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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/13/2011 in all areas

  1. A Pbusardo Review : Boge 510 Lr Carto Vs. Smok Tech 510 Lr Dual Coil Mega Carto
    2 points
  2. lazymitch

    Coughing & Coughing

    Nana, don't give up, just find what works for you. For me, ecigarettes had me at hello, but I went straight to dripping. I now drip when I can, and use cartos (with good juice) when I'm driving, or I don't feel like explaining what I'm doing dropping liquid into a strange looking device and "smoking" on it. I haven't looked back to analogs since I started, and I think when you find what works for you, you will have the same results. Lazy
    1 point
  3. Nanna

    Body Pain

    Ah Cherye, I don't have fibromyalgia but I am a student nurse practitioner (and an RN for 20 years) and I have managed people with the disease. It is TOUGH and there are so many potential triggers!!! I can't think of how or why vaping would trigger more pain but of course, it is a possibility. Think back - is the weather changing where you are? Sleeping patterns? Allergies? ANything that would trigger an inflammatory response?
    1 point
  4. GPurv

    Coughing & Coughing

    ecigs are not some magical cure to stop smoking cigarettes. Not even close. I still enjoy both, and I have no desire or "need" to have one totally replace the other. A PV is simply an optional pleasure for me, for when I want it. But; I must admit, the flavors of e-juice do make vaping a bit more attractive.
    1 point
  5. Nana2b

    Coughing & Coughing

    Thanks GPurv & TroopX, This isn't going to be the walk in the park I envisioned when I first saw an e-cig used by Katherine Heigl on Letterman. My reaction was "where do I get one of those? my cigarette days are over!"...oh well
    1 point
  6. First of all no you should not start vaping if you don't already smoking tobacco. It makes no sense. Second please read our forum rules before posting. We have a zero tolerance policy on drug talk. Electronic cigarette are already a controversial issue with the general public we don't need THC e liquid added to the mix. (Thread locked)
    1 point

    Couple Questions

    PG = Propylene Glycol VG = Vegetable Glycerin They are used as bases for e-liquids... you can buy it with or w/o nicotine. I would buy some plain PG or VG to thin your stuff down till you prefer it. You can buy VG at many drug stores and walmart type stores... typically in the Beauty section I think. Its actually used a skin protectant, etc. I dont know where to buy PG except for online... many vendors sell both and are quite cheap. Remember that the PG is much thinner than VG... so decide what you need by looking at how thick your juice already is. Of course Beans and her mad typing skills beat my cclumbsy fingers. My guess is that since you are knew to vaping you are probably hitting it a lot...like we all do when new juices arrive, etc. It will more than likely slow a tad when the new wears off... maybe. On a side note: If you guys find that your 510 batteries arent lasting you long enough and you are constantly charging them.... keep the "eGo"/"Riva"/"Tornado"/etc. in mind as your next unit. (they come in all sorts of names due to the fact there are knock-offs abound.) The great thing is all of your 510 'stuff' will work on the eGo batteries. You are basically just upgrading to a much better battery that will provide a more consistent 'hit' throughout its battery life. They dont tend to drop off nearly as quick as the small stick type batts do. So, it will feel like its providing a 'fully charged battery hit', for a lot longer time before dropping off. Just something to keep in mind for the future.
    1 point

    Menthol Question

    Ditto what's already been said concerning the difficulty of matching the flavor of an analog. But being a longtime Newport smoker, I've recently found and have become quite impressed with the selection of various menthols offered by Halo (http://www..com/). Perhaps you can find an acceptable menthol flavor there. Sent from my iPod touch using Tapatalk
    1 point
  9. I agree, Beans. I hear so many people, when upon hearing of someones illness, say something like, "But you know he/she is a smoker." Like that's the only reason a person would ever get sick. Now they'll probably change "smoker" to "vaper".
    1 point
  10. The fact of the matter is, everyone is different. His lung death may or may not have been caused by liquid/oil. Could have been he was already affected by some sort of lung disease or autoimmune disease. Anything that enters your lungs can damage them. With autoimmune diseases completely harmless chemicals/dust/air can trigger a reactions of various degrees. Even death. Some of my doctors thought me moving from the desert to LA county where the smog blankets the sky was enough to trigger mine. No other irritants or inhalants were involved. Well besides cigarettes. So them saying that e cigs killed him is most likely false. Underlying disease is the biggest suspect. IMHO of course.
    1 point
  11. Kezef

    Smoked 2 Cigs In My Life.

    Good evening, vaportalk members. I come from Texas, a particularly redneck part actually. I am a senior in high school and have smoked 2 cigarettes in my life. I did not like the "high" and the cancer talk made me uneasy. After daily weed smoking for 2 years, I got my stash found and now I can't smoke anymore weed. Today In class I tried my good buddies "SmokeToLive" vaporizer ECig. He let me hit it and frankly I liked the feeling, I liked the smoke hitting my throat then lungs, I liked the visible smoke and how it disappeared almost magically , and how you could smoke under the table or in the bathroom. However, I'm not a nicotine addict and I'm not sure if I want to become one. I know I can't get cancer, but should I really start nicotine? Is nicotine alone harmful to my health? Buying a "nicotine-less" ecig seems sort of silly, like buying fake weed or some ****. I am considering the Blu Ecig. What do you say, vaportalk? TOO LONG, NOT READING --- Should I start nicotine because I enjoyed smoking pot? I don't want to spend much cash but want a good product, cool looking would be a bonus. Is there an Ecig I can vape pot in? (Might be a stupid qustion, but I am really wondering)
    -1 points
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