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  1. That is unusual. I can assure they are Joye Tech. Remember we where the first ones to start calling out other suppliers on fakes. (We got a lot of flack for it too) I'd never risk our reputation to save a couple of bucks. I'd rather be out of stock for 2 weeks than carry low quality product. The center pole is the tiny circular metal piece located inside the portion of the battery that holds the atomizer. (where all the liquid usually piles up) It normally has a white/tan rubber ring underneath it. The outside of the atomizer holder is negative. That tiny little center pole is the positive portion. The rubber ring is there to stop any shorts. Every so often that center pole drops to low. It's caused from the screwing the atomizers on too tight. You can take a very small pair of pliers or ever better a pair of tweezers and pull up on it. Also if your using anything other than 3.7v there is a higher chance the atomizer will pop. Getting a month + on high voltage is just lucky Atomizers where only designed to last a few weeks. The fact that Joye techs usually last longer is primarily because they are better made.
    2 points
  2. Brian

    Best Menthol Juice

    KaYoTiic posted this review - says it's like Newport. http://www.vaportalk.com/forum/forum/forum/topic/10993-kickbassvapor-vape-placid-tobacco/
    2 points
  3. Jflo02


    Greetings again all, Just following up on my new e-cig. I went with the new Joye eGo-T with the 1000T Batts (same as the tornado-T, except im not sure they offer the 1000-T batts with it?). First off, i love it. Lets get the obvious out of the way first. Been vaping now since last friday March 4th 2011. I have no urge whatsoever to smoke an analog and adding to that, being around analog smokers, it stinks and made me nauseous. Joy all around. Also, i vapor a LOT less than actual smoking. I spent $97 on my kit and 3 bottles of 5ml liquid. So far ive saved $36 in 6 days of not smoking analogs. Paying for itself in less than one month. I feel better, not so "run down" anymore. Im more active. And i dont smell like an ashtray either. So, on with the Pros and Cons: Pros: slick design, very simplistic love the tank, even though ive read it leaks, for me it has not Batts and tanks last a very long time, even when drinking (alcohol) Again, easy to use, simple design, very user friendly You can smoke anywhere, i smoked in a school last night lol legally, Except on an airplane (if you have a 30 hour flight, i feel for you) Again, i dont smell like an ashtray, my GF says i smell like mouthwash, ive also been told like berries and bubblegum no more lighters, wewt! no more ashtrays. no more going outside to smoke. no more putting IT out! I never smoked in my house, but if you do, no more worries about falling asleep and catching the house on fire! Vapors like a real analog, you could probably hot box your bathroom lol. Throat pulls like a real analog. I could probably go on and on about how amazing this gadget is... so lets get to the cons Cons: It doesnt LOOK like a real cigarette (more like a black and mild cigar) no big deal to me, i would smoke those every once and again. I have to press a button to take a drag. I researched this and for good cause they made it that way. still kinda annoying to do. Somewhat of a con, it comes with 7 tanks, 5 you order and 2 that come with the atomizers. Filling them isnt really a pain, but figuring how many tanks you need for a night could be. Just bring 2 filled where ever you go. The "Pull" is inconsistent. Now before anyone says anything, i knew it would only simulate an analog, but sometimes its just right and other times its way to harsh. Personal opinion is user error? I'll live with it. Sometimes it tastes like burnt electrical. I did read the user guide and that means (im assuming) i pulled too fast/hard and the atomizer is dry. again, i'll live with that. In conclusions, for a device made for quitting smoking and or alternate smoking source AND for me just starting to vapor with from what i understand is the newest device available. I'd have to give this a cool 9/10 score. Considering i did try the cigarette looking ones (gator vapor-as low as $20 and white cloud-as high as $250) including all the research i did and all the info i was given here on these forums. So why 9/10? Above ALL ELSE, it serves its purpose very well. Its very user friendly and very simple. At cost, it pays for itself in less than one month (about three weeks if you smoke a pack a day). Given life of said product from what ive read, tanks are forever, no need to buy those, Batts last approx 6 months and atomizers 3 months. Depending on usage. Like i said, i believe this device was conceived to STOP smoking and within a 3-6 month period i think everyone who WANTS to truly STOP, will. Otherwise, for people who would like to continue smoking/vaporizing, the cost at a generalized 1 pack a day smoker would probably be 1/10 of the cost of smoking analogs. Now thats just a rough estimate, please dont quote me. All in all, great product and i hope it does catch on worldwide. Good vaping everyone, to your health and down with analogs lol. Regards, Jflo02
    1 point
  4. ryeis1


    Just got my ego, two bottles of juice (marl and menthol) and I love it! The pv is literally the greatest thing since canned beer and sliced bread! Thanks to VT for steering me in the right direction.
    1 point
  5. paise

    Tennessee Ban

    Thank you so much for the addresses and the letter, which I edited a bit to make it more personal. I sent my email off just a moment ago. While I don't live in Tennessee, I do have a very close friend who is like a sister to me that I'm trying to get to switch over to the E-cigs because she is sounding worse and worse as time passes from her smoking analogs. I do hope she will eventually make the switch. If anyone has any ideas, I would appreciate it: My friend, my best friend and practically my sister, has tried my e-cigarette when she came in for a visit. I have the Ego E-Cig now. I began with a Janty Dura-C, then moved to the Janty Stick, and now the Ego. This past week, I finally had the money to get one of the cone atomizers with the T-tank cartridges, which I find sooooooo convenient. It's great not to have to constantly drip every few minutes or so. I have had my friend/surrogate sister give my Ego a try; however, it seems as if it has too much of a throat hit to it. My daughter seems to have the same problem but you have to take into account my daughter has only been smoking for the last several months now and she only smokes about 3 cigarettes a day and those are ultra-lights - or rather they were. She and her new husband have both ordered the Ego E-Cigarette. I sent them with samples of e-liquid I've received and tried in order to keep them in some liquid as they are still catching up on everything as well as trying to finish furnishing the home they have together now. She was at college and her new husband was at home with his mother so they have rather bare walls but they do have plenty of furniture thanks to donations from our family (her father's family and me; I'm estranged from my parents to the point where our youngest child believes my birth father to be dead when in truth, he is an abusive alcoholic who refuses to stop drinking. I've heard his days are numbered as the alcohol has now caused cirrhosis of the liver on top of heart problems - also brought on by his excessive drinking. Normally, I do not believe in lying to my children; however, I believe it's kinder for our youngest to believe/presume my father is dead than to realize he's alive yet won't get sober and stay that way in order to be a part of the lives of his grandchildren; I raised my younger brother for most of his life & brought him home with me after a legal guardianship agreement went into place when he was a few years from being a teenager; I got him out as soon as I was able as our birth parents were physically violent toward each other and our birth father was physically violent toward us too though I did pick fights to redirect his attention to me so he would leave my brother alone as hew as not strong enough to have managed to survive those years of bruises, cuts from cords used to beat on me, and it goes without saying he would never have handled the pain from spiral fractures and outright broken bones when the booze was so thick in that b*stard's head he didn't care if he broke bones or not. I fear if I had not stepped in all those years, my little brother might have contemplated suicide, which I would never have been able to deal with emotionally... so for the greater good, I keep the little white lie going. It is only a matter of time before that man will be dead and buried. He's making it too easy to get there. I do believe the day he's dead, I will feel completely and totally safe for the first time in my life and I'm sure my brother will feel the same.) But I digress... Is there a way for my daughter and my surrogate sister/best friend to use the e-cigs without getting so much of a throat hit? My e-liquid generally stays around 24mg w/extra flavoring in the exotic flavors from My Freedom Smokes though I do have a separate bottle of liquid I use with a heavier nic dose in it to handle the heavy craving times such as upon waking (well if I slept it would be upon waking but I have chronic insomnia and have for as many years as I can remember), after meals, before bed (or resting as I don't sleep), and when out with friends when we go out to have drinks together as well as at family functions over the holidays. It was odd this past year that I wasn't smoking a tobacco cigarette at our family get-together for Thanksgiving! I had my e-cigarette but still, it felt funny because I have a BIL, DH's uncle, and a nephew who all smoke so it felt strange not having to go outside as the BIL's house where we had Thanksgiving does not smoke nor do they allow smoking in the house so we were always banished to the porch or the fire pit fireplace out back to get our smoke on, so to speak but with the e-cigarette, I was welcome to vape indoors. My SILs, both of them, could not believe the pleasant smell from the vapor as I use marshmallow flavor as my staple but I do have other flavors like sweet apple, cream, vanilla, black cherry, regular cherry, etc... Even my DH who used to piss me off, esp after he gave up dipping Skoal after he had an abscess he SWORE was cancer and I assured him it wasn't (I was right, it was just a canker-type sore on his tongue toward the back where he'd bit the area in his sleep making it look so bad) but you couldn't tell him anything. He stopped dipping then jumped down my throat for smoking and the fact I wouldn't go outside to smoke. I was adamant about the fact that I PAID THE MORTGAGE and I WASN'T ABOUT TO GET PNEUMONIA FROM STANDING OUTSIDE IN THE FREEZING WEATHER, INCLUDING RAIN, ICE, OR SNOW FOR ANYBODY - NOT EVEN HIM! He's come through our front door for several yrs with the same BS statement of, "Is something burning or on fire in here? It smells like something's burning?" I'd be so pissed by then that I'd tell him that yes there was something burning and it was my cigarettes and if he didn't like it he could turn right around and go back to his Mommy's house to live if that's how he felt! I'm sure she'd take care of him; she has for the last 40+ years so she might as well do so until she's dead and then he'd have to grow up or die with her. I know it sounds ugly but when you hear that day after day after day and you can't leave home b/c you can't see well enough to walk let alone to drive and you have no license because of an eye disease, there's no way to blow off all that steam other than getting into an argument until one of us left the house, which was generally him. I'd been me if I had been able to drive. I'd gladly have switched houses with his mother so she could move here and I'd move into her house with our daughter. Our house is much larger than her house but the payments are a bit lower so they could have lived in our house happily ever after for all I cared. He sniped about the e-cigarette until he couldn't smell it. Then (we share the same doctor, btw) our doctor jumped down his throat with both feet after having been treating me for months after I began using the e-cig (I have monthly Lupus (SLE) and Sjogren's check ups) and told him to shut up and stop bitching because the smoker's cough was gone and I had no rattling or wheezes in my chest. In fact, he said and continues to say that my lungs sound like someone who has never smoked in their life now. I will celebrate my 2nd anniversary of sorts off the analog cigarettes July 7th, 2011. I think that's pretty good and without the bad side effects, I don't have to stop vaping. I gave up so much when I got sick and I lost three separate careers I thoroughly enjoyed because of my health conditions; I can't go out to a bar without a ride with friends and nowadays, our friends are married with children like we have and there's little to no time and even little to no money to go out for drinks over the weekend when we can afford a sitter so I'm stuck behind 4 walls every day with no company except the dog and cat until our 14yo comes homes and while I love her with all my heart, there is only so much of a conversation someone can have with a 14yo.... My surrogate sister/best friend lives in Tennessee, which is why I put my email to use because if I can get her to make the switch, perhaps she can get her husband to make the switch too, which will do wonders for them because even though they don't smoke in the house, there is smoke smell on their clothes and they have a younger son, their 2nd and last child, who was born severely premature, born with heart problems, and has undergone about 5 or 6 surgeries to correct his heart though there is only so much modern medicine can do... He will live with a heart condition for the rest of his life and the smell of smoke does bother him even though they don't smoke inside. If I can get them to switch, it will be great for his parents, of that I have no doubt but even more so, it will be even greater for the son with the heart condition. I just need to figure out how to lower the throat hit to get my friend ON the e-cigarette and keep my daughter and SIL using the e-cigarettes. I've already explained that they didn't need to inhale the vapor because they will still get the nicotine as if they inhaled as one does with an analog cigarette. I don't know what else to add to help. It just came naturally to me. I'm glad to have helped and hope it helps and it works for those in Tennessee and any ideas on how to help my friend (who lives in TN btw, as well as my daughter) is greatly appreciated. Paise
    1 point

    Tennessee Ban

    As a vape'r myself I want to help stop any bans like this regardless of the state which it might be in question. Being a TN resident I am absolutely on board with spamming the crap out of these guys about this issue. My main concern is where is this coming from? Someone before posted a similar question and Id like to see someone dig in to it more and find where the aggression towards pv's is coming from. If we could find definitive answers to that we could have better ammunition for fighting the bans, I could just be behind on news since i dont make it on the forums enough so just let me know if i am missing anything, If not and anyone has any knowledge or means of uncovering more information please let us know! Also when you send your emails add read receipts and follow up on them if you can. Some of my emails have shown deleted without being read!
    1 point
  7. Go ahead and fill out a support ticket, send in the old atomizers and I'll replace them.
    1 point
  8. Jflo02

    Tennessee Ban

    e-mail sent
    1 point
  9. easilyamused

    Clearing Throat

    Tags, you must also keep in mind that there are many viruses and allergies going on right now, so some of what you are experiencing may have nothing to do with vaping
    1 point
  10. CoffinLess

    Two Thumbs Waaay Down

    My husband vapes NOTHING but their Caramel Tobacco 16% and so obviously loves it!!! The scent in the air is pretty good too!
    1 point
  11. Have you checked them with an ohm meter? They might not be bad but just not making a connection.I have had to jiggle and wiggle the center post back out on a few atties and there were a few PV's that were notoriouse for pushing the connecter in,but I cannot remember which ones they were.Also if they get too much liquid in the space between the cup the element is in and the battery connector they will not work as the electrons take a shortcut through the liquid.Blowing them out solves that one.If you are using LR or high voltage they just might be burning out due to getting dry.
    1 point

    Quick Question

    Just give a brick wall answer. Or don't elaborate Q. What is that? A. Your mom!! Q. What are you smokeing? A. koolaid. Q does it really help? A. I'm un-helpable. Ok I'm just screwing around here but you get the idea. I'm gonna add the your mom one to my arsonal. Heheheeh cards with " its an ecig, goto vaportalk.com for more info" is probably easyer.
    1 point
  13. easilyamused

    Package Arrived!

    i kinda got a good chuckle at the package being intimidating enough to make you reach for an analog i know there are still times when i wish this were as simple as just grabbing a lighter and igniting it, there is a learning curve and it will take a while to get all this down, im still stuck in the curve myself just roll with it, it will get better
    1 point
  14. slumdog

    Package Arrived!

    it really isn't a good idea to use a cart on a Lr atty, doesn't keep it wet enough and most places have a DOA only warranty on Lr attys.i would get a 510/901 drip tip from maybe good prophets ... best drip tip prices and has standard shipping.. sorry cant post links yet...but keep those as wet as possible like the poster above me said 3 drops on a fresh atty for 5 to 8 puffs .... when the flavor or vapor production changes add two drops.. vape ...repeat the regular attys as you can already tell burn a bit cooler, these are not quite as sensitive to a dry burn as a Lr but can still be popped from excessive heat so ......rule of thumb when the flavor or vapor production changes...drip your atty... or top off your cart...
    1 point
  15. egoluvr

    What E-Cigarete To Pick?

    Well looks like everyone has the bases covered so let me just say Hello and welcome to vapor talk Good posts = good advice +1 all
    1 point
  16. Mike

    Quick Question

    I love my ego too and I often get asked what I've got. If I'm not in a talking mood I just say it's my crack pipe and walk away! I get lots of great reactions to that, ha ha. Another way around this is to print out cards explaining e-cigs and when someone askes just hand them a card. Whatever you do, don't get rid of your eGo if it's what you like best.
    1 point
  17. Definitely stay away from blue mist. I had this weird strong peppery taste to all 5 samples I got from them. Trying to vape their juice... with their mountain dew juice, it tasted like taking a sip of mountain dew followed by inhaling a mouthful of black pepper. NO GOOD!! I tried e-mailing them to ask for some sort of solution, got no response after about a week. Sent another e-mail stating I would no longer be buying from them anymore, got a response in just a few hours stating that I basically hadn't tried enough of their flavors to form a valid opinion on their juice... WORST CUSTOMER SERVICE EVER. "Hey, can you help me? I have a problem with your juice." *crickets* "Well, if you won't help me, then screw your store. I'm not buying again." "Well customer, all you really need to do to solve this problem is to BUY MORE OF OUR CRAPPY JUICE." That might work on someone else, but I'm not that stupid. Anyway, the actual flavors were just fine. It was the follow-up sensation of having an entire pound of black pepper forced down my throat that ruined it for me. Plus, I'm just a bit concerned about the fact that they completely ignored me until I said they were losing business, and their only attempt at keeping my business was to tell me to buy more. Why would I want to buy more when what I already bought was absolute crap? I got 5 bottles, and each of them had the same exact problem. As far as probability is concerned, there is 0 chance that the next one I try won't suck donkey nads too.
    -1 points
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