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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/14/2011 in all areas

  1. I hope this is ok to do here, but I am going to vent some...As some of you already know, I lost my husband almost 4 months ago this Sunday. It is very hard sometimes, because I thought he was all better and the Liver damage was reversed.(this is what he told me), so I believed it and also believed the Doctors when they said he was going to be better soon. I brought him home after a rough time of Kidney Dialysis ( 2 week stay at hospital) on November 12. On the way home he did not talk ( he slept) he grabbed my hand a couple of times, but I had to drive. He got sick, so I took him to the McDonald's Restaurant and they got really angry with me, because he would not hurry up in the bathroom ( they were wanting to close). The manager came into the bathroom and I explained what was wrong with him, but all this guy could say was, Im sorry, but he needs to leave so they can close. Glenn was totally out of it. The Liver was shutting down so fast. I had to slide myself under the stall and get him out of there so they would not contact the cops on us. I got him set and out in the car and got him back home after 2 1/2 hours on the road.I got him out of the car and walked him up the steps to our house and he came in and sat on the couch next to my son. My daughter got scared I think (because Glenn was not himself, he was dieing)and went upstairs. a couple hours after arriving home, i went to bed hoping he would be all better in the morning. well, the next morning at 9:11am Saturday November 13th, I found my husband dead. His heart gave out due to the liver and kidneys failing. I was going to donate my kidney to him, but, he did not make it. He knew he was going to die, and the hospital knew it too. he told them not to let me know because it would hurt me. I stopped breathing on my porch back in Sept.(they think it is heart disease) I feel this is why he did not tell me. So I decided to quit smoking, which I still can not believe I did, during all the stuff that has happened. It will be 2 months and 1 week tomorrow that I quit. I am so grateful for all the wonderful people here that have helped me since the passing of my husband and the start of my vaping. I feel good, but a little down these days. please say a prayer for my son. he is going through one heck of a time right now. (court) Ps> I intend to talk a little sometimes, maybe too much..lol..
    2 points
  2. Jflo02


    Greetings again all, Just following up on my new e-cig. I went with the new Joye eGo-T with the 1000T Batts (same as the tornado-T, except im not sure they offer the 1000-T batts with it?). First off, i love it. Lets get the obvious out of the way first. Been vaping now since last friday March 4th 2011. I have no urge whatsoever to smoke an analog and adding to that, being around analog smokers, it stinks and made me nauseous. Joy all around. Also, i vapor a LOT less than actual smoking. I spent $97 on my kit and 3 bottles of 5ml liquid. So far ive saved $36 in 6 days of not smoking analogs. Paying for itself in less than one month. I feel better, not so "run down" anymore. Im more active. And i dont smell like an ashtray either. So, on with the Pros and Cons: Pros: slick design, very simplistic love the tank, even though ive read it leaks, for me it has not Batts and tanks last a very long time, even when drinking (alcohol) Again, easy to use, simple design, very user friendly You can smoke anywhere, i smoked in a school last night lol legally, Except on an airplane (if you have a 30 hour flight, i feel for you) Again, i dont smell like an ashtray, my GF says i smell like mouthwash, ive also been told like berries and bubblegum no more lighters, wewt! no more ashtrays. no more going outside to smoke. no more putting IT out! I never smoked in my house, but if you do, no more worries about falling asleep and catching the house on fire! Vapors like a real analog, you could probably hot box your bathroom lol. Throat pulls like a real analog. I could probably go on and on about how amazing this gadget is... so lets get to the cons Cons: It doesnt LOOK like a real cigarette (more like a black and mild cigar) no big deal to me, i would smoke those every once and again. I have to press a button to take a drag. I researched this and for good cause they made it that way. still kinda annoying to do. Somewhat of a con, it comes with 7 tanks, 5 you order and 2 that come with the atomizers. Filling them isnt really a pain, but figuring how many tanks you need for a night could be. Just bring 2 filled where ever you go. The "Pull" is inconsistent. Now before anyone says anything, i knew it would only simulate an analog, but sometimes its just right and other times its way to harsh. Personal opinion is user error? I'll live with it. Sometimes it tastes like burnt electrical. I did read the user guide and that means (im assuming) i pulled too fast/hard and the atomizer is dry. again, i'll live with that. In conclusions, for a device made for quitting smoking and or alternate smoking source AND for me just starting to vapor with from what i understand is the newest device available. I'd have to give this a cool 9/10 score. Considering i did try the cigarette looking ones (gator vapor-as low as $20 and white cloud-as high as $250) including all the research i did and all the info i was given here on these forums. So why 9/10? Above ALL ELSE, it serves its purpose very well. Its very user friendly and very simple. At cost, it pays for itself in less than one month (about three weeks if you smoke a pack a day). Given life of said product from what ive read, tanks are forever, no need to buy those, Batts last approx 6 months and atomizers 3 months. Depending on usage. Like i said, i believe this device was conceived to STOP smoking and within a 3-6 month period i think everyone who WANTS to truly STOP, will. Otherwise, for people who would like to continue smoking/vaporizing, the cost at a generalized 1 pack a day smoker would probably be 1/10 of the cost of smoking analogs. Now thats just a rough estimate, please dont quote me. All in all, great product and i hope it does catch on worldwide. Good vaping everyone, to your health and down with analogs lol. Regards, Jflo02
    1 point
  3. Jeffb

    New Guy With A Question

    If you are set on an M401, Litecigusa carries them : http://www.litecigusa.net/m401_cigarette_s/26.htm They just dont have the fancy dragon on them
    1 point
  4. TroopX

    Dirty Burning Taste

    I'm not familiar with your model- but It does sound like a dry atty. You may also wish to de-wick the atty, as the wick can give a burnt taste when it's gotten dry. There are vids and tips in the noob section here at VT- check those out. Welcome to VT- and good luck!
    1 point
  5. Alright, that sounds logical then. I'll post back tomorrow if it's still a mystery
    1 point
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