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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/24/2011 in all areas

  1. Hi gang, thought I'd share a funny story with you that happened about a week ago. My wife and I were packing to go see our grand daughter in Ohio she had just turned 7 months old and was starting to crawl. Well we weren't staying long so very little packing to do so my wife was taking care of that while I charged up the 510 batts and was filling the cartos for our ride. I was on the deck seeing it was a nice night and was vaping some of my fav liquid. I was just about done filling the last carto when all of a sudden I dropped my 510 and of course it rolled in between the slit in the deck and fell 2 feet below me We had this deck built a couple years ago and it was totally skirted all the way around to keep animals out! Now I need that batt because we only have four! Well I start thinking of ways to rescue my beloved 510 from the depths of the deck monster! A coathanger with some sticky gum should do the trick! What we have no gum! Now I'm off to the store to buy gum to rescue my PV. Well I get back and my wife got me a wire hanger and we proceeded to chew gum! Well I got the gum and wrapped it around the hanger and slowly lowered the contraption down to my ecig. Well needless to say the ecig was to heavy and the gum was not sticky enough Now What, I'm thinking! Wait if I get two hangers I can scoop it up and lift it right outta there. Well I thought this would be easier then it actually was, it was like a game show I tell ya! Now I got my wife involved and I get the ecig hooked and lift it slowly being carefull not to lift one side too fast! Needless to say I dropped it like 8 or 9 times before I finally get it to the top. What, now the hanger and the ecig is too wide to lift it straight out! I get my wife to now hold the hangers as i run to get some pilers to grab the dang thing and of course when I get back she lost it again Well a few more times and we finally got it back to the top and now that I have the pilers was able to grab it and pull it to safety Needless to say it needed and good srubbing and it was all scratched up but it still worked like a champ....lol
    1 point
  2. Jeffb

    Reagan Vs. Obama

    1 point
  3. Haven't been around lately but I got my Provari finally, only took 2 weeks and I gotta tell you, it sure has spoiled me. That thing is silky smooth. I also got a NOeGo 18650 and I'm enjoying that too with the dual coils on it. I keep the Provari home. I'm afraid to take it out and about. Still use the eGo-T too on occasion. I have to admit, I've only been doing this since April and I have sure become obsessed with vaping. No analogs either at all!! I'm happy.
    1 point

    Prefilled Cartomizers

    Nice! I didn't know they STILL had it.... I'M IN!! Thanks Sharon!! +10
    1 point
  5. Sharon

    Prefilled Cartomizers

    Hey DayVape, VaporKings still has the bulk option for the Boge carto, reduced price for 10 or more. Plus the discount code VTALK15 for 15% off. After shipping, it comes out to about $1.02 per carto.
    1 point
  6. I will be bringing a brand new vaper to the meet on Saturday. She is also in a little tough financial position at the moment, so i will be giving her my old Smoke 51 setup to get her started, but if anyone has any "retired" equiptment that they are no longer using and would be willing to donate, it would be appreciated. If i can get her a 510 set up of some kind...i can hook her up with atties, cartos, juice and all the goodies, but i dont have a 510 battery/charger of any kind that i can spare at the moment. Thanks, Dave
    1 point
  7. welcome to the absolutely wonderful world of vaping and as fran said i would really like to thank you for your service and i will be the first to say you are a much bigger man than i and most others will ever dream about being.
    1 point
  8. i agree with chris i got some boge's a while back and i honestly dont think i'll ever use regular atty's again
    1 point
  9. 1 point
  10. Jeffb

    Gun Control Explained

    1 point
  11. It was really fun, wasn't it? It was great to see you there.
    1 point
  12. cant wait to go to the vape meet!!!!!!
    1 point
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