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  1. Step 1. Admitted to ourselves and to our Higher Power that we were helpless to resist our addiction and so decided, to hell with it, we were having to much fun to quit.
    3 points
  2. My theory is people charge so much for juice because they just love money. Try www.vaporrenu.com. They have 30ml bottles for like 7 bucks, and their fruit, candy, and soda flavored juices are amazing, unless you don't like sweet tastes. The only negative thing I have to say about Vapor Renu is their juices have pretty much NO throat hit, so if you like throat hit, you probably won't be satisfied with their juice. I would also like to recommend VapeRite(www.vaperite.com). Their juices are very close in flavor to Vapor Renu's, but they have some things Renu doesn't have, and they're a little more expensive(Someone sent me free samples, I didn't actually buy from them so I couldn't tell you how much they charge. I just know they're more expensive than Vapor Renu, as pretty much every juice vendor is). I personally love the Lemonade/Lemon Drop, Blueberry Cheesecake, and Cake Batter. I haven't tried any other juices, but these 3 were AMAZING. Then there's also www.provape.com. They're pretty expensive too, like 3X the price of Vapor Renu. However, the 3 flavors of theirs that I tried were good. I tried Jamocha Shake, Cheesecake, and RY4. The Cheesecake flavor was a little weak for me, but you can request extra flavor for free. The nice thing about provape is that, at least to me, when I vape their juices, I feel like I'm smoking a cigarette more than I do with any other liquid I've tried. As far as juice goes, taste varies greatly from one person to another, so a juice one person likes won't necessarily be one that you like. However, don't think that you need to pay a high price to get juice you'll like. Lots of people will tell you that you get what you pay for, but I don't buy that. Vapor Renu is by far my favorite juice vendor, and the Riva costs half of what an Ego will cost you, yet the Riva has higher voltage, higher mah in the standard battery, and the button never gets stuck like it does on the Ego.
    2 points
  3. Spent all nite testing this out. I am crossing my fingers that this will help those that are struggling. This example uses 510 fittings but would probably work for other models as well just adjust your supplies according to your model. What you will need -other than your e-cig (PV) of course: working 510 standard resistance atty (not tested on LR'S) * drip tip * blue foam filler - your only going to need a tiny square of this - you want it cut to about the size of the opening on your atty (or M&M candy) only square- no need to make it round * your juice of choice * pair of tweezers Directions: * attach the atty to your PV * using the tweezers gently place the square of blue foam directly down on to the bridge(the peice that sticks up) of the atty. * squeeze 3-4 drops of liquid onto the blue foam * pop on your drip tip - and vape TIPS: 1. be gentle on the first draw or two- this way you can avoid taking any liquid into your mouth if you put a little too much on the filler, likewise if it was not enough you can avoid a huge harsh hit if the atty is too dry. 2. to re fill simply place 2-3 thru your drip tip which will work down to the blue foam whenever you start to loose flavor Notes: Awesome flavor and vapor production, hits much more consistently than DD without the foam, better flavor then using carts, chance of flooding the atty greatly reduced. The foam does not burn or stick to the atty after doing this method all night. Flavor changes are simple - use the tweezers to take out the foam -squeeze with a napkin, tissue , or paper towel, replace and do the same process with your new flavor. ***** I sincerly hope this helps someone - if the method your using now is working well no reason to try this, but if your struggling please give it a try and let me know if it worked for you.
    1 point
  4. Brian

    Another Ego-T Opinion

    I've been using the eGo-T atomizer since Thursday afternoon and have to say that I am impressed with it so far. This thing is easy to use and it works well. I started out at 3.7V to break it in good. Initial impression was that the flavor was lacking. However, I was using a DIY juice that for some reason seemed off even with my regular 510 atty @ 5V. I have since tried three other flavors and they have all tasted fine (very good actually). After going through a couple of tanks I cranked it up to 5V, but was getting dry hits. Using the tips Morfeeus posted, I was albe to adjust my draw to make it work pretty well. Still, IMO, 4.1V is the sweet spot for this atty. I seem to get the most vapor, best flavor and TH at 4.1V. I can't really explain why I'm liking this atty so much, but I've been vaping at 4.1V for the post 4 days (mostly) and I like it. Refilling is very easy. I saw a tip in a youtube vid that said to refill with a pipette because the constant removal of the bottom cap would cause faster wear and could cause leaking. I've been refilling with a pipette and only removed the bottom cap once to clean the tank. One thing I didn't like is that I kept getting juiced (not really getting juiced, just condensation, but it tastes bad). Condensation builds up around the mouth piece and eventually you will suck it through. It's the same issue many of us had with regular 510 carts. I solved that problem my removing the two little caps on the end (one cap and another little piece just below it). I haven't been juiced since. Removing these also seems to have helped the draw and makes the jucie flow better. I was worried about leaking from the tank when not in use, but for the past three nights I've left it on my Provari overnight and haven't had any leakage at all. Every time I refill my tank (every 2-3 hours) I take the atty off and check for leaks, but so far not even a trace of a leak. My wife is also enjoying the eGo-T! Since we both like it, I did order a few more and also ordered some of the LRs to try. So, where will the eGo-T atty fall in my arsinal? I will most likely continue using the 510 atty and dripping. Then again, four days without dripping has spoiled me! LOL! I may continue to use this one atty just to see how long it lasts. Right now I seem to be quite happy using it at 4.1V. I will say with confidence that there's a good chance I will never use another cartomizer again! LOL! As always - Different Srokes for Different Folks - it's working for me so I'm giving the eGo-T atty two thumbs up! Used on my Provari.
    1 point
  5. My wife, Amy, has now been smoke free for 5 days! She tried to vape a long time ago, but vaping irritated her throat and chest so much that she just couldn't do it. VG juice was a little better, but she just couldn't do it. I ordered so much eliquid from so many vendors trying to find something she could vape, but nothing worked. The last juice I ordered was VapeRite organic, but she gave up before trying that. So, here it is almost a year later and she decided she was going to quit smoking. As she got down to her last pack, I prepared some cartomizers with VapeRite Lemon-Lime Cola and Banana Foster. She tried those and was able to vape! It did take a little getting use to for her, but it seemed much easier for her than anything else she had tried in the past (so I just placed a huge order with VapeRite for more organic flavors). Vaping doesn't seem to work as easily for her as it did for me. She says she still really wants an analog, but she'd doing quite well and I'm proud of her! Thought this would be a good way to us my 5000th post.
    1 point
    1 point
  7. Great post! I'm really happy to hear those results. I'll have to print it out to show the Nay Sayers that keep popping up and giving me hell. I didn't get half of the snide remarks while I was willfully poisoning myself and the air around me as I get vaping. Funny also that with a lung disease, My blood oxygen saturation levels are better than ever, I no longer cough....at all I mean never, and I started jogging. I just don't care what anyone says about my eGo. If they don't like it I say get bent!
    1 point
  8. TroopX

    All Day Vape?

    Love the Boba's! ...I've found that my "go-to" vape so far is kentucky cherrywood by Vermillion Rivers. I can, and do vape this all day. It's not for everyone- but does the trick for me. VT Dulcis is right up there too.
    1 point
  9. So I thought it was time to go ahead and add to the videos here - its my first ever so be kind. I just wanted to say more than a post would allow so I did a quick (6 minute quick) video and then added a write up on the five flavors - enjoy! The details All Juices are 70/30 with 18 MG With all five of these I found throat hit to be right around 7 or 8 out of 10 for me and plenty of vapor to boot. I think I am finding the 70/30 PG/VG blend to be right were I want to be. Very Vanilla is described as a variation of French Vanilla and its lives up to the bill. If you enjoy vanillas I highly recommend giving this one a try. Its different, but in a good way, a bit stronger in flavor then classic. Shamrocky Shake – great minty flavor with a cream taste that really combines well. Neither element if overpowering yet combined they blend nicely. Having tried my first ever shamrock shake from the arches recently I couldn’t resist giving this one a go and it just really hits the spot with a clean yet creamy taste! Vanilla bean ice cream – YUM, it’s another nice blend of vanilla flavor which is more subtle then very vanilla with a cream flavor that lingers on the exhale. Grape Soda – I really liked how clean and crisp this flavor is. Not too grape but enough that you taste it, but with a very fresh taste, almost light and refreshing. Its not what I thought it might be but better than I thought it would be. Blueberry – I found this one to be just a bit underflavored, almost like it could have used a tad more flavoring but its right there on the border for me. The flavor is great I would just like a bit more. This juice was (well more accurately is) crystal clear juice. I know some prefer the lighter colored juices so I thought I would point this out. Overall I am very happy with my entire order from Sweet-Vapes and plan to return for more once I use up some of this in house juice I showed in the video – must use it up first, or not! **** Please remember taste is subjective, if you’re unsure as to whether you might like it order a sample size***
    1 point
  10. Hi Morf, Thank you for sharing. My name is Sharon and I am a vapeaholic. I wake up every morning swearing that I will not buy more juice, attys, batteries, cartomizers, or cartridges. Not even if they are 50% off. The first thing I do, once my feet hit the ground, is to check my order status in hopes that at least one of my orders will come that day. I check the forum to see if anyone has posted a thread about a sale at one of the 15 vendors I deal with. Or if someone posted a thread about a new devise I just can't live without. Somewhere in all of this I manage to make a cup of coffee and let the dog out to take care of his business. I also check COV and GotVapes to see if the MAP Tank, clearomizers, or Fluxomizers (by some strange chance) are back in stock. Just checking of course, not that I am going to buy anything because I have make a promise to myself not to buy anything else!!!! Then, someone from Timbucktoo, starts a thread about the best ????? ever. Just out of curiosity, I go to the mentioned website, just to check it out. At that point I lose all my will power. I have to have it, its only $???. Thats not too much, I tell myself as I try and remember where I hid my credit card yesterday. Oops, I forgot the dog outside. Run and get him. Now I remember where the card is. In the oven. Seemed like a good place to hide the card, its not like I use the oven anymore. Who has time??? Between tracking packages, reading posts, checking web sites, deciding what juice I am going to vape next, and filling the juice vaping container of choice! The dog starting barking, I look at the clock, it's the mailman. Heaven help the dog or the cat if they get in my way as I dash for the mailbox. YES, there is a package there. I feel my head starting to spin, quick get the box cutters! Aww, its the 50 cartos I ordered. Aren't they beautiful!!! I must get my storage container out and rearrange everything to the 50 cartos I just got in, plus the 20 I already had, will fit perfectly in their designated spot. Then I sit and look at all my vaping supplies. I am a happy vapor!!! Oh, my coffee is cold. What time is it? Noon??? No wonder I am hungry. But wait, I was in the middle of ordering XYZ when the mail man came. I must finish that first. Oops my tank is empty, what do I want to vape now? Let me go get my two large plastic containers of juices out of the cool dark closet. Hummmm, one large container is filled with all 30ml of juices, the other misc. size containers of juices. So many to choice from. Ok, I've got it. Let me fill up this puppy!!! Mentioning puppy, did I feed the dog???? First things first, fill the tank with juice, then go feed the dog. Its been a few minutes since I checked my emails. I must see if I got any emails regarding vaping. My daughter comes home from school, she stands at the kitchen door just staring at me. How was your day honey?? Fine she says, along with "have you done anything today besides your daily vaping routine"??? Well, I did let the dog out and fed him, you act like I've done nothing all day!!!! I think everyone get the picture. The Gods honest truth, I don't want to change a thing about it. I just want to say that I do!!! I pray to my Higher Power to help me find the perfect vaping devise, the most perfect way to vaporize my absolute favorite juice and still have money left over for my living expenses. Do you think there is hope for me!!!!!!!
    1 point
  11. This probably isn't the place for this, but oh well. MastiffMom, if males are "much more emotionally fragile," why do females attempt suicide more than males do? I don't buy that one bit. I see and hear girls/women freaking out and crying over stupid crap all the time that guys will just shrug off or not be bothered by at all. Sorry, but that's a crock. There is far too much evidence in support of the exact opposite. Now, that being said... I'm sorry for your loss, Tags. It's never fun when you lose someone you love and care about. I once lost a friend to a drug overdose. I hadn't seen him for probably a week or more before he died. He was really heavy into drugs, beyond what I had any clue about. He talked to me about suicide before, but I didn't get the impression he would actually do it. He told me not to worry about it, and that he was fine at the end of the conversation. From what I understand, he was into some really hard stuff pretty bad, and he decided to admit himself to rehab. I don't know if at the last minute he changed his mind and decided to end his life, or if he wanted one last hurrah the night before rehab started and accidentally took too much. I have no idea. Only he knows, but he's gone now. He's been gone for several years, and I'll never forget him or stop wishing I could see him again. I'd never felt so much pain in my heart in my entire life before or since I lost my friend. I can't even imagine what it must feel like to lose a spouse. I hope I never have to find out... I'm not going to pray because I don't believe it will do any good. But I want you to know that, like everybody else who responded here, I'm here for you to talk to. I hope you and your family can get thru this rough time. That goes for both of you two, Tags and Sharon. I don't know how much help I can really be, as I tend to look at things in a more cold, logical sort of way, but I'll gladly do what I can.
    -2 points
  12. MastiffMom wasn't the original poster, and therefore not the one who is "obviously going thru a really rough time." Try again, egoluvr. "U.S. Suicide Statistics (2001) Attempted Suicides There are approximately 750,000 suicide attempts each year. An estimated 5 million living Americans have attempted suicide. More females attempt suicide than males. (3 female attempts for each male attempt.)" http://www.suicide.org/suicide-statistics.html Anyway, how about instead of being so negative and giving me hell for something I said that you don't like, maybe you could appreciate the fact that I'm trying to sympathize with someone dealing with something difficult. And excuse me for not sharing the same religious beliefs that the rest of you seem to. Just because I choose not to pray doesn't mean I don't care. If I didn't care, I wouldn't have posted here in the first place.
    -2 points
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