will let my collection of 35 or so atomizers just collect dust until i donate them to a vaping museum as evidence of how "we used to vape back in the beginning". Seriously, I cant think of a good reason to use a straight atty unless I am testing out flavor recipes.
    1 point
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