So, I have had to get multiple blood tests done this past year due to high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and other wacky numbers. I was even on blood pressure meds and cholesterol lowering drugs for the past few years as well (while I was smoking analogs). Well, I just went to the Doc yesterday and went over my most recent labs... and found that EVERYTHING is back down into the 'normal' ranges! The fact that my blood pressure and cholesterol are normal now w/o any meds for the past few months is quite a relief... even with my heavy vaping habit! Unfortunately, I can't say one way or another, what effects vaping has had on these results . Either way, I'm going to keep doing exactly what I've been doing lately... because evidently chain-vaping 12mg nicotine ALL DAY long isn't increasing my BP at all!
MORAL OF MY STORY: Quitting smoking is obviously one of the best things we can do for our overall health... and for me, my vaping has not affected me in a negative way at all, so I will continue to KEEP ON VAPING!