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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/03/2011 in all areas

  1. Christopher

    Fda Lies?

    Well thank you for the chocolate lesson. You've been vaping how long and your in the mood to school me this week also? Boy you really love to push the envelope don't you. And yes, I meant Chocolate chip cookie. If you want to get technical, Chocolate chips are not always a substitute for melted baking chocolate. Chocolate chips are designed to retain their shape (for cookies naturally) when baking, they contain less cocoa butter than typical baking chocolate. So while yes, it is still chocolate, it's normally intended for cookies. Regardless it was a sarcastic comment made towards the FDA and their nanny like attitude. Your troll like attitude on this topic and various other topics is starting to irritate me. It's taken a lot of work over the years to keep this forum fun, informative and most of all friendly. You where banned from ECF and claimed they where Nazis, if you don't want to see me turn into a Nazi I'd suggest you think before posting your sarcastic unnecessary comments. And if you even think of hitting the negative button on this post like you love to do with other members (again trolling), I will, happily, ban you.
    2 points
  2. So, bearing in mind that I have only been vaping a little over 2 months, like most people I spent a lot and tried a lot - hardware, attys, new toys, juices. My very first PV, thank God, was a Joye eGo, which I still use all the time. At least parts of it. I next got an eGo tank because the whole dripping/filling thing got to be cumbersome with driving, working, classes, etc. Awesome idea, by the way, and I adored it. Until the attys started getting gunked up from the bajillion different kinds of juices I tried. Then, not so much. Hard draws, crappy performance, leaks, and finally, pretty much dead. Then I got a Stu's Illuminated Bottomfeeder Box Mod, aka Old Goat mod. I tried a 306 LR atty on it, which was OK, but the very best best best on it is a Boge LR cartomizer. And truly, this is the Nirvana of vaping for me. No hassle, no refilling throughout the day. Just have to remember to bring an extra battery (I am out of the house for 14 hours every day). But I still like my Tank. More importantly, my HUSBAND still loves his tank best of all. So I was talking to Vicki at Cignot.com (who is a treasure, a smart smart woman, and the very best at customer service in the whole world). She also loves her Tank but agrees that they can be a little high maintenance, so she helped me with some tips. So. I take all of my eGo batteries and wipes them down with an alcohol prep pad. I am a nurse so I always come home with some in my pocket, and I wiped down the end, the threads, anywhere that juice might have gotten into stuff. Then I took a page from Erika's post about the "Coke cleaning method". I did it because I knew those attys were truly gunked up and Coke really does eat away about anything. I soaked them for an hour or so, and then I came back, poured some Everclear in a bowl, and soaked them in there to get the Coke out. Attys, cartomizers, empty tanks - anything that had juice in them went through all of this. I took a booger sucker and blew the Everclear through the attys and cartos, and then I set them in front of the fan overnight to dry. This morning, I did a dry burn a couple of times on the tank attys, stuck a clean, filled tank on, let it sit for about 30 minutes to let the wicking soak up the juice, and voila! Flavor, vapor production and draw like new. Only drawback was that I had to get up at 5 am to put it all back together for my hubby - he goes on duty at 6. I know it sounds like a lot, but if using the tank is easy for him and has helped him kick a 35 year smoking habit just like that, and it saves me from having to buy new attys all the time, for me it's worth it. Oh, and I'm also sticking now to juices I know don't clog things up as well - Tasty Vapors Atomic Cinnacide, Geoff's Blend, and Blue Bulls (lol). I get them 70/30 and the flavor is VERY strong and good every time. Hope this helps!
    1 point
  3. johns

    Clearomizer Review

    Might be the wrong forum, if so, I am sure someone will move it. Just got some clearomizers from Indy Vapors. What a hoot. I got the 2.6ohm and am using an eGo. Good point 1. Vapor and more vapor using freedom juice. Good point 2. Same great vapor all the way to the end, which by the way is easy to see because they are clear. Not so good point 1. A tad hard to fill, parts to remove and you have to use a syringe. Also a little difficult to put back together but, I am mechanically challenged, so, you may have an easier time. Not so good point 2. With all the taking apart and putting back together it takes a bit longer to get to the vaping! Not so good point 3. A little more expensive, may turn out to be a good point depending on how long they last. I will let you know when I find out. I think the amount of vapor overrides the bad points Happy Vaping!
    1 point
  4. I love the Momma's Angel Wings. It is dessert in a pv. Every time I vape it everyone around me wants to know what that delicious flavor is. Yesterday my granddaughter told me no to vape that particular flavor because she was hungry and it was making her even more so. I really like all the KBV flavors I have tried. I ordered Momma's Angel Wings and monkey bread in the larger size because it goes really fast with me.
    1 point
  5. I made a video 10 months ago and put it on here. Now the newest video. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=koHtWHs1jaA http://www.youtube.c...r&v=koHtWHs1jaA Sent from my DROIDX using Tapatalk
    1 point
  6. Their are a lot of good tobacco flavors out their, but what comes to mind because I am out of it is # 41 from unsmoke.us
    1 point
  7. Drawbacks? Nope, no drawbacks at all. Well, if you don't count that obsession thing. The one where you just HAVE to have it in your hand at all times, where you just HAVE to see what's going on in VT all the time, where you just HAVE to check out all the new PVs, where you just HAVE to have some of those new PVs, where you just HAVE to have lots and lots of backups, where you just HAVE to try ALL of the flavors out there...you know...that obsession. Oh wait!! I know one!! A carton of analogs, an ashtray, and a lighter take up a LOT less space than the hoard stash of vaping supplies. I never once, in 34 years of smoking, ever considered having a special room set aside for my smoking supplies...but for vaping supplies, well...
    1 point
  8. DerStadtschutz

    Fda Lies?

    Well technically there is a chocolate chip juice, except it's just called chocolate, cuz that's all chocolate chips are. Unless, of course, you mean a chocolate chip COOKIE flavored juice, that is...
    -2 points
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