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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/07/2011 in all areas

  1. 8 months I've been vaping at work. Today at work I'm doing it in the break room. Instead of someone approaching me and asking me what it is they run to HR. I explain what it is. I'm told I can't do in the buidling now. Bite me! I'm doing it and discretely. Nobody will be the wiser.
    2 points
  2. Yes MW they are interchangeable, I have the riva and the eGo and have interchanged everything, attys, chargers, etc.
    2 points
  3. Christopher

    Vapor Talk Store

    I suppose the best compliant I could ever have is being out of stock Believe me I'm loosing hair by the day. I cant even describe to you how frustrated we are. We had one liquid shipment due in around the 16th, it's been sitting in customs ever since. So now we have to wait for another production run (which is happening as we speak) Chinese New Year tends to put a damper on things We do have hardware that is due to arrive Tuesday/Wednesday. That shipment contains, Black eGos, atomizers, silver eGos, Revolution kits, KR808 atomizers filled and empty. We've even got Joye Sticks on the way. I do apologize and I know it's frustrating but I'm working night and day on China's you know what ensuring our shipments are hurried along as fast as possible
    2 points
  4. I hope they like them. I'm pretty sure they will. I bought one just to check it out for myself in comparsion to my eGO and i'm very pleased. I"m going to pick up a couple more for gifting.
    2 points
  5. How to Mod a Reg size 510 Cartomizer to work in your GG AFS V3 Please subscribe to me for the latest deals, steal, and Giveaways http://www.youtube.com/user/step07726?feature=mhum You are all invited to come Hang out on our show, so we can vape together, Saturday Nights at 10 PM eastern time http://www.stickam.com/elixirtv2 and during week nights with our other hosts. We have shows 7 nights a week most starting around 9 PM eastern time, check the show schedule for changes. Any Questions? you can always email me at smokie901@gmail.com Vape On, Vape Hard, and Vape in Public, Fuhgeddaboudit! Smokie The Mod Father
    1 point
  6. egoluvr

    Provari Owners...

    Congrats Aaron and Kayo! So happy for you. Post when you get'em
    1 point
  7. Christopher


    First time I've ever heard of it mentioned. I've never heard or seen any reports.
    1 point
  8. Tagsanstuff


    Mine has gone away..a side effect of quitting smoking the Doctor said.
    1 point
  9. nana


    I haven't heard that one, but I don't know. I had it before vaping and still have it, so at least I know vaping didn't cure it for me. Anything with sugar will set off heartburn for me - which is really bad because we have some girl scout cookies in the house and the heartburn is going full blast right now.
    1 point
  10. AARONH

    Provari Owners...

    1 point
  11. easilyamused


    if it was i would most likely get it.... im prone to heartburn with things as silly as koolaid and gatoraid for me it seems that artificial colorings and such trigger mine, thats not the case for everyone. BTW i highly recommend you chew some gum, it creates more saliva that helps neutralize the stomach acids...
    1 point
  12. lovie

    Provari Owners...

    1 point
  13. Morfeeus

    Provari Owners...

    I was perfectly happy with my eGo until I wandered upon this thread. Now I'm starting to get the itch for one of these. Is it really worth the money?
    1 point
  14. BirdDog

    Ego Battery Atty

    The Joye Ego was made to be used with a 510 atomizer. There is the original Joye 510 atomizer and there are the knock offs. You should not be experiencing any more juice burning than you would with the stick battery. The Ego is still a 3.7v device just like the standard 510 battery. The 650mah just means you will get longer vaping time between charges. If you were to use a 510 low resistance atomizer you would need to use more liquid. The LR atomizers run hotter and burn the juice more quickly. The LR's simulate vaping at a higher voltages. Hope this answered your question.
    1 point
  15. Sharon

    Efox E Liquid

    Hey Big Nick. It looks like they have purchased the generic e-cig products from China and had their logo printed on them. Their prices are high for their product line. IMO I think they are one of the many e-cig companies, that has sprung up over night, trying to cash in on this fast growing industry. I would suggest you stick with the vendors that have been around long enough to prove their reputability and product quality.
    1 point
  16. egoluvr

    New Toys !

    LOL - sweet ride but i'd recommend the radar detector as well.
    1 point
  17. bdoubleu

    Quick Question

    Believe it or not ive said that more then once haha...good idea with the cards tho...and im def not getting rid of the ego i just want something for certain occasions like if i go to a bar or something, i actually have a parade coming up with like 20000 people its for saint pattys day and your allowed to drink on the streets for like 20 blocks it lasts like 8 hours and trust me i will def get sick of telling people what it is im doing haha so i just want to get something less inconspicuous
    1 point
  18. Nanna

    Provari Owners...

    Congratulations on your 100 days! And what a perfect way to celebrate. I can't WAIT to hear how you guys like them!!
    1 point
  19. KaYoTiiC

    Provari Owners...

    Ok I've been wanting to upgrade from my ego for quite some time and finally made the next step... Just bought a Provari I made 100 days recently and thought it was time to treat myself to something nice.. I got the chrome one. Thank you to all the great comments in here, i didn't have to ask one question. Not sure i can handle waiting 4 weeks but oh well, guess I'll have to
    1 point
  20. CrazyLloyd

    Dealing With 'haters'

    When I had to go to the hospital with the wife to visit a family member, I went outside to vape after a few hours. I went about 100-150 ft away from the entrance with the wife in tow and we started chain vaping. some guy noticed and since it is a "smoke free" parking lot (wtf),he decided to walk up and complain. after he started to shout " you do know you can't smoke out here", I replied "you know this isn't a cigarette". He looked at us sideways, and the wife told him about e-cigs, and what they do. Luckily she was there, because I wasn't in the mood to try to explain on that occasion.
    1 point
  21. juliery


    Oh, and I agree on that.....the same time I had ordered from VR, that same evening my husband and I ordered from four other vendors that had strong recommendations and reviews from people on here, and in the chat. Well we didn't like ANY of the other ones.....the stuff from Ms T's Bakery was so awful we threw it down the drain. Then later I learned that ALL the ingredients from VR are american made, INCLUDING the nicotine liquid, which almost all other vendors get theirs from China. To us the FLAVOR is the most important aspect, not the TH or even the vapor. Although we get great vapor and have no problem with TH with VR liquid. We get everything 16 mg, 80/20 pg/vg, medium TH, regular strength, no additives. We have been vaping a little over a year. So I don't know how those things figure into the whole equation. BUT for sure it is subjective. I have met several people now where we all seem to like the same flavors and types of flavors, so those are the people who I ask for opinions from as far as if they have a flavor that I have not yet ordered but I am thinking about, I generally end up agreeing with their assessment. But it is VERY subjective, and I consider the source....like what other flavors does the person like. If they vape a bunch of flavors that I do not like, then I will probably like what they don't like and vice versa. So I think you just have to know what you like, and what you don't like. Like RY4, sorry, never found one we like...we both hate it and have tried more than I can count. It is just too sweet to both of us, no matter where we have gotten it from. So I have totally given up on that....which is fine, so we don't like RY4. I have so many flavors now that I DO like I don't really need more variety, LOL!!
    1 point
  22. IMHO, trying to match or come close to a particular flavor is a losing game, just too difficult. I have taken a different approach. "Hmmm, I like supplier X's honey tobacco" I started with a good sweet tobacco and then bought some different honey flavors and tried combinations of them and at different proportions. Touched up with a few drops of menthol and a tiny twist of clove and I have what is my "perfect" signature vape, tailored for me. Can't get it anywhere else in the world but in my lab and it suits me even more than the original suppliers. The point I am making is that chasing the perfect vape for YOUR tastes is far easier than trying to match a particular brand/recipe. I think alot of people become frustrated when first mixing, I relieved my frustration by taking a pragmatic approach to it.
    1 point
  23. egoluvr


    Yup I feel its totally worth the cheap price. Beans- I like the button better on the Riva as well, and I noticed also that the battery lasts a bit longer than my eGo too. I still have mad love for my eGO after all it's the one that got me to put out those cancer sticks for good
    1 point
  24. Jeffb

    Provari Owners...

    You can only use the 18490 or 18650 ( with extension cap)
    1 point
  25. I also suspect it causes globlular warming and prevents world peace.Just living near or spending too much time on a freeway would expose you to those risks as well we better ban freeways.I wouldn't want to go back to smoking but I don't see how it is not for people to decide what risks they take.Seat belts,crash helmets sensible diet,extreme sports all fall under the same category as far as I am concerned.
    1 point
  26. This is a sad sad day for me. I currently have my bottle of Bobas Bounty flipped upside down trying to get the last few drips out of the bottle. I am ordering a new one today(this time 18ml 18mg)but It probably won't be in until Tuesday or Wednesday. What am I going to do?
    -1 points
  27. egoluvr


    I just got 4 bottles of juice from them in the 60/40 blend and it all sucks no flavor in the pumkincinno, or heath bar at all. Bananan nut bread - can only taste the banana and the bacon and waffles is disgusting it has flavor but almost gags ya. DOn't think i'll be tryinng them again, 40 bucks down the drain.
    -1 points
  28. egoluvr


    lol well I tried ha ha. I did pay it forward with the bacon and waffles, gave it to my ex husband was hoping it would make him gag like it did me but he loves it. Figures perfect for dog lol
    -1 points
  29. egoluvr


    flowersbl - Sorry about the TH problem with your vapor renu. I don't have any advice but I sympatize with you I had the same experience plus no flavor. I didn't read what blend you ordered but in the future I would suggest making sure to get the most pg as possible. VG makes lots of vaor but is weak on the TH. I hope you can somehow salvage it, I've been mixing small amounts of my vapor renu juices in to some dekang juices I had on hand they are 80/20 and have maybe even a little too much TH for me, it didn't cut the flavor down much either made them smoother and atleast its a way to use oup my vapor renu juice.
    -1 points
  30. egoluvr


    I get plenty of TH from other juices on my eGo. It's battery is far from weak. Try an 80/20 blend on your juices that's 80pg/20vg. and you might really like the dekang I can use it but the throat hit is even a little strong for me. I like 70/30 much better. I get no TH from vapor renu juices either.
    -1 points
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