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    Liquinator Tank

    EXACTLY! I finally figured out the same thing... slide the tank down to block the air inlet and give it a couple of good pulls! Fills that carto up like a champ now! What I don't get is why am I one of those that has to do this to draw in liquid? I guess some people aren't required to do this step as there cartos stay wet enough on their own. After cutting up 10 different cartos you would think one of them would work like it's supposed too! Anyway, I'm still diggin' this tank w/ the LR Boge cartos though... and now I know I can at least get liquid where it needs to be! I highly recommend this to anyone who already enjoys cartomizers... it makes life a lot easier when it comes to keeping the filler material nice and wet. Man, I sure am glad I didn't throw in the towel on this, after I sat and thought it through it now works great! I actually talked to James from Vaporescence on the phone and he couldn't figure out for the life of him why it wasn't working for me. I had done everything exactly as I was supposed to do when setting it up but it would NOT soak up any juice from the tank. And even the one they sent out with it that was already cut didn't pull in anything! Evidently others don't have any issues with it working because all I was finding and hearing was 'how great it works, etc'. Either way, I guess I'm now satisfied w/ the Liquinator, especially since I know what I need to do for it to work for me. It's certainly much easier/quicker than popping off a drip tip and 'topping off' all the time! Thanks for the advice though kingbtheone... at least I know I'm not the only one that has to do this to 'juice up' their carto. Hell, I just assumed that the filler was supposed work as a wick and draw in the liquid in, had no idea I needed to do 'suck it in'! I searched high and low online for tips on how to use it and could only find a few videos out there. And they were all of people praising the thing... not how to make it work! By the way, I cut my own cartos with a dremmel and it works like a champ! Oh, and it only needs two small slots on each side of the carto, ask me how I know! I finally got pissed off enough that I took one and slotted that baby to pieces... and it still didn't work. All it really takes is two little slits that are about 1/4" long each... until you can just barely see filler. (If you use high VG juices you may need larger slots though so it can penetrate.) Then, I take a dental pick and just make sure there aren't any small bits left floating around, and make sure the filler isn't blocked off. If you aren't careful with a dremmel, and you take too long cutting the slot, you can get it too hot and it will actually 'scorch' the filler and nothing will be able to pass through. You want to make the cut as fast and clean as possible and it will be fine. I would guess a hacksaw would work as well then you wouldn't need to worry about getting it too hot since it's not nearly as high speed as a dremmel wheel. The dremmel is just a lot more fun than using a hacksaw though... so that was the route it chose. All in all... this 'tank' is a GREAT investment IF you are a carto user/fan!
    1 point
  2. I just saw this on the news. They said the pictures will be on the whole back and part of the front of the cigarette packages. They seem to be sure those pictures will make people quit smoking.
    -1 points
  3. Beginning September 2012, FDA will require larger, more prominent cigarette health warnings on all cigarette packaging and advertisements in the United States. Some other countries are already doing this, but damn, these are pretty hard core... You can read more directly from the FDA's website here: http://www.fda.gov/TobaccoProducts/Labeling/CigaretteWarningLabels/default.htm
    -1 points
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