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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/22/2011 in all areas

  1. Morfeeus

    Another Doc On Board!

    I totally agree! I just converted my Aunt. She has smoked for over 40 years and has tried to quit numerous times. My mother told her that I haven't had a cig in over a month so she called me and asked me how I've done it. I told her about E-cig's and she explained that she had tried one from a party store and it didn't work for her. I brought over my eGo and let her try it along with some of my favorite and not so favorite juices. She tried it and was floored at how much better it was than the POS she tried. I have 2 eGo kits so I let her borrow a battery, atty, charger, and my bottle of cantaloupe juice from KBV and she has now been analog free for 3 days!!! She called me today to tell me she wants me to order her one when she gets her SSI check on the 3rd. I just couldn't make her wait till then so I ordered her one today and I am just going to give it to her as a gift. I also am giving her seven 30ml bottles of juice I got from VR and don't use due to the lack of TH. She was so excited(so am I!). She is on a fixed income and I wanna make sure that she has what she needs to succeed!
    2 points
  2. Here's a pic of my all stainless Ego with a Super T "shorty" stainless drip tip. It looks awesome, but.... The Ego air intake is at the top of the screw on shield, right where the tip connects with the atomizer. If you have a shorty tip, your lips go all the way down to where the connection takes place, which covers the space between the atty and the shield. Which means I have to pull back a little so I don't cover the intake up. I'm going to order a regular sized drip tip to replace it. I'm sure the shorty will work with just about any other 510 atomizer set up.
    1 point
  3. I'm definitely going Saturday! Just wondering if any of you are going?
    1 point
  4. seaspine

    Material In Carts

    Marineland makes the blue sponge filter, they also make a blue poly filter.don't use the poly it melts.
    1 point
  5. nana


    Have you read kitsune's DIY how-to basics? http://www.vaportalk.com/forum/forum/forum/topic/9076-diy-how-to-basics/
    1 point
  6. I will take pictures and let you guys know! Wish more of you were going!
    1 point
  7. nana

    Where Is Everyone?

    You're welcome.
    1 point
  8. Sharon

    Where Is Everyone?

    Thanks Nana, I just bookmarked the link.
    1 point
  9. ripple

    Pg Or Vg

    Well the P stands for Propylene glycol While the V Vegetable Glycerin Learn about Propylene glycol at the link below, it actually talks about the use in e-cig's. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Propylene_glycol You can find out more about the VG here, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Glycerol PG tends to provide more throat hit (TH), with less vapor, and VG tends to be the opposite, more Vapor, but less TH. Which is right tends to be a highly personal decision. I have personally played with several combinations that tend to be expressed in percentages PG/VG. I have tried 100/0, 50/50, 80/20 and 70/30. I am trending towards the 80/20 and 70/30 combos to get the best of both. Hope that helps.
    1 point
  10. You are a genius!
    1 point
  11. Erika

    Cartomizers Vs. Attys

    A cartomizer (carto) is an attomizer and cartridge in one. There is fiiler material and a heating element down the center. They hold about 1 ml of juice. I think direct dripping gives better TH. An lr carto or atty will give warmer vapor and more th than a standard one. Lr cartos and atties simulate higher voltage vaping. Hope this helps!
    1 point
  12. nana

    Where Is Everyone?

    Hey Sharon, you might not be able to tell (because I post WAY too much), but I've deleted a ton messages before posting for the exact same reasons you just gave. About chat, try this...http://tinychat.com/vaportalkforum I wasn't able to get in chat for a quite awhile and then finally got in the other day. Mark told me about this and said to bookmark it. I did and now I can get in all the time. Thanks Mark!!
    1 point
  13. Burn

    Honey Vs Honey

    I have both, they are very different. I like them both (beez more than Xpress) but to answer your question, they are quite different and not similar at all. To be honest, if you were to ask me my favorite honey tobacco maker, besides my DIY blend, it HAS to be VapeRite. They are the ones that got me started on my honeybacco binge are great quality and the flavor balance is very good. His is called Honey Horn Tobacco. Beez does not have a tobacco taste, in case that is what you are looking for but it is nice, I consider it a "dessert vape".
    1 point
  14. mcquinn

    Need A Little Help

    The Sweet Dawn (Green Apple Jolly Rancher)and Tobacco are very good
    1 point
  15. johns

    Raised My Nic Level

    So, that's why I can't put this thing down!
    1 point
  16. ripple

    Where Is Everyone?

    Still holding out posting in this thread until someone specifically asks me too --- well sort of! I often view and post from the iPAD so I can not join the chat, I just see the red notification that 1 person is in chat - almost like its a taunt! BOOO Anywho, I also participate in a forum related to my car and there is a LOooooong thread going about forum decorum and people griping about the words some choose in their posts. I have always subscribed to the theory that when reading forum posts really focus on what someone is saying rather than the words they type. It is so easy to miss an intended bit of sarcastic humor in a post. And like others, I speak much prettier than I type!
    1 point
  17. Sharon

    Where Is Everyone?

    cheshyl I am with you 100%. God gave me the gift of gab, but not the gift of the written word. There was one time (I'm sure some of you folks will remember) when I got my panties in a wad over inferior ecigs and supplies that a new member was selling. Now that I am thinking about it, it might has been two times I got jacked up over a spammer here. Anyway, I have erased a reply several times because I couldn't find the right words to properly express what I wanted to say. Like Chesly, I was concerned it would be taken the wrong way and offend someone. I was raised with "If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all". I really do my very best to live those words. So, unless you are a spammer, if I have ever said something that hurt or offended another member, please except my apologize. There now, I hope I am covered!!!!!!! :respect:
    1 point
  18. cheshyl

    Where Is Everyone?

    Hi guys, thought I would add a little to this thread. The written word is a lot different than the spoken word. I have often wanted to answer somebody on this forum with what I think would be a "funny", but then I read it and it sounds sort of ugly. I have a caustic sense of humor and even in the spoken word some people don't get it. @Dayvape, I have never noticed you being anything but informative, so don't know why anyone would feel that way. So just be you and don't worry about the others. This is a good forum and people are very polite. The other day I got a little upset over a posting someone else made about not buying "American" wasn't the not buy American but the way it was said, very in your face. But other than that I think everyone here is a pretty good support system for their fellow vapers. Just my 2 cents.
    1 point
  19. Beans

    Where Is Everyone?

    I can't on my IPAD
    1 point
  20. Sharon

    Where Is Everyone?

    Nana, I just wish I knew how to go into the Chat. I did it one time, by accident, and I haven't been able to make that mistake again.
    1 point
  21. nana

    Where Is Everyone?

    It was all news to me. I guess a person misses a lot when they don't go into chat very often.
    1 point

    Where Is Everyone?

    Of course ... it just brought up others 'fun times' and I was simply recalling/retelling them so everyone could get some enjoyment out of it like I did!
    1 point
  23. GPurv

    Raised My Nic Level

    Aimee, do what feels good. And, it's all good. You're sweet, Gary
    1 point
  24. egoluvr

    First Steps Into Diy

    this is awesome, have fun and stick with it only gets better. BTW try DIY flavorshack sometime they have some great kits and so forth for beginners.
    1 point
  25. TJGD

    Chinese Sites?

    i can understand if that person is upset about buying from china, but he should not be like that to others. think there is a room on here for that. cartridges are so highly priced. from the carts i have gotten, a lot of them look like the different vendors just put their own stickers on what looks like the ones from china. i am new but that is what it looks like to me. sorry for busting in like that. did not mean to offend anyone. i was reading this post cause i have considered this and sharing with others.
    1 point
  26. Erika

    Another Doc On Board!

    My dad is a gp and runs the largest practice in our small town. He stopped by to see us today and told me that he has been encouraging his patients to try ecigs and that he knows they work! He hasn't admitted to them that it is his daughter that quit but yay! He wanted me to show him how to refill and asked about cost etc. I told him i would make him an info card to hand out! I am psyched. My dad is one of those, prove it to me in writing before i beleive it kinda guys.
    0 points
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