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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/21/2011 in all areas

  1. GPurv

    Do You Tip Your Waitress?

    Then I have a suggestion. I know the Chinese new year, as well as several customs 'delays', have cost our PV US suppliers thousands and thousands of dollars. And many sites, such as Chris', will not accept monetary contributions. But, what say we just 'forget' adding that little coupon code for now, when ordering from VT?
    3 points
  2. Greetings Skh, Don't let anyone ruin your adventure into PV's. Including yourself. You have found a great resource when you found this forum. The members here will tell you the truth by experience. Some of us have managed to completely quit regular cigs this first time we tried a device, some of us have reduced the amount we used to do. Its all a win. It does not have to be all or nothing right out of the gate. What I am trying to say is that you have found a alternative to the "Quit or Die" attitude of the Anti-Smoker crowd. You neither have to quit or die. It is not all rainbows and Unicorns mind you, but now you have in your hands the means to do what you want. The cigs have wrapped some terrible tendrils around us where we lost control of it and it controlled where and how we conducted our daily lives. Killed alot of our loved ones, oportunites, and dreams. So what about these PV's? They are not a "magic wand" but for some they might as well have been one. We get the NIC we want, when we want it and can thumb our nose at the neigh-sayers and have the choice to fire up a regular because we want, not because its the only way. You got your choices back, and a measure of control is yours again. It is your adventure, and like all adventurers you need to travel out with the right gear. Like all adventurers you will find new and better ways to make the travel better by asking questions and shopping the outfitters. Exploring the undiscovered juices in the world, and PV devices galore. What you start your adventure out with, may not be the gear you finish with. You will trade, exchange and leave behind many things along the way. Good luck and good hunting...er vaping Kaz.
    2 points
  3. Everyone says great review but I havent seen anything in your review about throat hit which is a big issue for alot of folks. Your comparing this company to vapor renu so I would have to guess that throat hit is not a big player for you.. I will not order from vapor renu again just because of this issue. So.... Hows the TH???
    2 points
  4. Copper V.V. Mod. Using One 18650, 3.7v. battery Incorporated the PTN04050C regulator and a DS-18689-100 Digital potentiometer. Voltage in = 3.7v to 4.12v, Voltage out = 3.24v to >6V V.V. Booster Mod
    1 point
  5. My wife, Amy, has now been smoke free for 5 days! She tried to vape a long time ago, but vaping irritated her throat and chest so much that she just couldn't do it. VG juice was a little better, but she just couldn't do it. I ordered so much eliquid from so many vendors trying to find something she could vape, but nothing worked. The last juice I ordered was VapeRite organic, but she gave up before trying that. So, here it is almost a year later and she decided she was going to quit smoking. As she got down to her last pack, I prepared some cartomizers with VapeRite Lemon-Lime Cola and Banana Foster. She tried those and was able to vape! It did take a little getting use to for her, but it seemed much easier for her than anything else she had tried in the past (so I just placed a huge order with VapeRite for more organic flavors). Vaping doesn't seem to work as easily for her as it did for me. She says she still really wants an analog, but she'd doing quite well and I'm proud of her! Thought this would be a good way to us my 5000th post.
    1 point
  6. egoluvr

    Raised My Nic Level

    Your so right about this! I recently tried to step down to 6 mgs. I get so cranky it's unreal. I had this same problem when I stepped down to 12 and it was tough but I made the adjustment, but I decided I'm not ready to live that hell again so back up to 12 I go. I can do the 6 mgs for a couple hours a day but not all day, stepping down full time is going to have to be a process cause I just become a beotch half the day and cry baby the other half if I don't get the nic I need.
    1 point
  7. nana

    Congratulations To My Wife!

    Yeah Amy!! Way to go!! Congrats on 5,000 posts Brian!! I'll second the nominations for Brian as Husband of the Year. I'd vote for him for best vaper helper here at VT, too. Honestly Brian, I don't know what we'd do without you. Thanks for everything you do. You're the best!!!
    1 point
  8. AimeeG

    Where Is Everyone?

    DAYVAPE, without your extensive (coughcough! ) knowledge and posts about the wonders that are cartos, I'd still be trying to get cartridges to work!
    1 point
  9. Sharon

    Where Is Everyone?

    DayVape, I sure hope you do know that I was joking around with you when I wrote the part about you reading stories to kids??????
    1 point
  10. Nanna

    Where Is Everyone?

    Maybe it's the fish? You're OK. NO ONE comes across the way they really are in the written word. You just keep teaching me about LR cartos and you and I are A-OK. I am your latest and surely most zealous convert. I would rather go naked than be without them!!!
    1 point

    Where Is Everyone?

    See Sharon, that's the part that gets me to thinkin', the fact that some people actually think I "lash out" at random people as I pass by them on the sidewalks! As a matter of fact... the perception that most folks here have of me couldn't be further from reality. Yeah, I may have 'acted up' a time or two around here... but that certainly doesn't mean that I'm some 'unstable/crazy' person that couldn't "read your kids a bedtime story". (By the way Sharon, that was a good one... had me laughing!) In reality, I'm about as 'normal' as they come if you were to meet me in person. Not to mention, when I type something slightly sarcastic in a reply, I find that I MUST USE emoticons so people don't take me serious and end up pissed off and callin' me out like I'm the Devil. People just gotta understand... this is the first and only forum I've EVER even joined ! I don't let too much bother me... but some people sure do get worked up easily and get all upset at something totally insane that had been typed out in a thread, etc.! I'm fairly certain that I have never threatened to hurt/kill anyone around here either. What is more often than not simply sarcasm in my posts... it never fails what ever I say will end up getting under someone's skin! Oh, and by the way, I actually LOVE kids! I have a 13 y/o girl myself... and I used to babysit my neighbors 4 young girls while they went out all the time! I was even changin' their dirty diapers like you wouldn't believe! Really, I know I seem worthless and mean most of the time, but how can one come to that conclusion from a forum? I mean really... that cracks me up! If nothing else... I think we must try to not make pre-conceived opinions of others from only interacting with them on a forum, and by what they type in posts, etc. But thats just me I'm sure... it wouldn't be any fun if we couldn't be that 'internet tough guy' every once in a while and tell someone you hate to shut their mouth. !
    1 point
  12. Beans

    Help With Carts

    The Boge cartomizer is a name brand, I like them some don't. I get mine from Vapor Kings their link is on the front page. I have a hard time my self finding a juice with great TH. Try reading the juice reviews, that may lead you to something you like. I get the best TH juices at my local shop. They are expensive but when I need that kick. Other wise I get the rest of my juice at Vapor Renu, however many think throat hit is lacking from them. I agree, but their prices are really good, and Im cheap. Congrats on the quit! I know what a challenge it is.
    1 point
  13. Sharon

    Where Is Everyone?

    Hey DayVape, I always look forward to hearing what you have to say. I know that sometimes it's not going to win an award for the most uplifting, and motivational post of the day, but your still family and families stick together. Now I wouldn't elect you to read bedtimes stories to kids, but I do count on you adding some spice to the dinner conversation. LOL
    1 point
  14. Beans

    Help With Carts

    No problems, I want you to succeed! 1. Always have backups. The Atty may last you a day or a month. You can just never know. 2. Vapor Renu sells juice 30 mls for $7 Their TH throat hit isn't strong but higher nic levels tend to give better TH. I don't know how much you smoked. Me 1-2 PPD 27 years. I use 24 mg nic my self. Also to get a better TH. Put it in your mouth, push the button for 2 seconds then draw into your mouth slowly for 5-7 seconds release button then inhale into your lungs. This greatly helps. 3. Yes, you should be fine. However you may want to invest in an extra charger. Mine seem to break after a month or so. Back up of everything is very important for success. If your charger breaks it ma take a week to replace. Then your back to the nasty sticks. 4. I prefer cartomizers myself. I have several tank set ups, however the flavor isn't the same for me. What you need to understand is that what works for some doesn't for others. I have tried attys and carts like you have and hated them. The tank is ehe as far as I'm concerned, but other people swear for by them. I worship my Boge cartomizers but other members can't get them to work well enough to keep buying. It is all subjective. Remember your on a journey and have to figure out what works best for you. It may seem pricey at first and very confusing, but once you find what works, it can all be found cheaply.
    1 point
  15. Beans

    Refilling Carts

    Hi birdievk, Your talking about Polly fiber / filler. You can get it at the craft stores, I have blue filler too. You can find that at the pet store in the aquarium area.It's all very inexpensive. As far as I understand the filler goes bad quickly (2-4) fillings, but you can throw it out and add your own. The carts are plastic and can be rinsed and reused indefinitely as far as I know. Are you refilling your carts? How often you change or refill all depends on how much you vape. I find that I vape a lot more than I smoked. You may find the same. If cost is an issue like it is with many of us, there are a lot of great companies with very low prices. As soon as you get your method down and know what you like you can find just about everything you need for cheap. Just let us know what your looking for, and we can help you with that. Good luck and please let us know if you have more questions.
    1 point

    Where Is Everyone?

    Wow, that's obviously the nicest thing anyone has ever said to me, around here anyway ! Thanks Beans... I really appreciate that. And you as well egoluvr... for even noticing that I wasn't around for a while. That kind of surprised me that anyone even noticed. Besides, I was truly wondering if anyone ever read any of my postings anyway. LOL. I know a few of the 'chat regulars' that I used to see would have thoughts like that! I guess I hit it off on the wrong foot in one or two threads with them. Ever since then, from several months ago, I was able to take the hint that whatever I had to say was pretty much unimportant anyway. For me, I often times find it hard to convey 'sarcasm' via my typed word on a forum. (Fun Fact: My first/only forum to ever join... not so good at using proper 'emoticons' so as not to offend anyone). Therefore, I'm going to go ahead and declare myself as 'the local jerk' around here, although it's just my personality/sense of humor that is not being seen. Oh hey, Mark and Noxy: I know you guys mean well and just want the best for the forum and it's people... so it's all good and I totally understand how/why you feel the way you do towards me. Honestly, it's no big deal... I haven't lost any sleep over it as of yet. Besides, I still like both of your butts anyway, no matter what horrible things you say about me... so I'm ok with it. OH CRAP... I FORGOT TO USE 'EMOTICONS' AGAIN. So I will just add them all here at the end so that you will know what my real/true feelings were/are as I'm typing this post. (I want there to be no mistake in realizing that I'm just havin' a little fun here... it's been a while for me since being away) You know how I really feel about you guys anyway!:
    1 point
  17. That is true guys. Im still waping - forgot to eat all day, and even forgot to get my coffee. And I tried taking longer drags, helps a lot!! Also, adding more ejuice helps a lot (except when I get it all in my mouth). Next step would be to understand howcome you all prefer manual batteries. Maybe when I learn taking even longer drags, I will get it For now, I take about 3-4 sec drags, and I put my regular cigarettes away. Stopped reaching for them when I started the longer drags. And again, thanks. I really wanted to get this, as I told my self not to buy anymore regular cigarettes So I want to learn it all in one day. I have chargers all over the place, one in the lap top, a 510 in one socket and a charging case in another. So I'm all waping, both me and my living room.
    1 point
  18. Not at all. It's a High efficiency regulator, up to 90% efficient.
    1 point
  19. looks cool , does it get really hot?
    1 point
  20. 12 mg nic 70/30 blend - I find this very special, perfect for relaxing on quiet peaceful evening. Even makes me feel a little romantic. Flavor is similar to a carmel but yet...not quite, if you've ever had the argentinian desert then you have an idea how light and dreamy it is. It's made by carmelizing sweetened milk the best way to describe to someone whose never had it is a lighter creamier version of caramel. I find it simply divine. I"m not a TH expert by any means but IMO it's mild to medium Which Is what i prefer. IF you want more TH go with a 80/20 blend or if you want less try 60/30 these are only suggestions. **** Please remember taste is subjective, if your unsure as to whether you might like it order a sample size***
    0 points
  21. lol and Darn it that's one of my favorites I look at it all the time but can never find an occasion to use it. GOOD JOB!
    0 points
  22. egoluvr

    Where Is Everyone?

    more +1's for everyone, and especially for helping our fellow vapor feel loved!!
    0 points
  23. 0 points
  24. egoluvr

    Where Is Everyone?

    Beans Beans the magical fruit.... I think I need a
    0 points
  25. egoluvr

    Where Is Everyone?

    haha oh well, we were all created as individuals and that means we all have different opinions and you know what they say about those... and as I always say better to be friendly and share then keep those treasures to yourself LOL j/k but it was worth a tiny chuckle right? But the truth is I think we all have our uber sensitive moments, and our a-hole moments, don't let it deter you whether ppl agree or disagree around here someone always learns something either way. Besides I really love your fish picture and look forward to seeing it and your the carto king around here we can't go long without suffering from dayvape withdrawl.
    0 points
  26. egoluvr

    Where Is Everyone?

    True to my word I +1'd all of you. Glad to see you guys! Has Juliery tried emailing Chris or anything to see whats up? Is it just this forum she can't post in? odd. We still miss you Julie!!! hey- the weekends almost here Party on vapers!
    0 points
  27. egoluvr

    Where Is Everyone?

    Oh good, let us know if you hear something Sharon. also I hope you feel better sweetie
    0 points
  28. egoluvr

    Where Is Everyone?

    and another point for Sharon lol Jeff will have to post again if he wants another point, only lets me give one at a time. BUt he did get two cause he posted twice :>
    0 points
  29. egoluvr

    Where Is Everyone?

    BTW i just plus 1 for every response in the thread except mine of course lol. SO as even more incentive to check in, I will continue to +1 every response. LOL what a treat I know. haha
    0 points
  30. egoluvr

    Where Is Everyone?

    HI Nana - always a pleasure Aimee where ya been girl? Everything going ok? Sharon i'm getting really worried about Juliery, I wish she'd check in. Its not like her to be away from the forum this long.
    0 points
  31. egoluvr

    Where Is Everyone?

    Ok Mary is present and accounted for ... finally now where are the rest of ya? Don't keep us in suspense if your lurking and haven't posted in a few days - say something will ya? :)
    0 points
  32. egoluvr

    Where Is Everyone?

    Yay, have fun playing with the emoticons chesyl
    0 points
  33. egoluvr

    Where Is Everyone?

    now now no one is chopped liver, of course I missed you too Jeff, but I haven' seen hiden or hair of those guys for 2 days ? Hope everyone is ok Now excuse me why I go apply some nutz to my face. lmao - I just saw that video in the mosh pit last night and was cracking up hah get it cracking up tee hee
    0 points
  34. egoluvr


    liberty flights is the US and in Canada. just Click on the US side of their banner at the top of the page.
    0 points
  35. egoluvr


    So glad you like it Psycho. I noticed the same thing you did regarding the attys.
    0 points
  36. egoluvr


    thanks nana- HOpe your having a great day!
    0 points
  37. egoluvr


    Yup I feel its totally worth the cheap price. Beans- I like the button better on the Riva as well, and I noticed also that the battery lasts a bit longer than my eGo too. I still have mad love for my eGO after all it's the one that got me to put out those cancer sticks for good
    -1 points
  38. egoluvr


    Yes MW they are interchangeable, I have the riva and the eGo and have interchanged everything, attys, chargers, etc.
    -1 points
  39. If you click on the little smiley face in the center of your post toolbar it should open a window on the right with emoticons do you not see them?
    -1 points
  40. +1 Nana I haven't sent her a PM i'm going to do that right now. Thanks for the suggestion
    -1 points
  41. egoluvr

    Strong E-Liquid Flavors

    I have some gourmet vapor cinnabun - it tastes like big red gum, I'd be happy to send it to one of you that have trouble tasting, I'm sure you'll taste this First come , first serve, pm me your address
    -1 points
  42. This isn't a review it's an advertisement
    -1 points
  43. I'm at work and can't watch vids but i'm going to check it out here as soon as I get home Thanks smokie
    -1 points
  44. oh no so sorry for your carto trouble I actually do clean mine, and I've been having pretty good luck with it too. But I don't wait until it's gunky dirty either. I wait till I have about 3 or 4 I want to clean ... I blow em' out, rinse thm thru with hot water in the sink, plop em in a glass pyrex measuring cup about 3/4 full with hot water, stick it in the microwave for 3 minutes, take it out stir em around with a fork, dump off the water , fill 3/4 full again with hot water and nuke another 3 minutes. (Forgot to mention have the oven heating at 275 deg. while i'm nuking) THen I stir again, dump out the water, put a little cool water in the cup and swish around to cool em off real fast then I rinse them under the tap again with warm water and blow em out again. I made this little cookie sheet out of aluminum foil, I lay em out on that and put in the oven anywhere from 30 minuts to 2 hours , Only takes about 30 minutes but i've forgotten and left them up to 2 hours and they still worked like a champ. This sounds like much more of a process then it actually is and I dont know why it's fine in the microwave maybe because most of the carto is covered in a sticker, or maybe because they are covered in water I don't know but my microwave is just fine with it and it's much less of a pain to clean a couple at a time this way then saving them all up and boiling on the stove. BTW this only with the boge soft tip cartos with the metal sticker coverd body.
    -1 points
  45. That is so shiny and beautiful - Smokie since those are new do you know if e juice messes up the finish at all if you get any on it and miss cleaning it off right away ?
    -1 points
  46. Welcome to VT SKH - Brian gave you some excellent advice and information so i'm just going to encourage you to stick with it, we all have had some bumps in the road finding what works best for each individual can be a challenge but once you get it right it's worth it!
    -1 points
  47. egoluvr

    First Steps Into Diy

    this is awesome, have fun and stick with it only gets better. BTW try DIY flavorshack sometime they have some great kits and so forth for beginners.
    -1 points
  48. Hey where the heck is everyone, DayVape, Juliery, Beans, Mary Mary, Miss you guys!
    -1 points
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