This has nothing to do with tests or health, QT. If they honestly cared about our health, aspartame wouldn't be allowed, cigarettes would have been outlawed a LONG time ago, pot would be legal, alcohol would be looked down on as much worse than pot(which it completely is. Oh, and cigarettes are worse for you than pot too. no 4K chemicals, just one that occurs naturally called THC), we wouldn't have Chantix, and they wouldn't be prescribing RAT POISON for people with low blood pressure. The FDA doesn't give a rat's *** about anybody's health. They only exist to protect corporations and control what's supposed to be a free market. The FDA is supposed to exist to protect us from harmful things in our food and medicine, but that's not at all what they do.
I have a friend who was told that he had high blood pressure, and it absolutely COULD NOT be cured with diet, exercise, or vitamins/minerals, or any kind of food change. He was told he absolutely would need drugs to fix it. Within a year his blood pressure is perfectly fine thanks to garlic, diet, and exercise. It is a FACT that garlic will lower blood pressure, but if you try to put that message out there, the FDA will be up your *** so fast you won't know what happened. That is a terrible thing, and it's simply not right. We all know here that it's a fact that e-cigs will help you quit smoking. However, the FDA doesn't want anyone saying so... Well why the hell not? If they're so interested in health, you'd think they'd want facts about health to be widespread and well known. The simple answer is they don't care about health. This isn't about them unsure about something and wanting to make sure it's safe at all. They're paid off by big pharma. If you don't believe that, then you're incredibly naive, and I have some snake oil I'd like to sell you, along with beach front property in Siberia.
If the FDA were really out for our best interest, they'd want good health information like that to be spread around so we can all stay healthy. However, if we're healthy, we don't need drugs, and if we were smart, we wouldn't eat processed food. They don't want any of that. They are out to protect food and drug corporations, plain and simple. If they gave a crap about us, there never would have been any reason to go against e-cigs in the first place.
Oh by the way, the wonderful FDA apparently wants to regulate vitamins now too, and just the other day I saw something on the news that basically said vitamins are bad and that you need to consult your doctor before taking any because they might interfere with medication... What a crock. Not everybody takes medication on a regular basis, and there's no reason why anyone should. It's not normal, and it means you're not healthy. Health is achieved by eating right, not popping pills. Pills certainly have their place, but I think they should only be a last resort unless you absolutely can not live without them. I avoid them as much as possible because they cause other health problems, and there's almost always an alternative.