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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/13/2011 in all areas

  1. Although my post count is high, it was never my intention to add to the post count. My intention has always been to help the new people when I could (even if it wasn't much), to welcome all the new people as I was welcomed when I joined, to give encouragement when it's needed, or to just acknowledge someone or something someone said. There have been times when things got a little "playful" or "chatty", but I always thought that went along with the "family" environment that has been created here. That "family" quality is one of the reasons why I like Vapor Talk so much. Another reason is that people can come here and get all of the information they might need in a friendly and non-threatening way. The people who give so freely of their time and knowledge are what make Vapor Talk what it is. In my opinion, the staff do a wonderful job of keeping everything in line. I truly appreciate each and every one of them.
    1 point
  2. nana

    Long Time E-Cigarette Users

    I smoked for 34 years. I loved smoking. I never wanted to quit, but felt like I should. Partly because of the health benefits and partly because of the cost. I didn't know that I couldn't breathe very well. I didn't know how bad I smelled. Until I quit. When I first heard about the ecig, my first thought was that I could keep "smoking" and yet not be smoking. I wouldn't have to give up the hand to mouth habit or the inhaling habit. Thrilled me all to pieces. It worked as well for me as I thought it would. From the very first inhale, I knew I never wanted another analog again. I absolutely love vaping. As much as I thought I loved smoking, it doesn't even come close to my love of vaping. I'm at 17 months and counting now. I have no plans whatsoever of quitting. I don't want to quit. I enjoy vaping - even at 0 nic. I love watching the clouds of vapor I produce. I look forward to sitting down to take a break and having my vape. I don't see me ever wanting to quit. Now, if it just happens...if someday down the road I find myself vaping less and less until I don't vape any more at all...well, that's okay. I just don't see me doing that on purpose. Like ripple, I find it to be a wonderful hobby and I can't say I'll never quit. I'm just not working towards that.
    1 point
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