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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/25/2011 in all areas

  1. Aes

    Wordup Ecig

    I've ordered twice now from WordUp, and it won't be the last. Order 1: sample pack of flavors Shipped quickly, arrived second day. Everything survived the trip perfectly. (not sure if stuff gets damaged often, but I work in a warehouse and see how wonderfully UPS and FedEx treat my packages. /sarcasm) flavors were good. Some didn't have as much flavor as I'd like. Possibly because I ordered 100% VG ??? But overall good stuff. Send an email asking about flavor strength and was told to make a note next time and Laurin will make stronger. Cool. Order 2: eGo kit and 10 ml of Blueberry PGVG mix extra strong flavor Shipped quickly as before. Had a note inside from Laurin about the flavor. Apparently blueberry is a trick bastard and won't get stronger. Initial vape looks better. Still not 100% what I had envisioned, but improvement from my sample. She threw in a sample of strawberry. Which was, to say the least, fantastic. Might be my new flavor. Overall impression: I've heard nothing but good things about them, and have nothing but good things to add. The email exchanges were prompt, friendly, and useful. The hand note was a nice touch, communication about a special request is always nice. Good to feel that your requests are being taken care of. I will order from them again, and recommend them to all. Prices are good, service is great, and the products fantastic.
    2 points
  2. Christopher

    Fake Joye 510?

    Wow so a supplier finally admitted it. This type of thing really pisses me off. Especially because the unknowing customer is screwed. He's basically saying this. "Yes we sell knock offs from another company but it doesn't matter because Chinese law doesn't recognize copyright" Point #1: It wouldn't be copyright, it would be patent. Copyright protects your published writing material. Not physical hardware. Point #2: If you can't afford to purchase genuine Joye get out of the business or don't advertise it as Joye. It took us MONTHS to save up to order from Joye Tech. They are the best, the make the best, don't buy fakes and say it doesn't matter. Sell it as a 510 not a Joye 510. What he's saying is this, I'm going to put Ferrari emblems on a Corvette. But it's ok because there is no trademarks on it. I also know your a dumb customer looking for a Ferrari and will purchase this from me anyway. Ditch this guy and don't let anyone else buy from him. If your going to start a business do it right. Don't screw new comers with some BS story line. If you can't afford it, sell hot dogs instead. It's not fair to the customer.
    2 points
  3. Morfeeus

    Joye Ego Tank

    I have had my eGo tank for a few weeks now and have encountered a few problems but have also learned how to work around these problems to make using this tank system a little less aggrevating. I have read on here how some others have found the system a little lacking and I'm hoping that some of my tricks/suggestions may improve their results with the tank. So, I hope this helps Leaking Issues: -When attaching your tank atty to the battery, DO NOT OVER TIGHTEN. I've noticed that the tighter I attach the atty, the more often my atty leaks. So, basically, when I attach my atty to the battery, I will screw it on until you feel it catch. At that point, I give it just the minor twist and that's it. -When you start noticing the "draw" becoming more and more like sucking a thick milkshake thru a straw, it's time to blow out the atty. This is a sign the atty is getting flooded and soon, it will start leaking out of the holes near where the atty attaches to the battery. By sucking on the cart when the "draw" gets harder, you are just pulling more and more juice into the atty and leaking is not far away. Personally, I blow from the top where the cart plugs in. Dry Hits: -When you have a dry atty either from it being new or having just blown it out, you will want to give a few good hard draws before activating the battery to actually vape. This will pull liquid into the wicking system. -DO NOT FILL TANKS TOTALLY FULL. I'm not sure why, but a completely filled tank will not drip juice properly and you will get dry hits. I think you need that little air bubble to help force the fluid into the wicking system. I usually will fill mine leaving an area about the thickness of two dimes empty. This seems to help with eliminating dry hits. I also have noticed that sometime you get a "plastic" taste in the juice. I have found out that I notice this mostly with tanks that have been pre-filled and have sat in the tank for longer than a day. So, I try to only fill what I think I will use that day. If I do end up filling a tank and not vaping it by the end of the day, I will pour the liquid back in the bottle instead of storing it in the tank for the next days use. Well, I hope some of this will help those enjoy their eGo tank system more with less problems. The tank system is far from perfect, but it does the job when it is inconvenient to DD. I'm sure some if not all of my "tricks" are not new to some but I did want to share my experiences with VT in the hopes that I may be able to help some fellow vapors enjoy their tanks system more and possibly eliminate any problems that I have read that some are encountering.
    1 point
  4. Spent all nite testing this out. I am crossing my fingers that this will help those that are struggling. This example uses 510 fittings but would probably work for other models as well just adjust your supplies according to your model. What you will need -other than your e-cig (PV) of course: working 510 standard resistance atty (not tested on LR'S) * drip tip * blue foam filler - your only going to need a tiny square of this - you want it cut to about the size of the opening on your atty (or M&M candy) only square- no need to make it round * your juice of choice * pair of tweezers Directions: * attach the atty to your PV * using the tweezers gently place the square of blue foam directly down on to the bridge(the peice that sticks up) of the atty. * squeeze 3-4 drops of liquid onto the blue foam * pop on your drip tip - and vape TIPS: 1. be gentle on the first draw or two- this way you can avoid taking any liquid into your mouth if you put a little too much on the filler, likewise if it was not enough you can avoid a huge harsh hit if the atty is too dry. 2. to re fill simply place 2-3 thru your drip tip which will work down to the blue foam whenever you start to loose flavor Notes: Awesome flavor and vapor production, hits much more consistently than DD without the foam, better flavor then using carts, chance of flooding the atty greatly reduced. The foam does not burn or stick to the atty after doing this method all night. Flavor changes are simple - use the tweezers to take out the foam -squeeze with a napkin, tissue , or paper towel, replace and do the same process with your new flavor. ***** I sincerly hope this helps someone - if the method your using now is working well no reason to try this, but if your struggling please give it a try and let me know if it worked for you.
    1 point
  5. Kingbtheone

    Cleaning Lr Atomizer

    yes!!! I boil my LR 901's for 5 min, blow them out and let them dry. ALSO!!! funny taste can be from a burnt wick inside.. take a pair of tweezers and pull the wick out, no harm will be done, but the bad taste will be gone. hope it helps
    1 point
  6. While I have yet to try this method, logically it makes sense. I don't clean atomizers anymore but when I did, water was a pain to get out of the atomizer. Even once the atomizer was "dry" it took about 20 minutes before it start working well again. A PG bath would give you an instant working atomizer. After all, it was designed to heat up PG. My ultimate suggestion though, replace your atomizer every month if affordable. Some suppliers now sell Joye 510 atomizers in bulk @ 5 bucks for 25. I have to stress, if you do clean your atomizer to take caution when using hot objects. One member regrettably already burned herself. The cost in medical bills far outweighs the cost of replacement atomizers.
    1 point
  7. Thanks everyone, I just hope that everyone has the same blessings and good fortune as have I, in cutting back/keeping off cigarettes. (X's 1000) Its truly a godsend, I never thought it would have been possible to cut back/keep off cigarettes for this long, considering how much I was smoking before. I can only see the light from here on, and it gets brighter and brighter! For those of you still fighting to kick the habit, keep on going , I can tell you with 100% confidence that the grass is definitely greener on the other side.............. and it smells better too!, LOL
    1 point
  8. Jeffb

    Not A Smoking Cessation?

    If e-cigs are promoted as smoking cessation devices they would come under the purview of the FDA. They would then require years of testing and millions of dollars to get approved by the FDA. It would effectively shut down the e-cig industry. We dont want that. That is why they are an alternative to smoking. I realize this is an oversimplified answer but thats basically it.
    1 point
  9. sorry the tank is not working for you. I love mine and can not live without it. Vaping and I do not get a long when I do not have a eGo T Atomizer on hand. My atomizer broke and they re-sent me a new one. Just got it today! only problem I see is you go through a lot of liquid with them, but it is all good. I guess the one you got needs to be returned for a new one.
    1 point
  10. Heck, I'm still trying to figure out why you always tell people "you could use a carto when you are driving or out and about". I guess I'm doing things all wrong then... since the carto is all I use and prefer. Man, someone needs to write up a 'vaping manual', so newbies (and myself) will know what to use where, etc. LOL!
    1 point
  11. GPurv

    Cartomizers Vs. Attys

    Hi bird! Don't worry, everyone eventually finds what they enjoy. I use standard eGo batteries with the eGo HUGE Mega Cartomizers from VaporKings $2.45 (they can each last a week or more) http://www.vaporkings.com/eGo-MEGA-blank-empty-cartomizer-Genuine-JoyeTech-p/ego-cartomizer-blank.htm Filling a eGo HUGE Cartomizer: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oKjINSlX38E Good luck. Let us know what works for you.
    1 point
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