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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/07/2011 in all areas

  1. Since vaping I have read some rather informative articles about PG thought I would share a couple Far from posing a threat to our health, the propylene glycol in e-smoking liquids might help keep us healthy. It would accomplish that by its germicidal action. It kills many of the major bacteria that threaten lung entry into our bodies. Back in the late '30s, researchers at the University of Chicago stumbled on its effectiveness as a germ-killer, as related in this Time magazine story from Nov. 16, 1942: "A powerful preventive against pneumonia, influenza and other respiratory diseases may be promised by a brilliant series of experiments conducted during the last three years at the University of Chicago's Billings Hospital. Dr. Oswald Hope Robertson last week was making final tests with a new germicidal vapor — propylene glycol — to sterilize air. If the results so far obtained are confirmed, one of the age-old searches of man will finally achieve its goal... "...the researchers found that the propylene glycol itself was a potent germicide. One part of glycol in 2,000,000 parts of air would — within a few seconds — kill concentrations of air-suspended pneumococci, streptococci and other bacteria numbering millions to the cubic foot. "How did it work? Respiratory disease bacteria float about in tiny droplets of water breathed, sneezed and coughed from human beings. The germicidal glycol also floats in infinitesimally small particles. Calculations showed that if droplet had to hit droplet, it would take two to 200 hours for sterilization of sprayed air to take place. Since sterilization took place in seconds, Dr. Robertson concluded that the glycol droplets must give off gas molecules which dissolve in the water droplets and kill the germs within them. "Dr. Robertson placed groups of mice in a chamber and sprayed its air first with propylene glycol, then with influenza virus. All the mice lived. Then he sprayed the chamber with virus alone. All the mice died." The complete Time story can be read here: http://www.time.com/time/magazine/ar...932876,00.html In a scientific summary of the discovery, it was noted that "Tests on possible deleterious effects of breathing propylene glycol containing atmospheres over long periods of time are being carried out." Those tests were done and a second summary report on propylene glycol vapor was released: "Propylene glycol is harmless to man when swallowed or injected into the veins. It is also harmless to mice who have breathed it for long periods. But medical science is cautious — there was still a remote chance that glycol might accumulate harmfully in the erect human lungs which, unlike those of mice, do not drain themselves. So last June Dr. Robertson began studying the effect of glycol vapor on monkeys imported from the University of Puerto Rico's School of Tropical Medicine. So far, after many months' exposure to the vapor, the monkeys are happy and fatter than ever. Dr. Robertson does not expect mankind to live, like his monkeys, continuously in an atmosphere of glycol vapor; but it should be most valuable in such crowded places as schools and theaters, where most respiratory diseases are picked up." The monkeys lived in enclosures filled with propylene glycol vapor. No deleterious effect was ever reported. And the concentrations of PG we inhale on a regular basis surely must equal the amount inhaled by the monkeys for this test. Obviously, no scientist saw a time when a device would atomize a PG mist that would then be inhaled for fun. But time and technology has given us the e-cig. We are constantly washing our lungs with a bacteriacidal agent used today in some "air sanitizers". Glycerine, by the way, has some germicidal impact, but not, apparently, to the degree provided by inhaling propylene glycol vapor. Glycerine is now used by dairy farmers to help prevent bacteria entering a cow's teats after milking. Glycerine both softens the teats and kills bacteria. One more quote on PG: "The vapour from as little as 0.5 mg of propylene glycol can kill nearly all the microorganisms in a liter of heavily contaminated air within 15 seconds." The initial experiments with PG vapor were part of a search to find ways to create clean rooms, so the 1918 Spanish Flu pandemic that killed so many millions would never be repeated. Today, researchers have wondered online if PG vapor might not offer protection against a widely feared coming pandemic of bird flu, H5N1. Imagine e-smokers being healthier than non-smokers in such a scenario. more information here http://www.time.com/time/magazine/article/0,9171,932876,00.html
    1 point
  2. that explains my daily erotic dreams... oh wait im a guy...
    1 point
  3. Brian

    New Ecig

    The v2 appears to be a KR808D-1 (just a little over priced). It should work pretty good (there are a lot of KR808 fans around, just not many here). It's your call on returning it... it should certainly at least give you a good intro to vaping and let you know if it's for you. One advantage of the standard KR808 is that is comes with a 250mah battery vs. the 150mah battery that comes with a standard Joye510 kit. The Joye 510 mega battery is 250mah. If you're a heavy smoker/vaper, 150mah will only last you about 1-2 hours and 250mah will probably go 2-4 hours max. The reason people recommend the eGo is because it has a 650mah battery (you can also now get 900mah and 1300mah batts for it) which will last you 8+ hours (many get 10-12 hours) per charge. Typically, for an extra $20-$30 you can get an eGo and the extended battery life is well worth it. The eGo uses the same atomizer as the standard Joye 510, so it will perform just like the one your friend has. The eGo is quite versatile in that you can use a variety of cartomizers and atomizers on it. If you want more throat hit, get a low resistance atomizer. Don't like direct dripping, get some cartomizers or tanks. There are just a lot of options. You may want to check with the vendor on the return policy. Many vendors will not let you return the "flavor carts" (cartomizers) even if you haven't opened them. They will give you a refund, but only a partial refund. If that's the case, then heck, open it up and give it a try. It may be just what you want. Vaping is all about finding what works for you. Oh - Welcome to Vapor Talk!!!
    1 point
  4. Beans

    Question Regarding Vaping

    I would honestly say NO, don't start. Most of us here do it because we were so addicted to tobacco that we just couldn't quit even though it was killing us. The honest to god truth is...We have no idea what the results of our vaping is. Do we think it's safer than smoking 1 or 2 packs of cigs a day? We sure hope so, but we don't have any real idea of what the long term effects of PG / VG /Flavorings really are. I know how it sounds and I never did listen but just don't smoke. Even with how great cigars are.....it's NOT a hobby. If you like them so much I think you would be better off smoking 1 or 2 a month IF YOU MUST instead of vaping. Again this is all just my opinion. I wish you all the luck in the world and the best of health and smoking/vaping is not the way
    1 point
  5. Blow into the battery connection end? Or tha tank end? Sorry if thats a stupid question just want to get everything right PS. this might be another stupid question, but does that mean that boiling is out of the question?
    1 point
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