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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/04/2011 in all areas

  1. It was a struggle for me at first but now my addiction has completely flipped to ecigs. I bum a smoke every once in a while but never been tempted to buy a pack. My rule for myself is to never buy a pack again.
    1 point
  2. Hello Schizophretard...good to see you again. I haven't smoked in almost two years now. And it hasn't been a struggle at all.
    1 point
  3. I have one here and there. It is usually a social smoke. It is kind of nice knowing I can have one every once in a while without getting addicted. It feels like when an alcoholic is free of their addiction and can have a beer without ruining their life again. I used to feel guilty like I'm cheating or something because I would have thoughts like,"I'm not a smoker anymore. I'm a vaper. Smoking is bad. I'm not one of those people." but then I realized I was having a self righteous attitude just like the people that are trying to ban ecigs along with everything else.
    1 point
  4. To answer the question- once and for all.... try them both. Cartos and atty's are inexpensive enough to be able to make your decision based on your own use. Some atty users hate cartos for the same reasons carto users hate attys and vice versa. Individual experience will vary.
    1 point
  5. Brian

    Best E Cigg For Me?

    Just keep in mind that the eGo uses a 510 connection, so you've got a wide world of options for atomizers and cartomizers.
    1 point
  6. mjradik

    Best E Cigg For Me?

    I too recommend the eGo. But I personally use the eGo-T model. The mouth piece and tank are a single unit. I like it because its easy to refill, and a single 1 ml talk lasts almost all day with out needing to drip all the time, but its personal preference. The one draw back is the tanks are more subject to leaking after being re-used a few times. But I ordered (but not yet received so I haven't tried them out yet) a softer plastic tank, instead of the normal hard tank, which is suposed to be better at preventing leaks because it forms a tighter seal around the wick. The 1000mah battery lasts me two days under normal, non-chain vaping, use. (using a normal atty too. As a LR atty reduces battery life)
    1 point
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