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  1. I personally pay way more attention to reviews on devices rather than juice, flavor is such a subjective thing. I do think reviews should be honestly your opinion on something, hopefully you can do that without offending the vendor or anyone else.
    3 points
  2. I think Blake's review was honest. He did like one of the flavors and gave it a good review. I don't see anything wrong with a reviewer stating that they didn't like the flavor, throat hit or vapor production. I want to know this information. Maybe he was right and the batches he got were not made correctly or maybe they were really not good. He did get a second opinion before writing his review. I think that was smart. I can't tell you the amount of times I ordered something and it turned out tasting like puke. There is one supplier that I will never, ever order from again because all their liquid tasted horrible. But there is a very large group on this forum that likes those flavors. So go figure.
    2 points
  3. I enjoy honest reviews. If a juice tastes horrid to a reviewer I want to hear it. Good job Blake.
    2 points
  4. Just my 2 cents.. I could care less to be honest cuz i personally love S-V, maybe watch how you word things.. I understand your honestly and respect it, but the way you worded it was probably what set her off. I'm not telling you how to review or anything or just putting my 2 cents in.
    1 point
  5. Very interesting that you bring this up. Your view point of me is very wrong and I'm sorry that you feel this way. Anyone from this scene that has actually talked to me will tell you very much different. I'm a very nice guy and I bring nothing but positivity to this scene since day one. Since I do like writing, let me address your comments one by one. First off, my original review was only that of the liquid I liked. My later edit of how I didn't like the other 4 liquids was brought on by users asking me to give my honest opinion about the other liquids I've tried from sweet-vapes. Even though it could be possibly bad for business for sweet-vapes, what is wrong with expressing how you truly feel? For submitting a review, does that ultimately mean you are subject to write only the good and leave the bad out? I by no means mean to insult anyone and if I came off that way, I'm sorry I did. At first I didn't want to say anything about those other liquids because I didn't want to offend Dayna or to turn away other vendors from letting me review liquids for them, but then after talking with other users, what good am I as a reviewer if I don't tell the whole truth? The liquid brought tears to my wifes eyes and had us both feeling very sick to the point we were going to puke. If you find my honesty insulting, then I'm very sorry and I apologize. Better yet, I'll give out an official warning to vendors now before hand. WARNING: IF YOU LET ME REVIEW YOUR LIQUID OR PRODUCTS, I WILL GIVE MY HONEST OPINION. IF YOU WANT SOMEONE THAT JUST WANTS FREE LIQUID AND IN EXCHANGE WILL REVIEW YOU A FAKE REVIEW, FIND SOMEONE ELSE. I'm sorry to be a smart ***, but you calling me out on something of the such is very disrespectful not only to me but to the vaping community as well. Should we all rely on those fake reviews or should we get the real picture of something before we purchase it? I didn't insult sweet-vapes from saying it was poor quality control. I was simply saying it could be any of the such that I listed, rather it be a bad batch, my personal picky tastes or anything else. That was my way of saying, just because I didn't like the liquid doesn't mean you won't. Control issue? What are you talking about? If you are referring to the discussion with DAYVAPE, then I'm sorry but you are sadly mistaken. I made a thread trying to inspire others on this forum to post higher quality threads and the reply from DAYVAPE was "Who cares!". You didn't find that disrespectful? I don't care how long he has been a member. He isn't going to disrespect me when I'm spending my own personal time trying to improve this forum. Did you know that it isn't the admins that make up these forums? It's the users and the content they add. Just a little tip for ya. If you feel that I am not a worthy enough member to be here, please... tell me. You can't make me or break me. I am my own person. I can leave just as I came. To others... Now do you see why it's tough being honest? People get butt hurt when you speak the truth. Now I look like the bad person because I gave my opinion.
    1 point
  6. Blakeab84, I have to tell you that I find your review of the "other 4 liquids" to be insulting! I know that flavor is subjective, but to say that "they were far from a great tasting liquid and She also found these flavors very horrid" is far from saying that you didn't find them to be flavors that you enjoy. And then to add more insult, you suggest that the reason maybe due to poor quality control. "Some of your opinions" you have expressed recently on this forum, I have found to be more of a control issue on your part and I have just brushed them off. Everyone has the freedom of speech! But then you were psycho analyzing another, long standing, member, and I found it very hard to not get involved verbally. Now you have hit a nerve in me that I just can't let go of. Since you feel comfortable expressing your opinions, with no regard as to how it is going to come across or effect other members, I am sure you will be equally comfortable with me expressing my opinion. I know that you are interested in doing reviews for vendors, but I don't believe your review of Sweet-Vapes is going to entice other vendors to jump on your bandwagon.
    1 point
  7. Just found this article on the Yahoo home page. http://finance.yahoo.com/news/Ecigs-No-smoke-but-some-areas-apf-1725018539.html?x=0
    1 point
  8. Seriously man... I'm really not even in the mood for you right now, pretty please!
    1 point
  9. Isn’t it weird how the most craziest concoctions can be some of most delicious and scrumptious flavors you’ve ever vaped? I’m sure Dayna from Sweet-Vapes doesn’t mean to toot her own horn, but when she told me her liquid was one of those delicious flavors, she wasn’t joking. I must say, from the 5 flavors I tried from sweet-vapes, straw banana shake frze was definitely my pick of the litter. I think the name speaks for itself but it just doesn’t give it the justice it deserves. In that case, let me elaborate it a bit for you. This may be a bit difficult to explain, but I’ll try my best. The reason it’s difficult is because I’m still puzzled on what I taste the most, the delicious strawberry or the soothing banana. Whatever it is, the mix is just right to set the mood for that summer time vape. Wondering where the frze comes into play? Just as you exhale and think it’s all said and done, the frze emerges and leaves your mouth wet and wanting more. What best to go along with a smooth vape? A smooth throat hit. To some the throat hit may lack a bit, but I think it meshes perfectly with it’s theme. To some, vapor production is a must and when you vape straw banana shake frze, you can’t go wrong. The vapor production is great. Awesome vapor production, delicious flavors and a smooth throat hit. Give straw banana shake frze a try if you want some… Sweet-Vapes! This vendor sent me 5 flavors and I found the straw banana shake frze amazing. However, the other 4 liquids didn't satisfy me and to be honest, they were far from a great tasting liquid. The other flavors were butterscotch sweetened, cake batter, butter pecan ice cream and berry smoothie - cold. Everyone has an opinion, so I had to get my wifes take on this also. She also found these flavors very horrid. Take to note that it may not be the juice but more of the juice makers mistake. Used In This Review:
    0 points
  10. Keep me out of this you douchebag!
    0 points
  11. You have it all twisted. By the way, I did contact Dayna and originally told her it would be best if I didn't even do a review on those other liquids because I thought they weren't good. I'm ruining her reputation and business because of a review? So, you're telling me that no one needs to express an opinion and to be honest at that? You make no sense at all. I'm a reviewer, not a baby sitter. I don't have to point out to everyone that it's an opinion. When you read a review, it's what that person thought alone and another person could feel completely different, just as birddog was saying. Sharon, you are lost and left behind on this discussion. I've said what I have to. If you would like to go into further detail, I'm a pm away. By the way... A forum always needs improvement. Ask any developer, forum administrator and so on.
    0 points
  12. Meaning, why I don't like the juice could be because of the way she mixed the juice on this batch. Maybe normally the juice tastes better or something. and as always, it may be just my personal taste. In any review I make, like normal, it's just my opinion and I would highly suggest anyone to try it for the experience alone.
    0 points
  13. I've only created a thread to inspire others to contribute high quality posts to help making this forum grow even larger than what it is now. That is all. You've replied with a low quality as* hat of a response. That was very disrespectful, not funny, but plain out disrespectful. I didn't like your reply so i figured I'd give you a minus. There is nothing immature about that at all.
    -1 points
  14. Wow!! After reading through this thread I gotta say that this DAYVAPE character seems like he has serious social issues. What an ***
    -1 points
  15. Blake I am by no means suggesting that you write a "fake review", but if you and your wife felt that there might have been something wrong with the way the juice had been made, as apposed to the juice was not to our liking, then I think you should have gotten in touch with Dayna and talked to her about it before posting a review that could damage her reputation and that of her business. I am sorry Blake, but I have reread your first post regarding the 4 other juices and I'm not seeing "it could be any of the such that I listed". I only see "they were far from a great tasting liquid" and "She also found these flavors very horrid". Followed by "it may not be the juice but more of the juice makers mistake". How are the readers suppose to know, from what you wrote, that it is your way of saying, just because you didn't like the liquid doesn't mean you won't? And if you say that it may not be the juice but more of the juice makers mistake, is saying that there might be a problem with quality control. Thanks for the "Just a little tip for ya". I didn't realize that this forum needed improvement! It is not my place nor my responsibility to tell you, or anyone else, that they are not "worthy enough member to be here". I never implied, nor will I ever state that anyone is not worthy to be a member of this forum. But, I do feel that the dialog between you and the other member was taken to the extreme. Now you are trying to make yourself look like the injured party by making the comment you did "To others... Now do you see why it's tough being honest? People get butt hurt when you speak the truth. Now I look like the bad person because I gave my opinion." Isn't that what you are trying to do to me for giving my opinion? I have said what I felt in my heart regarding the last half of your review. Just as you have expressed your feeling regarding my response. Let's just agree to disagree and let it be!
    -1 points
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