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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/27/2011 in all areas

  1. My philosophy I didn't start vaping to quit smoking, just to smell better and possibly get my sense of smell and taste back a little bit. I'm the only smoker i know who's never tried to quit smoking, and i think where a lot of people run into difficulty when they quit is that they make a big, dramatic production out of it, tell everyone who'll listen that they're quitting, throw away all their lighters and ashtrays, and if they make it a couple of days, they'll sometimes turn their nose up to people who still smoke as if they're king of the healthy life choices syndicate. It's no wonder they feel like a failure and get all depressed when they relapse, at that point they've built it up way too big, and i think, put WAY more pressure on themselves, and possibly forced their inevitable failure. What i think will work best for me (and probably a lot of people), is not to say you're quitting smoking, not announce it to the world and have cnn film you throwing away all your ashtrays and lighters (keep those lighters for camping trips). hell, leave out your ashtrays, leave the butts in them until they smell too bad. Try vaping as an interesting hobby that tastes really good, do it more and more if you like, do it instead of smoking if you prefer, but don't build up the entire hopes of your existence on it, and don't misdirect a bad choice that you made into hate for tobacco, smoking, or even the people who profit from something that's inherently unhealthy. It was our choice to smoke just like it's our choice to vape, and if we have an analog today, so what? maybe we won't tomorrow, and if we do, it doesn't mean we're failures and that our entire lives are meaningless and all the baby foxes in canada are going to die, it just means that smoking is ridiculously addictive. And that one cigarette in a day, or a week, or however long, is nothing compared to the millions we had when we were full-time smokers. Jon
    2 points
  2. Beans

    Cigarette Stands

    Infamy, you rock!
    1 point
  3. I have been using my eGO with stainless drip tip and 16 and 24mg Sweet Dreams eLiquid for over a month now and have no desire to smoke. A few days into the switch I got the urge while around some smokers but the eGo quickly Made that Go Away. If I can quit, so can you. And I find this much more enjoyable than smoking now that I know how to do it proper; 2-3 drops, long drags then inhale, etc. Thank You so much Vapor Talk you guys have probably added years to my life. I smoked from 16 to 25 and will not touch any tobacco, especially cigarettes again. Please take the leap like I did, I had a crappy cartridge type that the end lit up for a while and that was awful, waste of money; 10 drags or so and the cartridge was pretty much spent and not satisfying at all. This is a whole different ball game, please, please, for your own sake give it a try. The eGo kit and the stainless drip tip was the best investment towards my future I ever made. Thank you again to all of you who posted reviews, etc, that helped me make the decision to buy one and Thank You Vapor Talk for making it affordable and making it all possible. I and my Girlfriend Thank You all from the bottom of our hearts and Lungs for that matter. -Ed Do what Thou Will Is the Whole Law
    1 point
  4. Cheriepye

    Cigarette Stands

    I think you did great!
    1 point
  5. ChainsawMBH

    Cigarette Stands

    At work I leave my PCC in my locker with a manual battery in it and I keep my automatic in my pocket. The automatic usually lasts me most of a shift so I might have the manual in my pocket for an hour or two. At home I just leave them anywhere...usually on top of a pile of CD's or the box I recieved my kit in while they await a trip to the charger. Those are pretty damn cool looking Infamy. All that matters is that they work.
    1 point
  6. I know, there are illegal drugs, but that doesn't stop people from getting or doing those either, but that's not the point. I don't want to be limited to some crappy tobacco flavored or zero nic juice, and I don't feel like dealing with stupid cops and fines if I decide to overstep whatever boundaries the FDA wants to put in place. I'm an adult, damnit, and I like fruity and candy flavors too. I don't feel like having to deal with all the bs that comes along with doing illegal drugs just for some damn nicotine, and I don't wanna pay thru the nose either.
    1 point
  7. I am pretty much the same with my sweet-vales juices, I rarely touch my other suppliers juices any more since building a sweet-capes inventory! Today's flavor of choice was/is green apple! I got the star buckets latte as well on lady Ds recommendation and I am enjoying that a lot as well, heck I have yet to find one that I havent cared for from them.
    1 point
  8. Don't know if this will help or not but when I get a new tank atty I blow the primer out, using the bottom end of the atty and blowing into a paper towel. You can get a lot of junk that way. Keep blowing until you can see no more primer, then I will blow on the tank part of the atty. After all this I will use a drop or two directly on the atty and put my filled tank on the atty. I don't get the plastic tab out of the tank but I know that some do. I've never had any trouble with that part. But any way I hope this helps.
    1 point
  9. lovie

    Cigarette Stands

    really cute and very creative
    1 point
  10. I know I reccomend the Ego/Riva system a lot. I started vaping in December with an initial expendature of 143 dollars for a couples kit for KR808D. I quickly realised that particular model was definately not going to do the trick. I stepped to another system that was supposed to be the next best thing. After seeing another investment of close to another 200 dollars. None of this has been including cartomizers for the KR808. I had to take 3 batteries into work so I could finish a shift will out worrying of having enough Power to finish a shift. I convinced my wife to let me spend 50 dollars for a Riva kit. At that time I was lost in the world of products out there. When I got my kit I was just overwhelmed with the taste, throat hit and vapor it produced. My wife immediately jumped on the bandwagon. The Ego/Riva in their small battery line i.e. 650 mah and 750 mah are really not that much bigger than a cigarette. Just a little fatter. I remember I was a strong advocate for KR808 model e-cigs because of their size. I just wish looking back when I exploring e-cigs that I had access to people who would have convinced me to got that route first. I am a state employee and my wife works at a theme park. I wish that I could take the money in that other equipment that I have now sitting in the house and pay some of the bills. That is why I reccomend the way I do, I paid 30.00 dollars for my last 750 kit with 2 batteries. I would like to see an amount like that for someone new at vaping than go the expensive route I did. I will continue to suggest what I do because it is what I believe in. If I recomended anything else I would being a dis-service to myself and the person who asked my opinion. Paul
    1 point
  11. Atari

    E - Solid Review

    The full review is pretty long with pics, but you can view the whole thing here They arrived in an old eGo atomizer box with not notice and no instructions. All I had to go on was their poorly translated website. " Instrution: 1.Install the concave type atomizer to the battery. 2.Open the tube cap then squeeze the e-solid(like using toothpaste)into atomizer properly(recommend 0.1g, just one soybean) to the bottom of atomizer 3.Then,fasten down the empty cartridge and smoking. Because the procedure for e-solid—liquid—vapor need some time, so try to not smoke sharply first, please wait for 2-3 seconds. Remarks: A.The atomizer should be concave type, the battery capacity is bigger than liquid e-cigs Suitable type is:510, EGO,TGO etc manual type. B.E-solid should reach to atomizer bottom, but do not cover the whole atomizer, especially avoid the centre of nickel heater. It should be proper quantity." It sounded easy enough so I gave it a try. I left one side uncovered as I had read in the one other review I could find. Now Im going to try and give it a puff. Nothing. Burnt atomizer. I took a toothpick and poked some of the gel down into the atomizer. I was getting a little bit of the flavor, Its the same nasty tobacco I remember starting out with years ago before I knew that all e liquid didnt taste like crap, and with a flavor that already taste terrible its hard to tell when your hitting dry atty. Im having a nightmare of a time keeping the wick wet. Im thinking the chunkiness is accounting for the fact that once it gets hot its a nice liquid. Every so often I get to a chunk and it goes dry on me till I puff really hard into the mouth piece till it fills the gap again. Finally i filled it full and cut off the air flow, and pulled on it till it pulled some through and started wicking. I have been puffing on this for quite a while and its showing no signs of wear, as in the gel packed inside looks almost as full as when I filled it about 4 hours ago. read more
    -1 points
  12. Atari

    Rachelberry From Ares

    To start if you didnt know ARES is doing a giveaway over at The Vapors Place the winner gets 1, 10ml bottle of each of there 77 flavors + a Riva kit. Thats 770ml of juice and a Riva kit!!! here at VaporChaser we will be going through 5 flavors from ARES to give the low down on these juices and on Saturday well have an Interview with ARES to give you a peek inside what makes these juices worthy of the gods "Named after pretty the lady who discovered it for us, Rachelberry is simply a 50/50 mix of our Watermelon and Strawberry juices." I couldnt resist this one, and with my recent experience with their other juices, I cant wait to try this one. Im using a fresh carto and an eGo battery. The juice is 24mg nic and 70/30 pg/vg Flavor, first draw. Fresh, but my mouth is so confused. Im getting fresh strawberry on the tip of my tongue, but the watery feel of watermelon fills your mouth then a strawberry after taste with just a bit of the watermelon hiding behind it. This isnt a strawberry flavoring taste, its not the candy flavor or the baked strawberry filling flavor, its fresh strawberry. The watermelon makes your mouth water and has that clean watery taste of watermelon. I know the new big kick in e liquids seems to be organic, but I cant say enough for how real these flavors taste. its like biting onto a strawberry thats filled with watermelon, as I said the mix confuses your mouth with the strawberry water melon strawberry change up. Really Awesome! Throat hit, very subtle if any. its a 24mg juice but the TH isnt really what Im looking for in a fruit blend, its got the nic tingle but not what Id call HIT. Vapor production, a strong vapor but again not clouds. It delivers flavor on inhale and exhale and unless you just like to see vapor lingering and filling the room, all you care about is the quality rather than the quantity. Quality is excellent. Aroma, Every one at the office has stopped and ask what this one was, Its got a really good scent to follow a great flavor Over all another one out of the park for ARES, If you on the new organic kick, remember Ares. The flavors are so realistic, its really refreshing to vape on a real strawberry, or a real watermelon. I wish I could mix this in a pitcher of margaritas, its really that fresh cut fruit taste. Like strawberry?, watermelon? fruit? Get a bottle and be happy. Ares Ecig
    -1 points
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