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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/10/2011 in all areas

  1. It would be a big help to the newbies, on this forum, if you posted your video review link (or video) at the top of your post instead of all the Elixir promotion stuff.
    3 points
  2. mianker

    510 To 510 Short Extension

    Anyone looking for a short 510 extension should check out MADVAPES they have the same type "Shorty 510 Extension and Connector" another vendor has been selling for $ 7.99 for only $2.49. They are great if you need more distance between your connection and tank.
    1 point
  3. nana

    Difficulty Being A Noobie

    Right up front...I'm sorry...but I'm going to say this. I've read your post several times and I keep seeing this..."I know that if I smoke so many "analogs" I am safe". Seriously? You think you are "safe" smoking analogs? I'm really sorry, but there is no way you are "safe" with analogs. If you vaped so much that you "actually threw up a couple of times", you were vaping way too much or a very, very high mg of nic. Why did you not back off if you were throwing up? I don't understand that. It makes no sense to me. As far as..."ALL OF THE MEDICAL INFORMATION NOT PROVIDED IN THE VAPING COMMUNITY as far as nicotine overdose"...we are all taking a chance by vaping instead of smoking. We all made up our own minds and decided for ourselves that we were better off without all the extra chemicals that came with smoking. We have never claimed to be doctors, nor have we claimed to know all the answers. We just know that we feel better. But...several people have asked their doctors about vaping and were told it was much, much better. Most doctors are all for it. As far as I know, none of those doctors have given out written instructions about nicotine overdose. But I do think you could probably do some searching and find those answers for yourself if you really want them. I think that most of us have just "played it by ear" and decided what we needed and how much and how often. Since you do not seem to be comfortable with that, and you seem to be so terribly worried about how safe vaping is, and you seem to think that smoking is safe, perhaps you should visit your own doctor and get your answers there. "I think the "vaping" endorsers should come out with some type of guide line as far as nicotine levels, this is just bad business and I personally do not want to gamble with my health even more." Really? I happen to think that the suppliers are doing an awesome job with the information they give out. They give you all the information needed to make an intelligent decision. You know exactly what ingredients are in the liquid. Do you know exactly what ingredients are in cigarettes? Do the companies who sell cigarettes give you the kind of information you think the vaping vendors should give? I am curious if you went into this much detail and worry before you started smoking. Did you know (before you got all these answers to your post) exactly how much nicotine you were taking in while smoking? I never did. I never saw anything, anywhere, that told me how much nicotine I was taking into my system per cigarette. Did you know for a fact how many cigarettes you would have to smoke before you got nicotine poisoning? Where does it tell you how many cigarettes you have to smoke before you get cancer? I don't see that kind of information out there in ads or on cigarette packages. But you should read the warnings on all the "quit smoking" stuff they have out there...especially chantix. That stuff says outright that you may commit suicide if you use the stuff. Most of us have tried all the different ways to quit smoking because we knew it wasn't good for us. It didn't work. That's why we chose to vape instead. For most of the people in this forum, vaping did work for us. We're all happy with our decision. We come to this forum to help out any of the new people who are looking for answers, because people helped us get started in the same way. We are here because we care and we want to help. We don't have all the answers, but we do the best we can. I know that everyone here would be willing to help you out all they can, but no one here has all the answers. Some things you just have to do yourself. I wish you the best of luck in whatever you decide to do for yourself...be that smoking, or vaping.
    1 point
  4. They almost have the site ready to re-launch. I would say that it will be up tommorrow or monday at the latest. boB just wants to make sure its runnin correct before he puts it back online. I just got 4 new flavors from them today and all I can say is WOW. They are great! I got Pineapple Upside Down Cake, Warm Sugar Cookie, Vape Placid(menthol tobacco which tastes just like a Newport to me) and a "bait a"(beta) sample of Joosy Froot. I will be doing a review on them in a couple days when I get in more vape time on them.
    1 point
  5. Jeffb

    Obsidian Vapor White

    Why dont you just post the whole review here?
    1 point
  6. Hurricane

    Madvapes Review

    Hawk, here is the link for the 3-ohm Boge cartos. http://www.madvapes.com/Refillable-510-Cartomizers_p_2481.html Here is the link for the 2-ohm Boge cartos. http://www.madvapes.com/Refillable-510-Cartomizers-20ohm_p_2744.html I hope that helps.
    1 point
  7. They don't always show it, but your atomizers should come with a "blank" (no filler) tip in them. You can use that and if you decide you like dripping, you can purchase a "drip tip" that lets you drip into it without having to remove the "blank" tip every time you want to add drops of juice. HTH
    1 point
  8. snubber

    Madvapes Review

    This place is really cool. I'm working only 15mins from their location and have been there several times. The people there are great....and it's really cool to be able to walk around and look at the supplies and say I'll take one of those and three of those and some of these...oh and now for juice. It's like a kid in a candy store. They really are very helpful and have even stayed late so I could come in after work...I've tried several of their juices and like all of them so far. They have one called Grandpa's mix. it's hard to explain the flavor...a little cranberry and a little citrus with some bayberry overtones (I think) it's one of those flavors you either love or hate. So far...I love it. Kind of like vaping a christmas wreath. (weird)
    1 point
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