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  1. aside from not hacking out a lung every morning I have noticed a few changes in the past few weeks... my teeth are getting whiter, or is it that my gums are looking so much better? or could it be that the teeth now look so white in contrast to my no longer coated tongue? all i can say is OMG my mouth just looks so much better! and cleaner! and totally sexy! BTW its been over 5 weeks with no analog... i just could not figure out how to get that tracker thingy on my profile lol
    1 point
  2. bdoubleu

    Quick Question

    I have an ego and i love it...but what im trying to find is an ecig that actually looks like a cig with the red light up tip and hits very well...the reason behind this is just when i go to certain places i get irritated teling 20 people what it is...and its hard to stealth vape with the ego because it seems to take like3- 5 seconds to get a good hit so if anyone knows of a fast hitting ecig that looks like an analog i would apreciate the feedback
    1 point
  3. ryeis1

    Why We Choose To Vape....

    I just tried my first e cig a few days ago and I shouted from the rooftops! My exact thought was that I can quit smoking without quitting smoking!!! What's wrong with that? It's a win win situation all around. My stance is that the United States Postal service is in grave trouble now because they should have invented email. Likewise, big tobacco should have invented e cigs. I hope e cigs catch on to the point where cigarettes are considered quaint and big tobacco ceases to exist! If there is truly a risk of prohibition, we need to get the petitions going and demand comprehensive unbiased toxicology and research by an independent firm with no ties to either side and put the issue to rest once and for all.
    1 point
  4. Christopher

    Vapor Talk Store

    I suppose the best compliant I could ever have is being out of stock Believe me I'm loosing hair by the day. I cant even describe to you how frustrated we are. We had one liquid shipment due in around the 16th, it's been sitting in customs ever since. So now we have to wait for another production run (which is happening as we speak) Chinese New Year tends to put a damper on things We do have hardware that is due to arrive Tuesday/Wednesday. That shipment contains, Black eGos, atomizers, silver eGos, Revolution kits, KR808 atomizers filled and empty. We've even got Joye Sticks on the way. I do apologize and I know it's frustrating but I'm working night and day on China's you know what ensuring our shipments are hurried along as fast as possible
    1 point
  5. juliery


    I have noticed, that I get HUGE TH IF I use a 5 volt device. On my 3.7 ego type batteries, and any other 3.7 volt device I get no TH from ANY liquid. I think it is the voltage. There is just not enough power in these weak batteries to do much of anything in terms of TH. I order medium TH as TH is not a HUGE issue for me. Now vaping on a 5 volt passthrough I get so much TH that my throat actually feels like I am smoking. I vape like crazy, and actually had a hoarse voice, like when I was smoking!! So I don't know that it is any liquid, I think it is the voltage. After all when we smoke we have a burning substance, this is just liquid being heated up enough to make vapor. But for sure on the higher voltage devices I have had no problem with TH.
    1 point

    Dealing With 'haters'

    And I have also found, that most of the cry babies that make a scene about me vaping (which has happened maybe once or twice), are current analog smokers... because they can't enjoy their cancer sticks inside like I can my e-cig. LMAO.
    1 point
  7. ripple

    Dealing With 'haters'

    First let me say I am glad this is my 100th post - I like a good meaty thread! I am with the folks who say we do have the responsibility to take advantage of the learning moment. Let's be honest, if you are outside the world of vaping you will no doubt think someone in the corner vaping is smoking. So its an opportunity to educate someone about the difference and what a difference they can make in someones life. I also would also speak to the the manager in charge first. I am in the fortunate position in Florida of preferring to sit outside on the patio anyway - at least at this time of year, come August who know? I do frequent my local starbucks and they know me well so I will at some point speak to them and get explicit permission first. I also think it's a good idea to choose your juice carefully - as noted some juices do have a very strong smell, as I type this I am vaping a very strong smelling black cherry. If I were to vape in a starbucks I think I would bring a coffee flavor so it blends with the smells that loft around the starbucks as part of the everyday starbucks experience, who could claim they smell my coffee vape over the smell of the business itself! I go to a local pub quite often - go figure - and have had a long conversation with the owners about this. They are happy to allow me and others to vape on the outside patio and at the inside bar, but would prefer not in the dining area. His argument is he wants to accommodate all and provide a comfortable experience for all. Their thinking around the dining room is since there is such a knowledge gap right now it's likely to bother some - admittedly due to lack of knowledge, but he does not want to lose business over it - I think his solution is a fair happy middle ground and I applaud his openness to a mutual solution. Lets be honest, this is our thing, and for years now the anti-smoking crowd has pushed the line - if you can smell it its killing you. So if we want vaping to be socially acceptable we need to honest that to the uninformed person it looks like we are smoking, take a few moments and try to educate a person about the very real difference, and most people will be open to it - its also likely that you might just give some information to someone who knows someone who smokes and they might pass long the information they gain about vaping to that smoker, perhaps changing their life! That did happen to me this past weekend and I just heard last night that person passed along the information and the person ordered and eGO. Happy vaping all!
    1 point
  8. Nanna

    Dealing With 'haters'

    I'm with Jeff. You catch more flies with honest, sincere, and mutually respectful sugar than with vinegar. Kids running and playing are also not illegal but I curb mine in places where theory high energy may be a distraction and annoyance to others.
    1 point
  9. Jeffb

    Dealing With 'haters'

    I believe it is our responsibility as a vaping community to educate others. I do not believe we can expect that non-vapors are going to research e-cigs. Yes they may be ignorant and uninformed about vaping, just as many of us are ignorant on topics that dont interest or affect us. It is true that vaping and smoking are different, but perception is some peoples reality. To most people vaping = smoking. As a vaping community we dont have millions of dollars for an all out PR campaign on the benefits of vaping and how it differs from smoking, but we can make a difference one person at a time.
    1 point
  10. I hate people like that. Luckily for me I have one grump a** "I'm not in the mood" looking face. All the time. When I do vape indoors (which I try not to) I can tell they want to say something but the look on my face is enough for them to put their head back down where it belongs.
    1 point
  11. juliery


    Oh, and I agree on that.....the same time I had ordered from VR, that same evening my husband and I ordered from four other vendors that had strong recommendations and reviews from people on here, and in the chat. Well we didn't like ANY of the other ones.....the stuff from Ms T's Bakery was so awful we threw it down the drain. Then later I learned that ALL the ingredients from VR are american made, INCLUDING the nicotine liquid, which almost all other vendors get theirs from China. To us the FLAVOR is the most important aspect, not the TH or even the vapor. Although we get great vapor and have no problem with TH with VR liquid. We get everything 16 mg, 80/20 pg/vg, medium TH, regular strength, no additives. We have been vaping a little over a year. So I don't know how those things figure into the whole equation. BUT for sure it is subjective. I have met several people now where we all seem to like the same flavors and types of flavors, so those are the people who I ask for opinions from as far as if they have a flavor that I have not yet ordered but I am thinking about, I generally end up agreeing with their assessment. But it is VERY subjective, and I consider the source....like what other flavors does the person like. If they vape a bunch of flavors that I do not like, then I will probably like what they don't like and vice versa. So I think you just have to know what you like, and what you don't like. Like RY4, sorry, never found one we like...we both hate it and have tried more than I can count. It is just too sweet to both of us, no matter where we have gotten it from. So I have totally given up on that....which is fine, so we don't like RY4. I have so many flavors now that I DO like I don't really need more variety, LOL!!
    0 points
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