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  1. Greetings Skh, Don't let anyone ruin your adventure into PV's. Including yourself. You have found a great resource when you found this forum. The members here will tell you the truth by experience. Some of us have managed to completely quit regular cigs this first time we tried a device, some of us have reduced the amount we used to do. Its all a win. It does not have to be all or nothing right out of the gate. What I am trying to say is that you have found a alternative to the "Quit or Die" attitude of the Anti-Smoker crowd. You neither have to quit or die. It is not all rainbows and Unicorns mind you, but now you have in your hands the means to do what you want. The cigs have wrapped some terrible tendrils around us where we lost control of it and it controlled where and how we conducted our daily lives. Killed alot of our loved ones, oportunites, and dreams. So what about these PV's? They are not a "magic wand" but for some they might as well have been one. We get the NIC we want, when we want it and can thumb our nose at the neigh-sayers and have the choice to fire up a regular because we want, not because its the only way. You got your choices back, and a measure of control is yours again. It is your adventure, and like all adventurers you need to travel out with the right gear. Like all adventurers you will find new and better ways to make the travel better by asking questions and shopping the outfitters. Exploring the undiscovered juices in the world, and PV devices galore. What you start your adventure out with, may not be the gear you finish with. You will trade, exchange and leave behind many things along the way. Good luck and good hunting...er vaping Kaz.
    2 points
  2. Skh, you are doing a great job, its not easy in the beginning getting all this right, there is so much to learn and so many different ways to vape, trust me even 2 months into this im still struggling myself, hang in there, im sure we will both find what works best for each of us...
    2 points
  3. I don't see anywhere that they list the nicotine content. Most suppliers use: High = 24mg Medium = 16-18mg Low 6-12 mg However, it varies and some suppliers will call 18mg high. My best guess is that the medium is in the 16-18mg range. This is milligrams per milliliter. For example, if you have a 10ml bottle of eliquid that's 24mg, then there is 24mg of nicotine per one ml of eliquid. I smoked 1.5 packs per day and now vape 24mg nic. Most heavy smokers will find 24mg works well. You may want to contact the supplier and see if they'll tell you what the nicotine content is - that would give you a good starting point. If the nic content is low, then I would try a higher nic level.
    2 points
  4. You're looking for better throat hit? What type of juice are you using (nic strength, PG or VP)? Nic is the biggest factor in getting throat hit, so if you're using a low mg juice you won't get much throat hit. Juice made with VG will also soften the throat hit. For more options on attomizers, if you used something with a bigger battery (like the Joye eGo or a mod) you could use LR (low resistance) atomizers. The LR atomizer will burn hotter than a regular atomizer so it will give you a better throat hit (and more vapor). When I started vaping I did pretty good with the regular 510 atomizer, but after a few months I got a mod and started vaping at 6 volts. What a difference! I'm now using a variable voltage mod... still using the 510 but only vaping at 5V. Oh - forgot to say - Welcome to Vapor Talk!
    2 points
  5. mwsmith1778

    Ego Tank

    So this was my last effort at anything other than direct dripping on standard units. I don't mind direct dripping, and I love the vapor and flavor production, but I wanted something a little more convenient for traveling. I have tried cartos and wasn't a fan, so this was it. First, let me say I love the Ego. Great battery life, and solid performance. I'm not; however, a fan of the Tank system. There's nothing wrong with it, the concept is great and it works exactly as advertised. Very easy to put together and use, but while vaping it, there is a flavor that I cannot quite explain...almost plasticy. It's not a burnt atomizer, I know those symptoms all too well. It feeds very well and I experienced no leakage, but it modifies the taste of my favorite juices a little too much for my comfort. I have also become accustomed to LR attys, so the cooler, dryer vaping doesn't satisfy me as much as it once did. The really weird thing is, I like the look and feel of the tapered mouthpieces more than drip tips or the standard cartridge mouthpieces. I also like the fact that the tank atty is a little bigger and I love the look of the Ego with the tank on it as opposed to the cones. Just for kicks I tried direct dripping into the tank atty without the tank and it was pretty good. Aside from the fact that the atty wasn't LR, it produced great vapor and flavor, but without that warm LR goodness. In short, I guess it's a great concept, a sleek visual and a great design. I'm sure it will work for a lot of people, but I guess I'm just a direct dripping kinda guy (or maybe a wet box next)
    1 point
  6. Manual batteries do not have ways to get liquid in them. From what I understand (since I don't have one), an automatic battery depends on air blowing through a hole in the battery at the atomizer/cartomizer connection. If liquid gets in there, dead battery. I don't even notice that I'm pushing a button down anymore. Good luck, vape on, keep charging 'em up!
    1 point
  7. this is very good advice. It took a few days for me to adjust to taking longer drags. I just counted and I usually take about 8 second drags now.
    1 point
  8. Beans

    Where Is Everyone?

    DAYVAPE, I always enjoy your post, I've also learned quite a bit from you too. I must have missed something. I have been known to be a piss ant myself. No worries.
    1 point
  9. I'm happy to hear it's getting better! It can be a struggle at times. Remember the cig companies spent billions to keep you hooked. Your never alone here, we will all help with anything we can. Good luck and happy vaping.
    1 point
  10. Welcome! You will get there just don't kick yourself if you do smoke. Everyone here knows how you feel and we will support you all the way. We all have our own tastes and ideas about what is the perfect vape. For me I prefer VG, but I also really like 50/50 mix, best of both worlds. Some days I really like the TH others I don't care, I always like plumes of vapor hence my love of VG. I keep a selection of nicotine strengths so I can go back and forth depending on my wants and needs. I even have different flavors for different times of day and my mood, can't do that with analogs This is a journey so relax and enjoy, you're in good company.
    1 point

    Where Is Everyone?

    Oh yay.... I'm kinda back! At least for the time being. I kinda just figured everyone would actually enjoy this place more if I weren't here making posts that end up under somebody's thin skin. But hey, what do ya expect I guess, it's part of most/all forums I have a feeling. There's always gotta be one in the crowd to keep things interesting I guess! Thanks for even noticing I have been MIA for a while... that means alot.
    1 point
  12. Welcome to Vapor Talk, skh! When I first got mine I was so excited and then I HATED the juice! Of course, being new, I didn't know it was the juice I hated - I just didn't like what vaping was doing for me. But I kept reading and trying different things, and as of today it is 50 days since I had my last cigarette, so it does happen. Just don't pressure yourself. Keep trying new stuff as you learn more and as the budget allows. And this is a great place to meet lovely people and learn.
    1 point
  13. I smoked about 1/2 a pack a day of the little filtered cigars, cuz for a while they were cheaper than cigarettes, but then they had a 700% tax increase on some types of tobacco here in AZ, and the small cigars went up to almost cigarette prices. I found out about e smokes, tried them and haven't looked back. Made some mistakes, but have good ones now, including an EGO passthru, which I love, cuz I can use it plgged into the wall at home, and then have a fully charged batt when I go out. I do take back ups and extra cartos, so, so far so good. I have all new batts, cuz I had to send some back. I have 1 more kit I am getting from my partner as a birthday gift, so I am happy! I have plenty of cartomizers for each batt, and adapters too. Throat hit can be differant depending on what battery you use too. I use mainly VG juices at 16-18mg/ml (and I smoke about 2-3 ml/day) so I get mainly flavor and vapor, not too much of a throat hit. Enjoy your e smoke, I really like mine!
    1 point
  14. Welcome to the forum skh. You will hear everyone on the forum echo eGo. Larger battery so more much stronger than the 510. of course Brian is right, 510 low resistant atomizer will give you probably what you need in throat hit once your nic is adjusted. You really need to find your nic level though to have a somewhat satisfying vape. You probably won't ever find anything that will every compare to your Kent because you will not be burning tobacco and paper along with all the other chemicals in your regular cigarette. Hope you find what you are searching for.
    1 point
  15. Something that might help...using the e-cig is a bit different than smoking. With vaping you should take a long, slow, deep drag instead of the quicker drag you'd take with an analog. Let the vape fill your mouth before inhaling, then inhale and exhale. I take at least a 5 second drag before stopping. Most of the time anymore it's even longer. When first starting to vape it's harder to take that long of a drag, but do it as long as you can. That might help.
    1 point
  16. If the higher nic level doesn't satisfy you, The low resistance atty might be in your next step. you would have to move up to an Ego kit though, as the joye 510 batteries don't seem up the the power drain of the LR. I have gotten 3 different co-workers to switch once they tried the LR, and i went from 30 Mg to 16-18 Mg nic in my own juice, after 2 1/2 pack a day 20 year habit. I hate to tell new vapers to "upgrade" and spend more money, but the Ego has become the standard for a great starter kit.
    1 point
  17. Welcome to VT SKH - Brian gave you some excellent advice and information so i'm just going to encourage you to stick with it, we all have had some bumps in the road finding what works best for each individual can be a challenge but once you get it right it's worth it!
    1 point
  18. Eliquid is made from nicotine, flavoring and PG (propylene glycole) and/or VG (vegetable glycerin). I'll have a look at the sites to see if there any info about the strength. How much do you smoke (packs per day)?
    1 point
  19. Thanks I dont know what kind of e-juice I'm using. They all have medium strength though. I bought them from onlyecig.com and somybox.com (if you'd prefer I dont write links like this, please remove). What is Nic? pg? and vp? I didn't mix them but used them straight from the bottle
    1 point
  20. Take a look at my New 24 Karat Gold Plated Saber touch Mods, a VV, and a Mini. Please subscribe to me for the latest deals, steal, and Giveawayshttp://www.youtube.com/user/step07726?feature=mhum Flavor is in the taste of each individual, subjective, what I like, or dislike you may feel the opposite of, that's why their are 3 ml sample bottles for you to buy, and try first. You are all invited to come Hang out on my show, so we can vape together, Saturday Nights at 10 PM eastern time http://www.stickam.com/elixirtv2 and during week nights with our other hosts. We have shows 7 nights a week most starting around 9 PM eastern time, check the show schedule for changes. Any Questions? you can always email me at smokie901@gmail.com Vape On, and Fuhgeddaboudit, Smokie The Mod Father http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_mtY_lczNsk
    -1 points
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