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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/05/2011 in all areas

  1. kitsune

    Need An Ego Cone

    I have a black cone just collecting dust if you are interested. free to a good home. Just PM me if you still need one. happy to send it out to you. unfortunately, I only have the one. being broke sucks.
    7 points
  2. Beans

    Need An Ego Cone

    Yeah it does....I have a silver and black cone. I don't use either.... U can PM me if you want also.
    6 points
  3. I do deeply apologize for the delay I've been in and out of meetings all day. You'll be the first person to ever report receiving a corroded item. We are more than happy to accept the items back and once they arrive will issue you a full refund including the cost of postage. Once the kit arrives we'll need to inspect the batteries to ensure they are ours (serial number under caps) and to ensure no other batteries on that lot have any issues. A refund will be issued within 24 hours of the items return to our office. I just responded to your email a couple of minutes ago and again we are more than happy to issue you a refund. I'm sorry you are not happy with our service or product. If there is anything else we can do to change your mind, don't hesitate to let us know.
    2 points
  4. For those of you who LOVE the ice cold throat hit but do not love the "medicine" taste of the menthol, your happy day's have arrived! Thanks to Nox who pointed me in the right direction, I ordered a bottle of Koolada from perfumers apprentice and OMG it works amazing. I can add it to any liquid and I get the ice cold hit without the medicine like taste of menthol. Start out light and ramp up of you need to! Thank you Nox and thank you PA!
    1 point
  5. Thanks for coming back and providing the level of detail. I personally extent my apologizes for my post questioning your claim and authenticity. I think you can see from Chris's reply he is a honest, professional, and stand up guy. I hope you would also understand that most of us have had nothing but the best of encounters with the VT Store and thus found it difficult to understand the nature of your post. It sounds like he replied to you in the same day you contacted him, which seems by most online businesses to be not only acceptable but exceptional. For what its worth, while no doubt your day was horrible, and we can now better understand your perspective, from our perspective here came someone making public claims that seemed completely contrary to everything we knew to be true about the store. Hopefully you can see that our loyalty and defense of the VT store speaks to the quality of products and customer service we have experienced. I am completely confident that once the situation has been assessed you will find Chris's responsive actions to be exceptional as well.
    1 point
  6. Ok let me clear this up for all of you because some of you sound more confused and more upset than I was. And I was the one that spent $100 and received a defective product. First of all, I am not a troll. I did have a troll with pink hair once when I was about 7 years old. Thanks for the compliment but I assure you I am me and not a troll. Secondly, I did not post my picture here. In fact, I did not even and have not even, viewed the profile information or editing profile info which is usually a standard with most forums. The reason why my picture appears here is because I own forums and have my picture at various forums and websites. Some forums automatically pull a profile pic from another forum. I know that is strange but it does even if your user name for the forums are different. I'm not sure how that works but I suppose it some how picks up your ip address and pulls your avatar/pic from other forums. Thirdly, I was very pleased in regards to the fast shipping. I spent almost $100 for a product as a gift to my ex husband that smokes like a tobacco barn, and is 62 years old. He saw a movie with Johnny Depp smoking an electronic cigarette and thought that may work for him to get off cigarettes. I did my research online some what in locating these types of electronic cigarettes. I read through some of the info at this forum about the best products to buy when starting out. I felt I did my duty in research, found a good site to purchase a good product and even a forum with lots of info. However, when I received the products, I was shocked and became angry. Wouldn't you be? One of the products was all corroded with what appeared to be battery acid leaking out into the plastic wrapping. You do your research, spend time locating what you think is a trustful site with quality product, trust submitting your credit card info, spend almost $100 bucks, and receive junk. But I will tell you what really made me mad. Sure I was upset and mad about the product. But what really made me mad was visiting the site for contact help, returning the product info, and there was NO contact info on the store site. When clicking on HELP, it said I HAD to register at this forum before I could receive help. Now let me tell you something else, (especially to the person that posted all I had to do was write a few lines to send the item back). HOW does a person send an item back when they do not know for sure, where to send the item back to??? The address label is very light type and even so, not always do you return a product to the return address printed on the package. It's best to have the exact return product address so you will know you are in fact returning it to the correct place. Fourth, YES I was having a very bad day. There was a bad storm here in Tennessee when I received the product. A huge limb fell out of a tree in my drive and crashed into one of my trucks. To top that off, baby squirrels were crying every where that came out of that tree limb. I have 7 outside cats and my cats killed two of them and I managed to save two. So I have two baby squirrels that look to be about 4 to 5 weeks old in a box that was starving and crying for their mother. I had to rush out to the vet office and buy bottles with nipples and esbilac formula to prevent starvation of the little rat like critters. To top this off, I tried to get the vet office to take the squirrels, release them after they reached survival age. They refused. I called the Tennessee Wildlife Rescue Association and they were of no help. Have you ever heard a baby squirrel cry? It is quite pitiful. But I got them all dry, in a big cardboard box, with old t-shirts for warmth and comfort, and feeding them 4 times per day. Fifth, I work online. I have worked online for 15 years. I know how ash holish a customer can come across to be. But I also have enough sense to know that you cannot read everything about that person or the person's day or the person's experience by reading a few upsetting lines in an email or on a forum. I ALWAYS reply back nicely, find out exactly what problem they had, and remedy their issue if at all possible. Six, I can say that the store owner or Christopher (whomever that is) acted as I act when I have a customer issue....which is good. So I will be ordering again from this store and appreciate HIS professionalism in this matter.
    1 point
  7. Thanks Beans! I was very excited about it, since I am a menthol-aholic!
    1 point
  8. Good job little grasshopper. Menthol juice really does a great job adding that missing zip from other flavors!
    1 point
  9. I received 2 bottles of blueberry from awesome vapor and they were amazing!!! I ordered more when I ran out and got 3 this time and for some reason they were a. no where near as potent and b. not the same flavor. What gives? Does anyone or has any vaped their blueberry and could u point me to a flavor concentrate where I can replicate THAT flavor, even if I come close I will be super happy! Please help! Best description of flavor I can give it, is like a candy blueberry. I am not hating on Awesome Vapor, they are amazing and I adore their stuff, but this one they don't even have the answer to (and have been more then accommodating to me), but I can not ask them, "hey who do you use for flavor?", plus theirs is premixed, they just relabel...sigh :-(
    1 point
  10. I'm right there with you on that one. Quality control. Wont rat out where I have that problem, but I now have 7 btls of juice that sucks. I It seems like you would have a standard, do not deviate recipe. Just like Chefs or bartenders. The whole point of business is returning customers. :wallbash: DIY is now on my short list.
    1 point
  11. Bean...you got it! From a business perspective...if someone is buying YOUR liquid, because of ITS flav, why the heck would you change the darn thing or why would you not have each batch tested against a known successful sample?!
    1 point
  12. I have that problem all the time. I order a juice once it's great the second it's completely changed. IMHO not all vendors are consistent making their mixes... It makes me nuts!
    1 point
  13. Thanks Cheshyl, I have tried the blueberry from a few dif places including the ones you names, but there is something missing, I think they add another flav to it and I am hunting THAT flav. I still have a bit left from the "old" bottles and the problem is still there, not my buds, but I am can see how that can happen though.
    1 point
  14. cheshyl

    Got My Ego.

    If the drip tip has a small hole I will drop a drop, let it settle, then drop another drop and blow on the top to give the liquid a little extra push to the atty. I think that's a pretty common practice. But it works for me. Good luck and happy vaping.
    1 point
  15. Hi vampy. Sometimes juice just isn't what you thought it was because your taste buds are constantly changing. I have found that if I order just some flavors from perfumer's apprentice I can get pretty much the exact taste I want but that's all trial and error. Perumer's apprentice has great flavors. There are some diy places that are cheaper and I haven't tried them all but I know that PA is spot on with the flavors that I have tried. Good luck in your search.
    1 point
  16. CoffinLess

    Hot Cinnamon Candy

    Off topic (a bit) but to keep the measurement on the outside of needle - maybe try clear nail polish! This has worked for years for my Pyrex measuring cups!
    1 point
  17. I can't believe a customer has to register at a forum before they can get help in returning the product. I received the product today and it's all corroded!!! I don't see anything on the store site that relays how to return the product, no print out return slip, nothing but to register here. I won't be buying again and I do expect a full refund. Perhaps I should call my credit card company to deny the charge. Absolutely horrible site, horrible product, horrible service.
    -3 points
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