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  1. Spent all nite testing this out. I am crossing my fingers that this will help those that are struggling. This example uses 510 fittings but would probably work for other models as well just adjust your supplies according to your model. What you will need -other than your e-cig (PV) of course: working 510 standard resistance atty (not tested on LR'S) * drip tip * blue foam filler - your only going to need a tiny square of this - you want it cut to about the size of the opening on your atty (or M&M candy) only square- no need to make it round * your juice of choice * pair of tweezers Directions: * attach the atty to your PV * using the tweezers gently place the square of blue foam directly down on to the bridge(the peice that sticks up) of the atty. * squeeze 3-4 drops of liquid onto the blue foam * pop on your drip tip - and vape TIPS: 1. be gentle on the first draw or two- this way you can avoid taking any liquid into your mouth if you put a little too much on the filler, likewise if it was not enough you can avoid a huge harsh hit if the atty is too dry. 2. to re fill simply place 2-3 thru your drip tip which will work down to the blue foam whenever you start to loose flavor Notes: Awesome flavor and vapor production, hits much more consistently than DD without the foam, better flavor then using carts, chance of flooding the atty greatly reduced. The foam does not burn or stick to the atty after doing this method all night. Flavor changes are simple - use the tweezers to take out the foam -squeeze with a napkin, tissue , or paper towel, replace and do the same process with your new flavor. ***** I sincerly hope this helps someone - if the method your using now is working well no reason to try this, but if your struggling please give it a try and let me know if it worked for you.
    4 points
  2. Brian

    Inspirational Movies

    I agree. You should always be respectful (until someone give you a reason not to be). You can still be respectful of someone even if you don't respect then. It's called manners.
    2 points
  3. So I thought it was time to go ahead and add to the videos here - its my first ever so be kind. I just wanted to say more than a post would allow so I did a quick (6 minute quick) video and then added a write up on the five flavors - enjoy! The details All Juices are 70/30 with 18 MG With all five of these I found throat hit to be right around 7 or 8 out of 10 for me and plenty of vapor to boot. I think I am finding the 70/30 PG/VG blend to be right were I want to be. Very Vanilla is described as a variation of French Vanilla and its lives up to the bill. If you enjoy vanillas I highly recommend giving this one a try. Its different, but in a good way, a bit stronger in flavor then classic. Shamrocky Shake – great minty flavor with a cream taste that really combines well. Neither element if overpowering yet combined they blend nicely. Having tried my first ever shamrock shake from the arches recently I couldn’t resist giving this one a go and it just really hits the spot with a clean yet creamy taste! Vanilla bean ice cream – YUM, it’s another nice blend of vanilla flavor which is more subtle then very vanilla with a cream flavor that lingers on the exhale. Grape Soda – I really liked how clean and crisp this flavor is. Not too grape but enough that you taste it, but with a very fresh taste, almost light and refreshing. Its not what I thought it might be but better than I thought it would be. Blueberry – I found this one to be just a bit underflavored, almost like it could have used a tad more flavoring but its right there on the border for me. The flavor is great I would just like a bit more. This juice was (well more accurately is) crystal clear juice. I know some prefer the lighter colored juices so I thought I would point this out. Overall I am very happy with my entire order from Sweet-Vapes and plan to return for more once I use up some of this in house juice I showed in the video – must use it up first, or not! **** Please remember taste is subjective, if you’re unsure as to whether you might like it order a sample size***
    1 point
  4. ok, im here... checking in... so... im frustrated and have been putting off making any orders while trying to figure this all out... meanwhile you know it doesnt rain til it pours... so heres what has happened, one of my attys is getting too hot when i Direct Drip, i actually burned myself with it... one battery decided it does not want to shut off and im letting it sit in the corner and power down since it tried to burn up my atty... Erika was most kind and let me try out her MAP tank... believe it or not im even struggling with that, as in there is no real hit, there is flavor, but no hit, which is a step up from the no flavor and no hit of the tank system... so ive come to discover that i enjoy direct drip, when my atty is not on fire, and i love love love cartos with a passion... so, if it is the juice i need to look into that... so... back to square one... bought a Riva lite kit (because i now need a new battery and atty as well) in pink because it amuses me... two more packs of boge 2.0 and one 30ml... kill me now if i end up hating it, menthol tobacco flavor, (LF does not have the greatest selection of non tobacco flavors)and after all i am a menthol smoker... something has got to go right... maybe this is just not my week... meanwhile, i will try and supplement with what i have on hand as best i can and have an analog now and then, because hey, the pressure is off, i already removed my banner...
    1 point
  5. Sharon

    Ego-T 650Mah Or 900Mah?

    Congrats Emile on being analog free!!!! :animier: :animier: I think you are going to really like your eGo (when it comes in). Enjoy your skiing trip!!
    1 point
  6. lovie

    Thank You Vt

    got my sweet sweet dawn in today i am one happy girl thank you for working so hard to please your customers . i know you have had some trouble latley .anyway thanks have a great day or night peace
    1 point
  7. Sharon

    Inspirational Movies

    Yep, She won't be in pain anymore or starved for love. Umm, I've got this picture going on in my head, Mike Todd, Eddie Fisher, and Richard Burton meeting Liz at the Pearly Gates. All three men standing there with their arms crossed on their chest and each have one foot tapping. Then Liz walks through the gate, puts on a devilish smile and says "How have you gotten by this long without me?". She throws an air kiss to all three and says "Well, who is going to show me around?". I tell ya, I think its going to be a neck to neck between Todd and Burton! I guess we are just going to have to wait to find out "the rest of the story".
    1 point
  8. Jeffb

    Inspirational Movies

    Luke, I'm your father
    1 point
  9. lovie

    Thank You Vt

    you guys are so nice i have been having lots of fun on this forum i love reading the post i have learned so much and still learning . i will say it again vt is great. and tell everyone i know that smokes to try vt so far i have two friends that are now vaping and they love it too.thanks for your great customer service i am a die hard vt fan
    1 point
  10. Christopher

    Thank You Vt

    We worked non stop Monday to make sure everything was shipped out ASAP. Glad you're all stocked up
    1 point
  11. nana

    Ego-T 650Mah Or 900Mah?

    I have to agree that it all depends on what you want, need...and like. I have a couple of the 900s and I just don't like them. I didn't think they lasted much longer than the 650s and they are quite a bit longer. That extra length seems to bother me (only with the eGo for some strange reason). I have longer PVs and they seem to be fine. Perhaps because I used the 650s for so long and got used to them at that length. Maybe because they are small enough to hide in your hand if you want. I don't know, but I do know that I didn't care for the 900s and don't use them at all (nor the mega carts and attys I got to go with them). So much depends on personal preference.
    1 point
  12. Jeffb

    Inspirational Movies

    I'm your Huckleberry
    1 point
  13. mcquinn

    Samsung 18650's

    You can usually see the where the protection circut board was added on and the battery shrink wrapped.On the negative end you can feel the seperation between the battery end and the circut board.The shells for the batteries are one peice cup shape and ones without protection boards will be smooth from where the top on the positive end is crimped on all the way to the bottom.You can also see the conducter that goes from the circut board to the positive end under the shrink wrap.
    1 point
  14. Erika

    Ego-T 650Mah Or 900Mah?

    I would look for the 1000 batteries just for the shear fact that you can push the button 5 times and lock them so they don't get turned on automatically. No more button protectors!
    1 point
  15. Brian

    Inspirational Movies

    Sorry, but gotta post this one again. "Greed is good". http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Muz1OcEzJOs
    1 point
  16. nana

    Long Time E-Cigarette Users

    I smoked for 34 years. I loved smoking. I never wanted to quit, but felt like I should. Partly because of the health benefits and partly because of the cost. I didn't know that I couldn't breathe very well. I didn't know how bad I smelled. Until I quit. When I first heard about the ecig, my first thought was that I could keep "smoking" and yet not be smoking. I wouldn't have to give up the hand to mouth habit or the inhaling habit. Thrilled me all to pieces. It worked as well for me as I thought it would. From the very first inhale, I knew I never wanted another analog again. I absolutely love vaping. As much as I thought I loved smoking, it doesn't even come close to my love of vaping. I'm at 17 months and counting now. I have no plans whatsoever of quitting. I don't want to quit. I enjoy vaping - even at 0 nic. I love watching the clouds of vapor I produce. I look forward to sitting down to take a break and having my vape. I don't see me ever wanting to quit. Now, if it just happens...if someday down the road I find myself vaping less and less until I don't vape any more at all...well, that's okay. I just don't see me doing that on purpose. Like ripple, I find it to be a wonderful hobby and I can't say I'll never quit. I'm just not working towards that.
    1 point
  17. Sorry I've been away for a bit. Here's my method of filling... what works for me may or may not for others, but it never fails for me. Using 100% PG based juices only, works much better anything with VG in it. Trust me, I've tried a lot of blends, 70/30 and 80/20, and went right back to my PG ONLY juices. I know other people say they use blends... but it simply does not wick fast enough for me, not to mention it really changed the flavor and throat hit of my juice... and not in a good way either! OK, now that my PG/VG rant is over I can explain my method. First, I remove both of the 'condoms' and the little 'buttplug', then put the smaller of them back on the threaded end. I typically push it almost all the way on... but leave a small space. Taking a juice filled syringe, with a fairly small needle, I poke it in to the filler down to the bottom of the carto. When adding juice, gently push on syringe while slowly drawing it up. Repeat this process a few times until filled... don't worry about any juice that comes up through the center or overfilling either. After it's filled to top I take it and give it a good 'thermometer shake'... so that there is a small amount of juice seen in the carto. You should notice that the filler material looks a bit dry after doing this. This helps to spread the juice all through the filler material much better. I then add enough drops till it's to the top of the filler material again and repeat process. Now, the most important part from what I've learned, is to stand the carto up in a shot glass or something (carto still on) allowing it to soak in totally. I prefer to leave it overnight since I already have cartos I'm vaping on. After it has sat, for however long you can let it, it's ready to vape. Remove condom, wipe off any excess juice from it, throw on a drip tip and vape! And as other have said... I toke on it for 10-15 times and set it down for a bit. When it's time for more, I just pull drip tip off and add enough drops till it's nice and wet, and vape away. Some would say: "Why the hell don't you just use an atty then since you have to drip often?" To that, my response is that I actually prefer the flavor/vapor/throat hit of my carto over an atty anyway. And the other reason is that when I did direct drip, I was constantly having to wipe juice up that leaks from the bottom of atomizers. With my cartos... there isn't NEARLY as much of that, rarely actually. It's a hell of a lot easier to over drip and get those nasty 'dry hits' if it's not properly filled. And don't believe em when they say: "I never get 'dry hits' or have leaky atty's"... there lies I tell ya, all lies! Attys just aren't for me... and with cartos you don't have to worry about harsh hits. Especially, if you take the time to 'top off' often, it provides the best tasting/most constancy while vaping for me anyway. Experiences and opinions obviously vary greatly in the 'carto vs. atty' debate... just try to find what works for you and you will be totally satisfied! Hopefully I didn't leave too much out... I don't know how I could have with the length of this book!
    1 point
  18. Good luck getting your cartos to work for you. I never could. Always gunking up, never giving me hardly anytime to vape. I guess, from what I hear, I was using 100% vg juice and that is a no no. I think that I'm going to do what Gpurv suggested and get me a mega cartomizer. Hope you can solve your problem without too much more worry.
    1 point
  19. Ok people. Nothing here to see. Please return to your residence. Thank you, it's all ok. (a cop told me that once when a guy with a gun was on the loose in my neighborhood. More on that later. maybe) I guess I just don't look at eCigs as a "do this rather than smoke" kinda thing. I must confess; but I must first say, I never led you on to believe otherwise. So here it is. I am BI. There. YES. I SAID IT. I do both. AC/DC, double my dates, turn and look both ways, and yes, I avoid Korean fermented cabbage like the plague (another story there). Give yourself that kind of a break. It feels good. (well, maybe I could have left the cabbage part out).
    0 points
  20. Respect must be earned by all. No one is entitled to it.
    -1 points
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