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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/08/2011 in all areas

  1. I'm not a doctor- but I don't smoke anymore- I vape. I couldn't believe I got rid of my 20 yr/ 2ppd habit that fast and so easy. I vape hard and throughout most of the day on 20-24mg juice without issues. I was concerned at first, but accepted the answer that was "listen to your body". Your body will tell you if you've had enough or too much well before it becomes dangerous IMO. It sounds like you are afraid to try vaping instead of smoking because you don't know how much nicotine you are getting. If that's the case- don't let that be the reason, but rather listen to your body. We, the vaping community, are guinea pigs per se- as vaping hasn't went through rigorous long term testing. (However, the ingredients have all been studied, ie PG, nicotine) What should be apparent, is how much better you feel vaping vs smoking. That part was a no-brainer for me. As far as I remember, there were no labels on chewing tobacco telling the consumer how much to use. I know I've had cigarette hangovers as well. My suggestion to vaping would be take as many pulls on it as need be when you are having a nicotine craving. Put it down when you get your "fix" if you are concerned. Your head isn't going to explode, and your heart will likely thank you for putting down the analogs. Juice is another issue. Be prepared to buy sample sizes from different vendors until you find something that you like. Read/watch reviews, ask questions here or in the chat. You'll find the ones that work for you! RE:I know that if I smoke so many "analogs" I am safe ....not even going to touch that one ...vape on! Good luck and hang in there!
    2 points
  2. Most of us here who are vaping aren't doctors, therefore, I don't know how you expect the vaping community to deliver what you are looking for. A few here on VT are nurses. Though I'm not one of them, I am a teacher, and I do teach my students how to research. While Wikipedia may not have had the best marks in the past for their reputableness (yes, I'm aware that's not a word, but as an English major I make words up like the Bard), this information on nic toxicology is quite good. If you scroll down a bit after Toxicology, there's some very interesting insight into nicotine's (gasp) therapeutic uses. Links provided at that entry led me to an entry on electronic cigs. While ambiguous and not as thorough as I would like, it does have decent information. If you are so worried about it, I'd talk to your doctor, not some folks on an internet forum. The vendors are not practicing bad business, in my opinion, by not suppling this information. It is up to the end user to do what feels comfortable for her/himself. The FDA is not (yet) regulating these devices. And I hope they don't, ever. They really turned cigarettes into quite a debacle. Best of luck and I hope you find what works for you.
    2 points
  3. Maybe why there is more info on analogs than vaping is that people have been smoking for thousands of years(I looked it up on wikipedia. 5000-3000BC). Vaping is still in it's infancy. The barrage of clinical tests are just beginning now that it has become more popular. Nicotine on it's own is not that bad for you health wise in moderation. It's the other 4000+ chemicals that are in analogs and not vaping that should concern you most. Nicotine on it's own is about as dangerous as caffine. Granted, If you comsume it in mass quantities, it could be very dangerous just as if you consume caffine in mass quantities. A couple cups of coffee and you are fine. Drink a few pots though and you will find your heart ready to jump out of your chest. I wish I could tell you exactly how much nicotine is absorbed by vaping, but I'm not a scientist and don't have the info to pass on. All we as vapers can do is give you some suggestions on where you should start depending on our own experiences. I smoked 1.5 to 2 packs a day of camel light 99's. I now vape between 5-7ml's a day of 24mg nic level juice. I have never gotten nic sick.
    2 points
  4. mcquinn

    Wrong Product

    That is one of the pitfalls of looking for the cheapest price.All suppliers have to pay the same price for this stuff from pretty much the same wholesalers .To be able to offer lower prices to the consumer they have to leave out something or sell you a knockoff from another manufacturer.The no box kits are just some bulk batteries,atties/cartos and a charger .It is a good way for someone who is already familiar with vaping to get well stocked ,but not so good for a noobie as you found out.As for Janty Joye Janty thinks this stuff up and Joye builds it for them ,they are usually exclusive Janty for about six months and then Joye can can start selling it under the Joye brand.
    1 point
  5. Sharon Check out this thread and specifically my post in the thread about the math of volts and resistance. If that makes sense then take the next step and understand that for an resistance is about the coil size of the atty, a LR atty has a smaller coil and this offers lower resistance, but when you pump more power though the smaller coil you run the risk of overloading it for lack of a better term and pop! Thats why for high voltage higher resistance is suggested, although that lowers the total power. Go read that one, then read this post again and that should set you on a course for what you're struggling with, if you still need more help let me know.
    1 point
  6. Sharon

    Difficulty Being A Noobie

    Welcome Debbee. I googled "Electronic Cigarette Research" and this is just one of the many websites I found on the subject. http://www.ecigarettedirect.co.uk/extra%20info/e-cigarette-safety.html#fears Scroll down to the bottom of the page and you can download the research report. Pretty simple! Good luck and I sincerely hope you are able to find what you are looking for. Should you decide that e-cigarettes can offer you an alternative to smoking analogs and you would like some help using them, we would be happy to share our experiences with you. Good Luck!
    1 point
  7. Oh wow..I drink a couple pots of coffee a day and vape a lot. I am fine, I really am..just hyper sometimes..hehe..my coffee helps me to sleep and I find myself needing more nic then the 18 mg I am using now. I was a 2 1/2 pack a day smoker. (chain smoker) maybe that is the reason the 18 mg is not enough for me? I am trying to figure this stuff out too. but I am enjoying it.
    1 point
  8. Most vapers are people who are looking for another way to get the nic fix and they will recomend you go with high nic level juice.I found out as you did it is better to go as small a level as you can get away with and just vape more often.I started with a medium level and worked down to low or no nic as fast as possible.During the stepdown process I kept a little higher nic just in case .Vaping is not smoking ,not even close ,as soon as you realise that and just accept it as an alternative the better you will be.No liquid tastes like burning tobacco leaves ,but there are a lot of very good flavored liquids that you will soon be looking forward to, and once you master the act of vaping you will be able to blow vapor rings and cloud up a room.Ther ecigg is an acceptable pacifier for the hand to mouth addiction a pacifier if will and the nicotine keeps the heebie jeebies away.Good luck and hang in there.You soon will be grossed out by the smell of stale smoke on peoples clothing and you will not want to go back to that.There is no telling how long we will have the access we have to this stuff as the FDA is trying every trick in the book to ban it so make the best use of it as you can while you can to beat your addiction to nicotine .
    1 point
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