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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/27/2011 in all areas

  1. Brian

    Another Ego-T Opinion

    I've been using the eGo-T atomizer since Thursday afternoon and have to say that I am impressed with it so far. This thing is easy to use and it works well. I started out at 3.7V to break it in good. Initial impression was that the flavor was lacking. However, I was using a DIY juice that for some reason seemed off even with my regular 510 atty @ 5V. I have since tried three other flavors and they have all tasted fine (very good actually). After going through a couple of tanks I cranked it up to 5V, but was getting dry hits. Using the tips Morfeeus posted, I was albe to adjust my draw to make it work pretty well. Still, IMO, 4.1V is the sweet spot for this atty. I seem to get the most vapor, best flavor and TH at 4.1V. I can't really explain why I'm liking this atty so much, but I've been vaping at 4.1V for the post 4 days (mostly) and I like it. Refilling is very easy. I saw a tip in a youtube vid that said to refill with a pipette because the constant removal of the bottom cap would cause faster wear and could cause leaking. I've been refilling with a pipette and only removed the bottom cap once to clean the tank. One thing I didn't like is that I kept getting juiced (not really getting juiced, just condensation, but it tastes bad). Condensation builds up around the mouth piece and eventually you will suck it through. It's the same issue many of us had with regular 510 carts. I solved that problem my removing the two little caps on the end (one cap and another little piece just below it). I haven't been juiced since. Removing these also seems to have helped the draw and makes the jucie flow better. I was worried about leaking from the tank when not in use, but for the past three nights I've left it on my Provari overnight and haven't had any leakage at all. Every time I refill my tank (every 2-3 hours) I take the atty off and check for leaks, but so far not even a trace of a leak. My wife is also enjoying the eGo-T! Since we both like it, I did order a few more and also ordered some of the LRs to try. So, where will the eGo-T atty fall in my arsinal? I will most likely continue using the 510 atty and dripping. Then again, four days without dripping has spoiled me! LOL! I may continue to use this one atty just to see how long it lasts. Right now I seem to be quite happy using it at 4.1V. I will say with confidence that there's a good chance I will never use another cartomizer again! LOL! As always - Different Srokes for Different Folks - it's working for me so I'm giving the eGo-T atty two thumbs up! Used on my Provari.
    2 points
  2. Yup, I have no choice but to admit that I'm a vapaholic. It started out innocent enough. An eGo kit here....a couple juices there. Recently though, it has blown up into a full time obsession. I find myself vaping all the time. I can't stop browsing vendors websites.....thinking about new joose to try....looking at all the available mods thinking how wonderfull they would be to have. I know I have a problem but am powerless to stop it. It all came to a head today when I was washing my car and decided I had to sneak off and vape some Monkey Bread instead of drying my car in time to prevent water spots. *Begins to cry* I need help....Please help me!! LOL, sorry guys, just had share my obsession with everyone. I know I'm in good company here and most of you are probably in the same boat as myself. Maybe I should start a support group....Vapors Anonymous!!
    1 point
  3. Hello, those mega atomizers have the foulest primer in them and seems to take forever to get it out. That's one issue i've experienced and then like chesyl stated it takes more drops for those attys because of they are so much bigger than the 510 attys. So make sure you;ve got it blown out really well and then add about 10 drops or so and test it out. IT's not the eGo it really is the atomizers, but once you get it going you will be ok . Best of luck to you, let us know how it goes.
    1 point
  4. Hi everyone! My name is Jeri aka Nana and I too am a serious vapaholic. My problem with this thread is the 12 step program thingy. Aren't those to help people QUIT something. If that is the case...I am not joining!!!!! No way, no how! Now, if you want to start a support group, one where we support each other in all our spending, where we make each other feel good about what PVs we have, where we are proud of our...dare I say it...BACKUPS!!!....then I'm all for that. Vapaholics Unite!!!!!
    1 point
  5. God grant me the serenity to accept that I cannot purchase every new mod that comes out To purchase the ones that I can And the wisdom to know the difference.
    1 point
  6. Jeffb

    Another Ego-T Opinion

    Nice review Brian. I was loving mine for 2 days and then the vapor production just went south on me. I may have to try a LR Tank. Where did you get the adapter for your Provari?
    1 point
  7. Brian

    Congratulations To My Wife!

    12 Days!!! Still going well. The other night she showed me one of her eGos and said "I like this one best, not the taste, but how it works". It was the LR carto, which is why a ordered a bunch more LR cartos (thanks egolvr for the find). I was surprised that she was liking the LR, but it convinced me more than ever that it's the juice that causes her problems. To experiment, I took one of the regular cartos filled with juice she can vape and put it on my Provari at 5V. She hit it like a champ with no problems! So, she's liking the LR cartos and I just want to note that she's using 100% VG Organic juice and it's working just fine in the cartos. Now, she's not vaping as heavily as many of us, but she's going through 3-5 cartos a day and they are working fine for her. Friday night I set her up with an eGo-T to try and that's going well also. She actually prefers that over the carto because of the way it feels (the draw and the mouthpiece). She drained a whole tank and a couple of cartos on Saturday. Since she likes the T so much, I went ahead and ordered a couple more of them and also some of the LR ones to try (thanks Morfeeus for the GP sale post). I think she thinks I'm crazy because I keep asking how it's going, what she likes and doesn't like, etc. I just want her to have the best possible experience with this. Juice. Of the 7 new flavors I ordered from VapeRite, she can only use two of them, not due to the flavor, but because they irritate her. I've gotten where I can tell which ones she won't be able to use because I even found them to be a bit scratch on my throat. The ones she can use feel pretty smooth. Each flavor came with a 3ml sample also, so we've still got 7 more to try (wish her luck). Right now she has three that she can use.
    1 point
  8. Hi Chembio. I'm am using a cyliner mega atty. I direct drip and use about 8 drops. When I blow out the atty I'm adding about 10 or 11 drops. I know this sounds odd but I also use the cartridge with the atty and load it up with juice too. I alternate between the mega atty, 510lr direct drip and 306lr direct drip. I also use the tank for my eGo, but just when I'm out and about. I haven't experienced anything like you have described so maybe, just maybe you are not getting enough juice on the atty. How old is the atomizer? Mine are about a month old and going strong. I know there is nothing worse than a big old drag on a dry atty. Yuk. I would change it out for a 510lr and a drip tip and see if the mega atty is what you are having trouble with. Just a thought.
    1 point
  9. Jaime

    Tennessee Ban

    Hey Vapers! Here is my reply from Jack Johnson on the E-Cig ban: Thank you for your e-mail concerning SB910. I appreciate you bringing this to my attention. I do not support the bill. Sincerely, Sen. Jack Johnson Tennessee General Assembly District 23 –Williamson and Davidson Counties Nashville, TN 37243 Office: 615-741-2495 Email: sen.jack.johnson@capitol.tn.gov
    1 point
  10. Christopher

    New Fda Rules

    Yes I'm already getting a hold of contacts to verify the legitimacy of this. Keep in mind that even if this is the case, the FDA at some point will probably start using the Substantial Equivalence to regulate e cigarettes. More on this here: http://www.fda.gov/TobaccoProducts/ResourcesforYou/ForIndustry/ucm238891.htm That's the latest in the FDA's hell bent mission to stop e cigarettes.
    1 point
  11. mastiffmom

    Cartomizers Vs. Attys

    I have an eGo carto that I've had since Oct. still working! I love these things, my only complaint is trying to line up the mouthpiece with the button LOL. Small price to pay for great performance and price. I just have to let my OCD go when I use it. Right now I'm enjoying my eGo T, I'm really in love with this thing. Got red to match my eGo 5 click, looks pretty cool to boot.
    1 point
  12. watch out world!!! Here comes sexy vapin' tags! Girl you better get yourself a body guard cause your going to need someone beating them off with a eGo..er stick lol
    1 point
  13. Brian

    Noob Diy

    Just my opinion, but I would wait a while. Try some vendor eliquids and find out what types of flavors you like. That will help you narrow down what flavoring to buy later. I spent a lot of time reading and following the DIY threads here an on other forums before I took the plunge. There is a learning curve when you start vaping. I would get past that first before adding more potential frustration on top of it.
    1 point
  14. Sharon

    Ego Tank

    I was just wondering if you blew out the Tank atty before you started using it. I have bought two from TW and two from Liberty-Flights. All four came with a primer type substance in the atty. After blowing the primer out, all four were fine. One of my four is the LR I got from Liberty-flights. This was my first experience with a LR atty. I got tons of vapor, a good TH, but the juice taste got lost. I've put it away and one day when I get some juice that has extra, extra flavor, I'll get it another try.
    1 point
  15. OMG what is the point of your post other than trying to pick at someone whose obviously going through a really tough time?????? NIce you to try and sympathize after your dumb comment which really wasn't necessary for this topic, and btw isn't even accurate. IT's obvious that you have some sort of insecurity issue as you always have to try and pick out something in others post to try and correct. I'm so sorry and my heart goes out to everyone whose ever lost someone they loved. And you do have my thoughts and prayers because I DO BELIEVE it will do a lot of good.
    0 points
  16. This probably isn't the place for this, but oh well. MastiffMom, if males are "much more emotionally fragile," why do females attempt suicide more than males do? I don't buy that one bit. I see and hear girls/women freaking out and crying over stupid crap all the time that guys will just shrug off or not be bothered by at all. Sorry, but that's a crock. There is far too much evidence in support of the exact opposite. Now, that being said... I'm sorry for your loss, Tags. It's never fun when you lose someone you love and care about. I once lost a friend to a drug overdose. I hadn't seen him for probably a week or more before he died. He was really heavy into drugs, beyond what I had any clue about. He talked to me about suicide before, but I didn't get the impression he would actually do it. He told me not to worry about it, and that he was fine at the end of the conversation. From what I understand, he was into some really hard stuff pretty bad, and he decided to admit himself to rehab. I don't know if at the last minute he changed his mind and decided to end his life, or if he wanted one last hurrah the night before rehab started and accidentally took too much. I have no idea. Only he knows, but he's gone now. He's been gone for several years, and I'll never forget him or stop wishing I could see him again. I'd never felt so much pain in my heart in my entire life before or since I lost my friend. I can't even imagine what it must feel like to lose a spouse. I hope I never have to find out... I'm not going to pray because I don't believe it will do any good. But I want you to know that, like everybody else who responded here, I'm here for you to talk to. I hope you and your family can get thru this rough time. That goes for both of you two, Tags and Sharon. I don't know how much help I can really be, as I tend to look at things in a more cold, logical sort of way, but I'll gladly do what I can.
    0 points
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