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  1. The heavy smoking areas are the teahouse, internet cafe, entertainment places, hospital, market and school. With the coming of the smoking ban, the electronic cigarette becomes popular. Expecially, it doesn't contain the same tar, tobacco and chemicals, this means not only is it a healthier alternative to cigarettes for the user, it is a very welcome alternative for non smokers too. Gone are the smells, the filthy butts, the ashtrays and more. In addition, the user can now light up in public places. For all these reasons, electronic cigarettes are rapidly growing in popularity and street cred. Whenever a new product hits the scene, and really captures the attention of people, you just know there are going to be a plethora of different versions, and brands. There will be good and bad, and it can be so confusing and frustrating trying to figure out which to go with. Obviously you don't want to waste any money, time, or energy. The question now is how to choose a decent electronic cigarette, if you are looking for a decent electrionic cigarette, follow the tips: 1. Read reviews. Electronic cigarettes are still fairly new, which means some brands of e-cigs still have some kinks to work out. There are a few e-smoker forums online with e-cigarette reviews to assist you in narrowing down the e-cig brands you might be interested in purchasing. 2. Check with the dealer or manufacturer to confirm that the e-cig cartridges are refillable. Or, if you are not interested in refilling your own cartridges, find out which cartridges are available where you live, or can be easily ordered online. Keep in mind that if you choose to refill your e-cig cartridges, not only will you save money, but you can purchase smoke juice that does not contain propylene glycol. While the FDA has approved propylene glycol as safe for consumption, no long-term studies have been conducted - particularly for inhaling it with an atomizer - so you will need to decide whether or not it is worth the risk. E-cigs are already safer alternatives for smokers, but by taking this one additional step and avoiding propylene glycol, you might be able to make it even safer. 3. Avoid mall kiosks. The only advantage of buying your electronic cigarette from a mall kiosk is the ease of returning the product if it does not work. Aside from that, you can expect to pay three to four times more for an e-cig from the mall, than you would if you purchased it online. 4. Search for coupon codes. While you will already be saving money if you purchase your e-cigarette online, saving more is always better. Coupon codes are common - and are often listed in electronic cigarette forums - so it is well worth the time to search for coupon codes for brands you are considering. 5. Consider a starter kit. Most e-cig dealers and manufacturers offer an electronic starter kit. E-cig starter kits can save you money and generally include one or two e-cig batteries, an atomizer, a battery charger and cartridges. 6. Look for a warranty. As mentioned before, e-cigs are still relatively new and it is clear that manufacturers are still working to improve the product. Some dealers and manufacturers offer warranties up to a year in length, which you may want to take advantage of, since it is quite common for e-smokers to have issues with their electronic cigarettes upon purchase. 7. Purchase extra parts. Make sure you have spare atomizers and cartridges on hand at all times. You never know when your atomizer might burn out and you do not want to be without the parts you need and be forced to wait for new parts to be shipped before you can enjoy your e-cig again. Just like any other product you might buy online, you are choosing without the benefit of seeing for yourself. You have to make the best informed decision that you can, and then go ahead rder.
    1 point
  2. ripple

    Ordered My First Mod

    I have an Ali'i (variable voltage) and I do love it, but I have some concerns about its ability to take an impact - i.e. dropping it! - and because I do travel and such that was a concern. As a result I ordered a Reo Grand and go it last week and I will admit - I love it too. I suspect that you are going to love the woodvil. His craftsmanship is top notch and the Grand vapes very nicely. I just got home from a weekend get away and only took the Grand leaving the Ali'i home. I brought my eGo but never used it once. I am sure you are going to love it. As far as a picture, well this should help, but its easier to go check it out on his site reomods.com While not the Bloodwood that egoluvr got the woodvil is on the left and the grand is on the right.
    1 point
  3. Don't beat yourself up! Smoking has/had a HUGE hold on all of us. I know people who don't vape and gave up the sticks years ago and even now they say they feel like a smoke every now and then. I guess we still have vaping to 'get us through', so to speak. When I first began vaping, I was EXTREMELY proud and amazed at the fact that I immediately dropped from a very heavy smoker, down to just 2 a day. The very first one in the morning and the last one at night. I never felt like one through the day at all. Then I fell off the vaping wagon for various reasons and went back to the horrid things full time for a few months. This time around, whilst I am enjoying vaping (when it just works!), I have not managed to get myself down to those 2 sticks a day. I still have an analogue more often than I'd rather and I am very disappointed in myself. But I have figured that if I push on I will kick these horrible nasty critters eventually and that's my goal. Geez, you are doing far better than me, so just pat yourself on the back and remember these cravings will come and go for years perhaps. Ignore the little buggers and show them you are stronger than they are.
    1 point
  4. Kazzoo

    Non-Smokers, Now Vapers?

    One of the things I am convinced is that we who vape should not apologize. We should celebrate our recreation of choice. Vaping is not smoking. Vaping is just...Vaping. It is its own thing. If we get in the habit of thinking what we do is shameful how could it not be construed as shameful for others to do as well? Ok for me but not for you? Do I have to Vape because I am a damaged being in someway and this is my burden? Shuffling around in rags Wailing out: "Vapor! I am a Vaporer do not come near me, or you will want to get a Ego and some really delicious juice as well?" Stop that thinking right now please. Should we be emulated and impress those around us? Or are we evil/harmful/examples of what not to be? Shun! Shun! Are we not then putting Vaping in the same social catagory as smoking is now? To be avoided at all costs by those who do not vape. We will be our own worse enemy and society at large will follow our example for good or ill. So what about that "non-smoker"? Are they still not a "non-smoker" if they Vape. Is the product illicit and illegal? Will we now speak of others as "non-Vaperers" as if they are pure as the driven snow and their maidens cavort with unicorns? I trow not... Are the product and the devices cool? yeah. Is there a trend to be seen using one? yeah. Do we want only informed adults using it? yeah. We are on the rise of popularity of it and many will join in. Is that not the hope of every vendor and maker of devices and juices dream? Can't have it both ways folks. We are in a time of transition because Analogs and PV's exist side by side now. I hope PV's win and the Analogs go the way of the Dinosaurs. The reality is that people will Vape who never had a analog. I dont think it can be stopped now. My fellow Vaporer's do you really want to see it go away? (Silly Daddy, tell us the story again how people used to burn tubes of paper and leaves and made themselves sick..) Let the next generation make up their own mind like we did about Vaping. We can tell em what we know when they ask. We would do ourselves well to get on the side of considering Vaping as "a good and pleasant thing" if we wish to continue to do it everywhere we want. Regards, Kaz.
    1 point
  5. to be honest, you're gonna have a hell of a time finding something that tastes exactly like any one particular premade cigarette. i'd say try a bunch of different vendors, and see what she likes best, but don't shy away from other flavors. I bought a couple sampler packs, which contained menthol, and i'm not into menthol, so if you're interested in trying different ones, i've got like 6 bottles you can have. let me know Jon
    1 point
  6. I used cartridges for quite a while .I had a hard time with the disposable aspect of cartomisers.I found out they last quite a while and cost about the same as atomisers in the long run.Dripping is fine at home but not real convenient out and about.Cartridges will and do work just fine ,they just require topping off more frequently than cartomisers.There is nothing wrong with having both in your arsenal.That is the beauty of the 510 ,you can use 510 atties,carto's and 306 atties and carto's without ending up with a drawer full of chargers and batteries.
    1 point
  7. 3-4 times a day is a very very light vaper. So I can see why perhaps her higher usage may seem to you as overkill. Unless it's effecting her life, family and overall well being, I don't see an issue with it. Most cigarette users will smoke 10-11 puffs off of a cigarette in a short period of time. Heavy cigarette users will smoke every 30 minutes. (Given the chance, give or take) That's about 20-25 puffs an hour. Vapers, though I'm not sure why (I do the same thing) tend to take constant puffs over a long period of time rather than short burst cycles. So, if she smoked 2 cigarette an hour, when vaping she'll probably takes a puff every 2 - 2.5 minutes. Essentially she is keeping her nicotine level at a constant level. Upping her nicotine may cause her to vape less, but essentially, she'll get the same amount of nicotine with half the work. That may make you feel better because she's vaping less, but the nicotine content is the same. It's purely appearance. If she has just switched to vaping, her body is still dependent on many chemicals that are not in e cigarettes. Her body is probably craving those chemicals. After a short period of time, she'll probably balance out and vape less. From there, she can step down to a lower nicotine strength. Basically what you're asking is for a caffeine addict to drink from a smaller cup with more shots rather than a larger cup with less shots. It's the same thing. Again, unless it's effecting her life, family and overall well being, she'll balance out and be just fine.
    1 point
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