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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/03/2011 in all areas

  1. Wenchy69

    Sweet Vapes

    I know so many of you guys are mad crazy Sweep Vapes fans, which is why I bit the bullet and placed an order. Vanilla Custard, Starbuckets Latte and Blueberry Shortcake were my choices. Can't say I'm feeling the love for any of them. Really disappointed to be honest. I am one of those who has dead taste buds, so really thought that given the rave reviews here, Sweet Vapes might put me in heaven. My absolute all time fav vape is Ms T's Vanilla Custard.... can't get enough of that stuff. It's just that there always seems to be issues with placing orders on her site. Have to always end up emailing what I want. Something to do with being an O/S customer apparently. Anyway, I was SO hoping that the Sweet Vapes Vanilla Custard would be as good as Ms T's. Not so. It certainly smells very similar, but the flavour is just not there. I even ordered double flavour. Grrr! So annoyed at my stupid taste buds!!! I am in no way bagging Sweet Vapes! The shipping was great, considering we had 5 days of Easter holidays here. Prices Ok, and Dayna was lovely to do business with. No complaints there whatsoever. I know a couple of you have rotten taste buds like myself. Nanna I think is one? Can anyone recommend a truly sweet/strong flavour? Also, I very rarely see any Ms T fans around. Anyone out there?
    1 point
  2. hurrycaine3000

    Banner Rocks!

    Just wanted to mention to anyone having trouble quitting the analogs, get the banner under my post. I didn't create it or anything, but it's really helping me stay off the analogs. the e-cigs obviously the main ingredient in that equation, but the banner just reminds me how long I've been able to go without one, and motivates me to keep it going. Seeing the numbers get bigger and bigger is really gratifying. You hate to have to reset it to zero. Just click on the banner, put in the info, and copy and paste it to you signature in your profile. cheers!
    1 point
  3. Brian

    Dumb Question

    Welcome to Vapor Talk! The Tank attys come in two types.. A and B. Type A is a little cone shaped and type B is cylindrical. Depending on which one you get, you'll need the matching tanks (carts) for that atty. Type B has a little bigger tank and will hold more eliquid (2ml in the type B vs about 1ml in the type A). Type A Tank - Cone Shaped Type B - Cylindrical
    1 point
  4. TroopX

    Sweet Vapes

    You're not alone wenchy. I actually couldn't taste them either. I have pretty dead taste buds too. ...I really wanted to~
    1 point
  5. Man I have to say The vaping really seems like the perfect addiction. I'm sitting here with a fresh batt in hand... after wiping one out during band practice (I'll take both next time). I'm finishing off the dripped cart before bed. The rest of the band (all smokers) are jealous of my wondrous puffs of beauty in the jam room, which is smoke free. I'll bet I have at least one convert on my watch by the end of the month. The best part? My wife doesn't give me a hard time over vaping. She truly has my best interests at heart, but it's nice to be able to get a few puffs while we're watching TV or playing video games, guilt free. The next step is making my coworkers comfortable with it so I don't have to go outside the office to vape.
    1 point


    You will eventually get to a point where you don't give a crap about what other people think you are vaping on.....I rock my Provari out , loud, proud, and out of control!...I have learned to ignore all the stares, and whispers....but sometimes, peoples curiosity gets the better of them, and next thing you know......they want one! So.....dont cup that Ego in your hand like a monkey with a walnut!!!....vape it like you own it!
    1 point
  7. asleep

    Sweet Vapes

    Hey Wenchy69, I understand exactly what your going through, we all go through this, people just intrepid taste differently. I've worked my way from vendor to vendor looking for the perfect combo of taste, and carto life; even though almost everyone agrees that PG is the only way to go with a carto, not all PG is clean enough to really enjoy that way IMO and my taste in juice is almost who I am, none of my friends who have tried my all day round up like it, NONE but it's my sweet spot, and I have a ton of "good" juices in my toolbox I'll never vape. It just takes some searching, you'll find it. My advice, do exactly what your doing, explore vendors that others have had great success with, and order small samples of things you know you'd like, before experimenting. Best of luck, there is a lot of vendor, which is a great thing for finding the vendor with a similar palate to yours.
    1 point
  8. fran1959

    Sweet Vapes

    I am a Ms. t fan, I know you have to wait for her juice, but every time I try something else I still keep going back to her site. What I do is since it takes so long, after I find something I like I order 2 bottles of it at once. For some reason, that is the juice I can taste most. Also VT juice is very good, have you tried them? Another good thing about Ms. T is she will make any mg. you want, for me 18 isn;t enough 24 is too strong, so I order 21 now and it's just right.
    1 point
  9. copying my posts from ECF I am looking at the calendar and it looks like the 28th is the last saturday of the month. As I mentioned earlier I would like to try for a earlier time. I will talk with Cobblestones this week and see about 5 PM on the 28th of May. I will keep everyone posted as I get more info. Also If anyone else is a frequent visitor of other forums please let me know. I would like to have some presence on those as well.
    1 point
  10. Just want to say thank you to everyone that came out this evening. You all made for a great night. To bad the service sucked but we should have a better time next month. I believe we are going to shoot for a few hours earlier. Possibly around 5. A big thanks to red for giving away all those DIY supplies. I know they will go to good use and what is left over is going to be brought back for the next meet up. Also sharon for bringing a giant pack of napkins to blow out those juices between Flavors. Rob from blue mist. Thanks for the horrid crab juice. It was time for a new atty And drip tip anyway. (sharon I wish you the best of luck on removing that stuff from both. Hopefully it doesn't get ripe like crabs sitting out to long) And everyone else for sharing your juices. Means a lot to have the community that we do. I hope everyone enjoyed themselves, I know I did. Great juices and great company always make for a good time. Again thanks to everyone for making a great evening and hope to see all those who were unable to make it this time at next months meetup.
    1 point
  11. Thanks for adding this here...This is Felt from ECF. I just wanted to update it for you. Some of us will be getting there around 7. But whenever you all show up is fine. Look forward to meeting you all. Sorry for the short notice but I now have a liaison here to keep you all updated on future meetups.
    1 point
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