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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/08/2011 in all areas

  1. Other than health, money was the other big motivator in wanting to quit. Although hubby and I have invested about $200 in kits and juice, I've figured we still saved about $600! We decided to spend our mthly savings on a pretty fancy preschool. We're pretty proud of ourselves that we are able to do this for our kids! Anyone have extra money to splurge since quitting analogs?
    1 point
  2. First let me start off by saying that I have only been vapping for abt two weeks now and I'm loving it. I just recived my Riva 510 and my sample pack from Bluemist. I have to say all the flavors except Sex on the beach are absolutly horrible. The caramel tobacco, coconut cream, and the peanut butteer cup all taste the same and had a strong nasty chemical after taste. I will never buy anything from them again.
    1 point
  3. Morfeeus

    Provari Owners...

    Thanks!! Easiest 15 days without analogs ever! I don't see myself ever smoking again as long as I'm able to vape. It really does make it so easy. When I bought my kit, I bought one for a friend also. He vaped 2 days and went back to analogs. I bought his kit back for $30. I just dont get it. E-cigs are greatest thing since sliced bread! As for the Provari, I am one of those that have to have the newest and greatest as long as I can justify the cost. I am still really happy with my eGo and I think I would feel more comfortable using that then some larger device while in public but I spend alot of time either in my work truck or at home where look doesn't matter.
    1 point
  4. kitsune

    What E-Cigarete To Pick?

    Looks like the vapor talk store has the egos in stock. the best customer service you can find. I hear great things about VT's Mentha liquid too. You can always check out the ego Tank system-- It is still a new system, but uses the ego batteries. can also get batteries in 900mah and 1000mah. the higher the mah the longer the battery and longer the battery life between charges. unfortunately many places are out of stock. My 3 main shops are VT store My link Liberty-Flights My link Wordup My link The Ego really is your best place to start. I guarantee it will not be the last model you will own. most of us own many different types Backups are very, very helpful. Batteries, atomizers and/or cartomizers, liquid, charger.
    1 point
  5. Sharon

    What E-Cigarete To Pick?

    Yep, the eGo or the ViVa is the way to go. They do make a charging case for the eGo, and you can charge your cell phone off of it too. I can't remember what vendor carries them though. I thought about buying one, but as other have told you, the battery life is good on the 650/750 mah and the 900 and 1000 mah batteries are even better. Unless you are traveling for hours and will not have access to a car charger or electricity, you really won't need the charger case. Good luck.
    1 point
  6. Yup go with the eGo. Because of it's long battery life there is no need for a walking charger case. The models that need the charging case only stay charged for about 2 hours max. The ego however, will stay charged for upwards of 12 hours.
    1 point
  7. both the eGo and Riva kits come with two batteries, the eGo standard comes with the 650mah and the Riva with the 750, many here who have tried the Riva say the battery does in fact last longer than the ego standard 650s, however some kits now sell them with the 900mah if you search around, truth be told im looking at a Riva kit right now and pondering getting one for back up since it actually costs less to get a basic kit with two batteries than it costs to get two batteries lol go figure
    1 point
  8. Morfeeus

    Provari Owners...

    Ok, Thank you. That's fair.
    1 point
  9. Sharon

    Shhh Be Very Quiet

    Bubba, I am so sorry to hear this. Maybe God needs some good laughs up there!!!!
    1 point
  10. KaYoTiiC

    Provari Owners...

    They charge you when it's ready to ship... You fill out all of your credit card info and they send you the invoice.
    1 point
  11. Nope, I haven't saved any money either because I can't quit buying more stuff. My stash looks like I'm a vaping hoarder, but I'm just going to call this a hobby and not worry about what I spend.
    1 point
  12. Next time she walks by you after a smoke break you should go "whew....you smell like an ashtray" while making that something stinks face....lol. She wants to open the door about the smell of your habit, then she's fair game!!
    1 point
  13. Unfortunately i too am in the red till about june. If i can keep myself from ordering that new mod that is;)
    1 point
  14. Congrats on your new found wealth!! I personally am still in the red due to my inability to stop buying new tanks, juices, etc. Eventually I will get into the black and will probably spend all my extra dollars on my other hobby....gun collecting and range time.
    1 point
  15. Been wondering that myself as I've started seeing the "D" more often. Maybe it's "disposable"? I've only seen it on cartomizers, not attomizers.
    1 point
  16. Morfeeus

    Lr Cartomizers - Wow!

    Congrats on your 6 month anniversary here on VT and I look forward to seeing you on here for many many more months!!
    1 point
  17. egoluvr


    I get plenty of TH from other juices on my eGo. It's battery is far from weak. Try an 80/20 blend on your juices that's 80pg/20vg. and you might really like the dekang I can use it but the throat hit is even a little strong for me. I like 70/30 much better. I get no TH from vapor renu juices either.
    1 point
  18. I hate people like that. Luckily for me I have one grump a** "I'm not in the mood" looking face. All the time. When I do vape indoors (which I try not to) I can tell they want to say something but the look on my face is enough for them to put their head back down where it belongs.
    1 point
  19. egoluvr


    hah that's funny- I prefer vaping the coffee and eating the chocolate
    0 points
  20. Hatchet


    Hey bklanz, I had the same experience you did. I received seven or eight flavors and fired them up. The flavor of all of them is great, the vapor great....No throat hit at all. It hasn't been a loss though. I have tried lots of flavors from various vendors and I came across some with great throat hit but the flavor wasn't that good. I have been mixing those 50 50 with my vapor renew juice and I have been getting improved flavor with pretty good throat hit. Might be worth a try for you too. I have just tried some flavors from Blue Mist Vaping and they are just the ticket as far as adding throat hit to the Vapor Renew flavors. About the same price and you can get 30ml for $10.00 (.50 for extra flavor). They also have a package deal of 5 10ml bottles (any five flavors) for $20.00 and 5 3ml bottles (any five flavors) for $10.00. I like the throat hit from them. Hatchet
    0 points
  21. egoluvr


    How did you find the flavor Erika? Hope its ok for you now
    0 points
  22. juliery


    Oh, and I agree on that.....the same time I had ordered from VR, that same evening my husband and I ordered from four other vendors that had strong recommendations and reviews from people on here, and in the chat. Well we didn't like ANY of the other ones.....the stuff from Ms T's Bakery was so awful we threw it down the drain. Then later I learned that ALL the ingredients from VR are american made, INCLUDING the nicotine liquid, which almost all other vendors get theirs from China. To us the FLAVOR is the most important aspect, not the TH or even the vapor. Although we get great vapor and have no problem with TH with VR liquid. We get everything 16 mg, 80/20 pg/vg, medium TH, regular strength, no additives. We have been vaping a little over a year. So I don't know how those things figure into the whole equation. BUT for sure it is subjective. I have met several people now where we all seem to like the same flavors and types of flavors, so those are the people who I ask for opinions from as far as if they have a flavor that I have not yet ordered but I am thinking about, I generally end up agreeing with their assessment. But it is VERY subjective, and I consider the source....like what other flavors does the person like. If they vape a bunch of flavors that I do not like, then I will probably like what they don't like and vice versa. So I think you just have to know what you like, and what you don't like. Like RY4, sorry, never found one we like...we both hate it and have tried more than I can count. It is just too sweet to both of us, no matter where we have gotten it from. So I have totally given up on that....which is fine, so we don't like RY4. I have so many flavors now that I DO like I don't really need more variety, LOL!!
    -1 points
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