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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/17/2011 in all areas

  1. Hello Everyone, Its been quite a while since I've been on these Forums, maybe almost a whole year. I can't remember why I stopped posting, but I still remember all of you- well, the old timers anyhow. I still vape, all day, everyday. I still have my old Mods, some broken, some still working. I guess you could say I stopped posting because my exploration phase of using e-cigs ended, and I've just sort of settled in on what I like. I still keep up on the industry firsts when I can. I still watch YouTube videos when I catch wind of something new. I still convert friends and acquaintances to vaping--I'm still one of you! I just haven't been active on the Forums anymore. I suppose it was when I realized that I had been vaping for two years now, I started to feel nostalgic. I found my old 510 starter kit and used it for a while. I was a very quick trip down memory lane, but I brought out my old Mods and charged up the batts and used them for a bout a day each, then went back to my Icon. Then I thought of all of you. I remember all the fun I had posting when we were all discovering the vaping culture and forming what it has become today. This is my greeting to all who remember the pioneer days; without the Drip Shields, Drip Tips, Tanks, big battery mods, and low resistance atomizers. I've been out of the loop for so long, I no longer feel comfortable commenting on the new inventions. I'll still give advice, but it only comes from experience. I hope to come back here and be a part of your circle again. Cheers to all, Tektronik
    1 point
  2. And I'm loving it. Probably because the only other e-cig I have tried was the blu, and I was not impressed. Yes, the blu has "sex-appeal", but I don't care about the appeal as much as the performance. I definatly recomend the eGo. I can usually use one battery the whole day without recharging, and the starter kit comes with two batteries. Cartridges seem to run out faster than with the blu, but I would mainly attribute that to the overwhelmingly better performance of the eGo.
    1 point
  3. Most of us(maybe all) had our first smoke when we were very young. As each of you with a few years knows, youth is invincible. As a youth i tried and did a great many things that when i look back, were extremely foolish and dangerous. Smoking cigarettes was one of them. I don't believe that these pictures would have had a nit's worth of impact on me at that age. I could do anything and survive.
    1 point
  4. Hey Chris, The only topic I've been following since I've been away were your announcements. I've been seeing them in e-mail, and now I see the what you've done to the place. Thanks for keeping the forum alive and well. Even with the new look, I still sense some of the old FEEL, and I want to commend you on that. I'll be retiring from the Air Force in one year and moving back to San Diego. Hopefully, someday we'll cross paths and talk about your outstanding achievements all beginning with this Forum.
    1 point
  5. I don't think there's a single smoker in america who is unaware of the dangers of smoking, self-righteous anti-smokers will jump at any opportunity to tell them. So will this inform anyone of something they weren't already aware of? probably not. would it have dissuaded me? no. This may be an unpopular opinion, but i think enough has been done to inform smokers of the health risks of smoking, smokers know it's bad, and have that voice in the back of their heads that quitting is probably a good idea, but quitting happens by choice, when the drive and desire to quit overpower the addiction, and no amount of fear-based mud-slinging or tax-hikes will fully eradicate smoking in its entirety. But the true zealots of any cause never really stop after tunnel vision sets in. smoking at this point is wildly unpopular, broadly known to be extremely bad for your health, and ridiculously expensive. Friends telling friends about vaping will eventually do a hell of a lot more than outright oppression. I believe it's time for the anti-smoking zealots to slow it down a bit and let smokers quit on their own. And hey, if you're an anti-smoker who has trouble letting people live their lives, maybe it's time to go after fast food, that will kill you way faster than smoking could ever hope to. Jon
    1 point
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