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  1. I tried for the first time the other day while walking into the Liquor store I vaped just about the whole time I was in there and even at the counter just to really see if someone was going to say anything and to my surprise nothing was said. Im sure I can not get away with this everywhere but it was very cool to do this in an establishment and not have anything said to me.
    2 points
  2. Jolly

    Noobie Guide To Vaping

    (Please only post questions OR additional noobie info in here to keep this thread clean. ie: no thank you, good post, etc, posts) This is to help you play catch up on what the veterans know. Basic ecig Parts A.) Cartridge - holds the ejuice and is also a mouth piece. this part can be replaced with a drip tip and is what most do B.) Atomizer - has an element that heats up the ejuice and as you pull air threw it vapor is produced. * sub B section - you can also use cartomizers, they are atomizers with filler to hold juice and are a tad shorter in size. C.) battery - these will be 3.7v Lithium Ion batteries, they supply the power to the atomizer. they come in auto (activated by suction) or manual (activated by button) Common Ecigs What's the best ecig This is more dependent on how you vape and your needs for vapor, throat/lung hit, battery life needs and other factors. Most people will advise the ego/tornado/riva as they all have a nice battery life and are built good (ego being the favorite of the three) this is the ego mega and regular batteries with manual buttons Ecig Model Numbers These are based on the atomizer they use when one says 510 kit, they generally are referring to the cigarette shaped ecig. like the first picture of this post. Why we tell you not to get cigarette shaped ecigs A cigarette shaped battery runs $12 for a normal manual 510 9hrs at $20 (ego battery) 540mins 45mins (510 kit battery) 540 ÷ 45 = 12 12 (batteries) x $12 = $144 so for mAh (Milliamp hours), it is a lot less expensive to buy a larger battery. this will also keep you from having to buy more batteries. explained after next set of math. 510 kit batteries needed for 9hrs 9hrs (540mins) ÷ (45min run time + 2hr charge time = 165mins) = 3.272727273 batteries needed to run 9hrs on 510 kit 3 x $12 = $36 - 1 ego battery = $20 = $16 saved. that is initial cost only!! 45min x 2 is what you have ready to go after your first needs charged (90mins). your first battery is going to take 2hrs to charge so by the time you run out the other two the first is done charging. so just to keep going you would need at bare minimum you want two 510 chargers, this means more $$. why you ask? at night when you don't have a single battery to use, you will only be able to charge 1 while you sleep. it would be more ideal to have 3 or one of the larger chargers that do more than one and have no less than 10 batteries ready to go. on top of this when you go out you will have a pocket full of batteries, making this not a very portable device to bring with you. other than that you have to recharge more often and the more you charge the more you replace. batteries have an # of recharges before they start failing to keep their charge. now you may say by logic that you are only charging once on those small batteries in that 9hr time, so there isn't an issue on life, BUT, the smaller the battery the less times you can charge it before the failing starts. also consider that you have 3 batteries that will fail First Order When you get an ecig make sure that you have spares of everything. the atomizers, cartomizers, batteries, and juice are all going to need purchased at some point again. Your first cart should consist of NO LESS than, 5 atomizers, 2 packs of cartomizers (5 in a pack), your kit, 2 extra batteries (i would advise mega batteries), 1 extra charger, and a nice amount of juice. the last thing you want is to have to wait on something you didn't buy enough of to come in. if one thing is missing you will go right back to smoking, nobody wants that. Mods and Why Mods are usually over looked or not even known to noobies of the ecig world. these devices can be anywhere from 3.7v to 8.4v. the point is that some people need one of two things, longer battery life with less cost and/or an aggressive throat hit. as a newbie i wouldn't advise a mod above 3.7v that doesn't have the option to go as low as 4.2v if it is not a variable voltage you are stuck on that till you get something lower if you don't like it. i say 4.2v because any 3.7v battery charges UP TO 4.2v. most people love vaping that initial fresh charged battery. voltage drops after usage to as low as 2.9v Mods will use batteries like these these are all 3.7v batteries with a much longer charge life vs a kit ecig. you can find almost all of these batteries from US suppliers for $5 each. a 3.7v mod using the largest battery (18650) can last you 4+ days @ $8 for the battery. some mods can last up to 4+ days before needing to be recharged. I'm not going to go into mods or pictures of mods. you can do that on your own, also watch youtube videos about the mods before thinking its large. the standard ones people use are silver bullet mako tekk mod (prone to cracking at the top unless you find someone that knows how to make them correctly) some sort of wetbox (check reviews of these missys wetbox fails quite often due to her under rated buttons and cost $15 to fix) (there are a crazy amount of mods out there, this is just a small list of the most talked about) Abbreviations General Noob - Beginner OP - Original Post(er) Analog - Regular Cigarette Mod - Homemade device or a Moderator. Pull - The act of sucking on the mouthpiece to pull the vapor into your mouth TH - Throat Hit (The tingling sensation in the back of your throat) Vapor - the "smoke" emitted from an e-cigarette Vape, Vaping - The use of an e-cigarette (similar to the term "smoking" when referring to an analog) Topping off - Adding drops of e-liquid to your current cartridge. Dripping - Vaping by adding a few drops of e-liquid directly on the atomizer instead of using a cartridge. Dipping - Sticking the bridge of the atomizer in e-liquid. E-Cigarette E-cig or E-cigarette - Electronic Cigarette PV - Personal Vaporizer Atty - Atomizer Cart - Cartridge Bat - Battery Filler - The fiber found inside your cartridge that holds your e-liquid PCC - Personal Charging Case SD - ScrewDriver JS - Janty Stick PT - Passthrough or passthrough battery 2-piece/Disposable - 2 part e-cigarette. The Battery and a "cartomizer". Cartomizer - An atomizer built into the cartridge, marketed as disposable (you throw it away when the e-liquid is used up). 3-piece - 3 part e-cigarette. Battery, Atomizer, and Cartridge. Cutoff - Refers to how long the battery will activate the atomizer before shutting down (safety measure to protect the atomizer). E-Liquid E-juice, e-liquid, juice - the liquid nicotine that you fill your cartridges with. DIY - Do it yourself (homemade e-liquid mixture) PG - Propylene Glycol VG - Vegetable Glycerin(Glycerine = glycerin = vegetable glycerin(e) = glycerol) PEG - Polylethylene Glycol Suppliers VT - Vaportalk VG - Vaporgalaxy VB - Vaporbomb ENS - electronicstix JC - Johnson Creek PS - PureSmoker TW - Totally Wicked EST - E-smokeytreats JS - JantyStick SD - ScrewDriver GG - The GG! Miscellaneous FDA - Food and Drug Administration ECA - Electronic Cigarette Association NRT - Nicotine Replacement Therapy (patch, gum, e-cig) PH - Public Health BP - Big Pharmaceutical Companies BT - Big Tobacco Companies ALF - American Legacy Foundation 'Anti's - Anti-smoking people who do not acknowledge that vaping is a viable alternative to smoking analogs. RYO - Roll your own (tobacco) Universal Forum Lingo AFAIK - As Far As I Know BTW - By The Way DOA - Dead On Arrival (didn't work from the moment I got it) FWIW- For What It's Worth FYI - For Your Information IDK - I Don't Know IIRC - If I Recall/Remember Correctly IMO or IMHO - In My Opinion or In My Humble Opinion (some mean 'H' to be Honest) IOW - In Other Words JK or JJ - Just Kidding or Just Joking JS - Just Saying OMG or OMFG - Oh My God and it's adult extension PITA - Pain In The *** PWN - Own or "dominate" ROTFLOL - Rolling On The Floor Laughing Out Loud ROTFLMFAO - ^ Adult Extension of above SOL - (can't be helped or fixed) (SP?) - Used when unsure of the spelling of the previous word TIA - Thanks In Advance TMI - Too Much Information (too personal) TOS - Terms Of Service ("the rules") TROLL - A person that posts in a forum/thread with the sole intention of provoking an argument (can sometimes also imply a "spy") TY - Thank You WOOT - Exclamation, as in Hooray! (Sometimes: Want One Of Those) WTF - Same As below WTH - What/Where/Who The Hell YMMV - Your Mileage May Vary (your experience may differ from mine)
    1 point
  3. Well, I was wondering how long it was going to be before some ignorant jackass told me "YOU CAN'T SMOKE IN HERE!", and it didn't take long -- I was sitting in Starbucks this morning enjoying a cup of coffee and my new eGo. So there's some grouchy old man sitting at the next table, and he sees me puffing on my eGo and decides to make a spectacle -- "EXCUSE ME, BUT THERE'S NO SMOKING IN HERE! PUT IT OUT!" Of course, I don't take very kindly to people approaching me in such a rude fashion, not to mention the fact that I wasn't smoking anything. So, I tell him, "You're mistaken, this is not a cigarette, it's a personal vaporizer -- this is not smoke, it's vapor." "Well I don't give a rat's ***, I can smell it and you'd better stop it!" (You know, because vapor and smoke smell exactly the same. ) I wasn't going to argue with the guy, it was obvious he cares nothing about facts; so I continued vaping and enjoying my coffee, so he goes up to one of the baristas and decides to make a big spectacle of things, telling the barista that, "This guy is over here smoking and you need to tell him to stop." Upon hearing it, I immediately went up to the counter to show the barista that it indeed was not a cigarette, and was only vapor. The barista obviously wanted no parts of getting in the middle of this, and ignored the man's requests, and walked off to clean up behind the counter. The old man, apparently annoyed by the barista not scolding me, got all huffy and decided to leave, which is fine by me... It's not my intent to go around trying to piss people off with this thing, but I'm also not going to tuck my tail, run, and cower to some ignorant fool who clearly doesn't know what he's talking about, nor has any inclination to educate himself. So, my point for starting this thread -- how do the rest of you deal with these ignorant folks who inevitably will try to rain on your parade?
    1 point
  4. Well Folks it's getting to be that time again to announce the Windy City Vaper's Club Meet-up for March! However, we will no longer be at the Mirage due to.....static...between us and the Management. But it's coming up on March and we have the Luck of the Irish on our side. We have a new home. The Manager vapes and welcomed us with open arms. The meet-up will be 12 March, 2011 at The Pine Grove Restaurant in Rosemont, IL http://www.pinegroverestaurant.com/ We have the back room all to ourselves with a FULL liquor bar. And Breakfast served morning, noon and night if so desired! Yes! Come on out and visit the most fantastic bunch of Vaper's you will ever meet!We have over 300 bottles of sample juices from over 30 different vendor's that you can sample from. We will hold our monthly raffle where you have a chances to win e-cig kits, juices and MODS (and normally, some type of alcohol)! And back from it's successful tour of Dayton, Ohio, the Mystery Juice Review! Come meet our local venders! Chris from Cigtechs who always brings his wares to the meetup to help meet your vaping needs. And if he doesn't have it, you can sit back and listen to him blaming it on "That damn Chinese holiday!" Meet the Macgyver of juice! Anthony from JuicyVapor. Where he can take essence of dirty sock and VG and make it taste like butterscotch! Come see " If I where any more chill, I'd be in a Coma!" James! From Kalamazoo Vapor Shop! Tim and Helen from Hot Vapes!! Brad from Sweet Vapes!! and many, many more!!! Come meet reviewer's The Green from Vaporscoop.com (he'll be the guy with the camera) and Mr. Ecigs who looks like he's about ready to do something really stupid at any given time! (We're waitin Scott....we're waitin...)Meet the whipping boys Dooz and Crossbar. If your lucky, you many catch Crossbar falling asleep and soring his *** off! And Dooz volunteers to auction off his virginity for Vaping research! (just kidding Lisa!) Meet regulars Slighter, Mastiffmom, The Colonel! So Folks! If you are in the Chicagoland area or surrounding states. Come on out and have a good time. The Meet-up starts at 2PM and ends whenever. If you happen to be in Chicago, stop in for a vape, a beer and a good time. You can also throw peanuts at ChicagoRod....he won't mind. **GrimmGreen still won't be in attendance**
    1 point
  5. All my liquids are 16mg, medium TH, 80/20 pg/vg...no additives. I am vaping on a 5 volt PT on an outlet adapter. Okay, I will start with the Cinnamon Roll and try to stop talking. All I can really say is this is the BEST flavor I have had from ANYWHERE in my year of vaping. It is simply perfection and I love it. You can totally taste the cinnamon, and you can also at the same time but independently taste the roll/dough. I just LOVE it. It is NOT a super sweet flavor...tastes like cinnamon and a roll, thus cinnamon roll. I went through a bottle in less than a week, even though I use Pumpkin Spice, Pumpkiccino and various other flavors too. I ordered 3 more bottles....tested them, all awesome. Blueberry Cheesecake....we ordered this because we LOVED the blueberry. That is a TRUE blueberry, rich sweet, blueberry flavor. The Blueberry Cheesecake is like blueberry with something extra...NOT cheesy tasting or anything, but like a rich creamy flavor, like how a cheesecake would be with blueberries mixed INTO it, not just laying on top. Very good and my husband snatched this one. Coffee, and Coffee with cream. Okay, first let me say I ordered the Coffee AND the Sweet Cream flavors, because I had tried the coffee at a vape meet. The coffee smells and tastes EXACTLY like a freshly brewed pot of coffee. It is a TRUE coffee flavor. BUT, I love my coffee with sugar and cream, so I mixed up a batch of the coffee with sweet cream and then wrote Jason, suggesting he have both, using my mixture. He changed the list to say Coffee-black, and then another flavor Coffee w/cream. The coffee with cream is really like coffee with sugar and cream and it is DELICIOUS. As for TH, I have NO problem with it when using a 5 volt PT....I am waiting on my mods, so I can be done with these 3.7 batteries, they are just not powerful enough. The higher voltage makes a huge difference with the TH, at least for me. OMG, I am trying 3 more flavors, as i type this and the Vanilla Custard, OMG, awesome!!!
    1 point
  6. Totally wicked accepts Paypal http://www.totallywicked-eliquid.com/?ps1=737F4
    1 point
  7. liberty flights uses paypal http://www.liberty-flights.com/products.asp
    1 point
  8. VaporRenu Rocks! On my last order I sent Jason a message saying that, on all my previous orders, I ordered extra shot. Since then I found out, from Julie and Nina, that on some flavors an extra shot of flavor does not necessarily make the flavor better. So on this order, I was ordering just the regular amount of flavor. I also asked him if he knew how I could cut the flavors on my previous double shot juices. And, I asked him if he would make a really good French Toast juice. I just got an email this morning from Jason telling me that on my next order he will send me a free bottle of my choice so I would have to mess with trying to cut the flavors. And, he said he would start working on a French Toast e-liquid. How about that for Customer Service! The Waffle juice is WONDERFUL, IMO!
    1 point
  9. have you tried this method
    1 point
  10. Be careful with that stuff. I have some 100mg but haven't used any of it yet. I had quite a bit of 48mg from Myfreedomsmokes.com and it's been great. Almost out of it now. Anyhow, when I break into the 100mg, I will mix it all down to 48mg in one sitting. Don't want to keep handling 100mg nic every time I mix. Be careful and safe with that stuff - it is dangerous.
    1 point

    Dealing With 'haters'

    And I have also found, that most of the cry babies that make a scene about me vaping (which has happened maybe once or twice), are current analog smokers... because they can't enjoy their cancer sticks inside like I can my e-cig. LMAO.
    1 point
  12. ripple

    Dealing With 'haters'

    First let me say I am glad this is my 100th post - I like a good meaty thread! I am with the folks who say we do have the responsibility to take advantage of the learning moment. Let's be honest, if you are outside the world of vaping you will no doubt think someone in the corner vaping is smoking. So its an opportunity to educate someone about the difference and what a difference they can make in someones life. I also would also speak to the the manager in charge first. I am in the fortunate position in Florida of preferring to sit outside on the patio anyway - at least at this time of year, come August who know? I do frequent my local starbucks and they know me well so I will at some point speak to them and get explicit permission first. I also think it's a good idea to choose your juice carefully - as noted some juices do have a very strong smell, as I type this I am vaping a very strong smelling black cherry. If I were to vape in a starbucks I think I would bring a coffee flavor so it blends with the smells that loft around the starbucks as part of the everyday starbucks experience, who could claim they smell my coffee vape over the smell of the business itself! I go to a local pub quite often - go figure - and have had a long conversation with the owners about this. They are happy to allow me and others to vape on the outside patio and at the inside bar, but would prefer not in the dining area. His argument is he wants to accommodate all and provide a comfortable experience for all. Their thinking around the dining room is since there is such a knowledge gap right now it's likely to bother some - admittedly due to lack of knowledge, but he does not want to lose business over it - I think his solution is a fair happy middle ground and I applaud his openness to a mutual solution. Lets be honest, this is our thing, and for years now the anti-smoking crowd has pushed the line - if you can smell it its killing you. So if we want vaping to be socially acceptable we need to honest that to the uninformed person it looks like we are smoking, take a few moments and try to educate a person about the very real difference, and most people will be open to it - its also likely that you might just give some information to someone who knows someone who smokes and they might pass long the information they gain about vaping to that smoker, perhaps changing their life! That did happen to me this past weekend and I just heard last night that person passed along the information and the person ordered and eGO. Happy vaping all!
    1 point
  13. egoluvr

    Extremely Hot Atty

    LOL sharon I don't think it will get hot enough to actually melt the mouthpiece but hey always a good idea to have a back up... or two... or three
    1 point
  14. It's a hard decision isn't it... Especially after seeing Aero's reviews on their flavors. I got the Rice Crispity Treat... Lake Placid and OMG I CAN NOT WAIT TO TRY THESE...
    1 point
  15. SmokeSkins

    Dealing With 'haters'

    I think since smoke from a cigarette generally has a negative connotation, so even when we're trying to be healthy by vaping, there will always be those ignorant people in the world who will hassle you. Personally, I would just put it away and wait a few minutes to vape only because the hassling gets annoying. STAY STRONG!
    1 point
  16. Elayna

    Dealing With 'haters'

    I am also one that doesn't take kindly to people that DEMAND I stop what I am doing, no matter what it is, as long as I am not actually harming someone (unless I have their permission ) I have vaped in my Dr's offices, various clinics and dining establishments, sometimes stealthily, usually openly. I have gotten some funny looks, but no one so far has said a word. One couple recognized it as an e cig, and I educated some cab drivers, them I usually ask if I may use it, and haven't gotten a no yet. So... If it's not illegal in your State I would say go for it... the states that have banned it, use your own discretion. Keep on vaping on.
    1 point
  17. Jeffb

    Dealing With 'haters'

    I believe it is our responsibility as a vaping community to educate others. I do not believe we can expect that non-vapors are going to research e-cigs. Yes they may be ignorant and uninformed about vaping, just as many of us are ignorant on topics that dont interest or affect us. It is true that vaping and smoking are different, but perception is some peoples reality. To most people vaping = smoking. As a vaping community we dont have millions of dollars for an all out PR campaign on the benefits of vaping and how it differs from smoking, but we can make a difference one person at a time.
    1 point
  18. Jolly

    Dealing With 'haters'

    it's our job to educate people about these devices, while i can understand your annoyance with the old bastard, that's not really the way to go about it. i would have just explained it like a humidifier or breathing treatment. his old rinkely butt should be able to picture that in his mind. then say this is just a on the go version with flavoring in it. once he is like "huh, what will they think of next". at this point he may ask why i need it and i would say, well my health was crap with smoking, now that i use this i can still use it for the nicotine if i wish or with out, most of my issue with not smoking was the hand to mouth action of it all. he doesn't need to know if their is nic or not in the device. till we beat all this bs about our government wanting to ban ecigs we need to *** kiss all these people that know nothing about them.
    1 point
  19. egoluvr

    Dealing With 'haters'

    I am discreet about vaping in public but I do it. Many places don't have a policy about it right now but if all of a sudden tomorrow all the smokers were using e-cigs I just know they'd institute one. Why I dont know but I like others enjoy that I can "get away" with vaping indoors and don't want to see it ruined. I vape in my cubicle at work all day long and no one even notices. my back is turned and I just exhale down at my chest and no one sees a thing i'm happy and they are happy I prefer to keep it that way IMO.
    1 point
  20. I hate people like that. Luckily for me I have one grump a** "I'm not in the mood" looking face. All the time. When I do vape indoors (which I try not to) I can tell they want to say something but the look on my face is enough for them to put their head back down where it belongs.
    1 point
  21. Uma

    Dealing With 'haters'

    As much as I would want to tear that guy in two, I admit I would have stopped because it was making him uncomfortable which would delute my comfort level. Some people are just naturally rude and loud, and some are nice folk who are about to crack. I would have self-preserved by labeling the old man as one who is about to crack due to the recent loss of someone close to him via cancer. It's not my place to judge others, but I can certainly label them and box them in a way that helps me to momentarily cope. On the other hand, next time try finding an ashtray and go through the motions of trying to put it out....
    1 point
  22. Brian

    Dealing With 'haters'

    Well said. +1
    1 point
  23. Brian

    Dealing With 'haters'

    You have more faith than I do, but I sure hope you're right.
    1 point
  24. Yeah, that's a big thing for me, too... I don't appreciate being told what I can or cannot do, especially by someone that isn't in a position of authority to do so. It's even worse when someone is complaining behind a false premise. On one hand, it's a teaching opportunity -- I feel like as a vaper, I should be spreading the word about such a wonderful thing, and maybe I can convert other smokers to a healthier alternative. On the other hand, I don't want to come across as "that guy" who seems as if he's just trying to be intentionally confrontational, and giving vapers a bad name, either. So, I'm torn as to what approach to take. Hell, one of the reasons I switched to vaping is the fact that you can vape in many places that you can't smoke. It's not my intention to give up on one of the reasons I switched, just to keep from ruffling the feathers of the uneducated that want to cause problems.
    1 point
  25. Brian

    Dealing With 'haters'

    Well, I have no doubt that as vaping becomes mainstream it will be banned indoors just like smoking. Unless there are some quality studies to show that no nic is being exhaled and that it's perfectly safe, it will be just like smoking. I'd much rather vape discretely and be left alone than to have someone cause a scene and be told I can't vape. You may want to talk to the Starbucks manager and get permission to vape. Then next time anyone says anything all you have to do is say "I'm not smoking and I have permission from the manager to use this".
    1 point
  26. Thing is, I don't view just quietly sitting in a corner and vaping as "making a scene" -- it was the old grouchy a-hole that made the scene. Nothing I was doing was interfering with anyone's quiet enjoyment of the Starbucks. Apparently the Starbucks people didn't have a problem with me doing it, because I showed them my eGo and they didn't say, "I'm sorry, but you can't use that in here"... It was more like a, "Screw this, I don't want to get involved with this disagreement." On one hand, I see shamelessly vaping as exercising my rights -- I'm not harming a single soul by vaping, and they just need to educate themselves and deal. On the other hand, it'd be simpler if I just relegated myself to where smokers go to smoke, but I view that as laying down and rolling over to the uneducated grouches that want to try and make mountains out of molehills, so I'm torn as to what approach to take.
    1 point
  27. Brian


    If you got it from cigeasy, it's probably for KR808D-1 cartomizers. Do you know what kind of cartomizers you have? If you know what kind you have, you can probably get an adapter. I'm assuming you have 510 cartomizers, so you'd need a 901/KR808 to 510 adapter. You can get adapters from Goodprophets.com for $0.99. http://www.shop.goodprophets.com/product.sc?productId=89&categoryId=38
    1 point
  28. All of them are 16mg, 80/20 pg/vg, Medium TH.....on 5 volt PT Holy smokes, the Teaberry.....THAT is ONE strong flavor and tastes EXACTLY like Teaberry gum. If you want TH, THIS is the flavor. OMG, I was coughing when I inhaled normally. But when I took smoother slower draws, HOLY ^&*%%&%&%^%&....TH LIKE CRAZY. Tastes just like the gum I grew up chewing, that wintergreen, sweet flavor. YUMMY! Vanilla Custard....someone else reviewed this too....good yummy vanilla custardy goodness. YUMMY too. Amaretto....this was a tad different and I think it needs to sit a week. It SMELLS like amaretto, the flavor was somehow lemonish....BUT not a BAD flavor, just not what I expected from the smell. I think this one will evolve into something great. I will try it in a week and see how it is then. I will vape the carto of it I filled, which was by no means bad or anything. I get tons of vapor with any liquid at 5 volts, so vapor is never a problem for me. These all produced a lot of vapor. All good, love that vanilla custard. This is the first vanilla flavor I have ever had and liked. This for sure will be a reorder. Teaberry is KILLER.
    0 points
  29. I had a somewhat funny experience trying to vape in a diner this one time. I pulled out my riva and took a puff, and I saw some old guy glaring at me. Then like a minute later, he was up at the cash register bitching to the girl there about it. He wasn't loud or anything, but I was watching him and I saw the way he pointed at me and the girl looked at my table and everything. I think I heard him say something about smoking. Anyway, it was funny because by the time she looked over, there was no smoke, and nobody smelled anything, so she just ignored his complaint. When she looked at our table, she had a look of confusion on her face because there was clearly no smoke. She probably thought the old guy was nuts, and I bet he was pissed.
    0 points
  30. juliery

    Dealing With 'haters'

    Oh, and I should mention, when my husband is vaping his cherry cola I CAN smell it and while it is not smoke, I don't particularly care to smell it.....same with some other strong flavors, and vice versa....he can smell some of mine as well, and while it may not be smoke, someone may not want to smell it. BUT I don't want to smell perfume...it makes me sick to the point of vomiting. I can't use any scented soaps or perfumes at all.....but yet I am forced to breathe all the junk people spray and spread on their bodies. But like perfume, what is a pleasant or non offensive odor to some people can be totally offensive to another. Anyway, I have a feeling that eventually it will be banned in public places too. In all likelihood SOMETHING is being exhaled....might be in SUPER minute, barely detectable levels, BUT I am SURE there is SOMEONE who would say they are allergic or bothered by something in it, and since it will be viewed as unnecessary and still feeding an addiction they will ban it. Since it can be used discreetly I choose to use it that way....NOT to accommodate idiots and grouchy people but to avoid a situation where it WILL be banned and not permitted at all. Since I can just not exhale or exhale in a way that is not readily visible to others, that is what I do.....to PROTECT my right to do it at all. I just find it funny the things that ARE permitted to be used in public places that many people are allergic to and/or bothered by....like cleaning chemicals, perfumes, air fresheners and numerous other things.
    0 points
  31. juliery

    Dealing With 'haters'

    First let me say I have never had that happen.....BUT I do not blow vapor in public. There is no reason to exhale, so I don't. I just swallow the vapor and no one has said a thing. I vape in Starbucks and anywhere else I am and so far only a few people have noticed, and it has all been positive responses. It was never my intent to get around no smoking laws and I see no reason to antagonize people.....BUT I also see no reason why I can't vape, since I am NOT smoking. We had to exhale smoke because you can't just keep it all inside you, but not the same with vapor, so I either just don't exhale it since I don't need to, especially not on a 3.7 volt device like an ego that doesn't produce all that much vapor to start with. But regardless, I either don't exhale or I exhale down, like into my chest or toward the floor. I haven't had any kind of problem at all in the year I have been vaping.
    0 points
  32. I think all of that will come down to what vaping is ultimately defined as by the federal government once all of the smoke clears (maybe not the best choice of words here but oh well) from all of the court battles/appeals... People who get nicotine inhalers from the doctor don't have to go outside to use it -- the way I see it, the only difference between their nicotine inhaler and my vapor cloud is that my cloud is visible. I'm certain that nicotine is exhaled from a person using a nicotine inhaler... However, it wouldn't surprise me to see vaping banned indoors. After all, this is the same country where alcohol (which kills more people globally than AIDS or violence) is legal, yet smoking a joint gets you in trouble with the law. I do fear the power/influence of BigPharm and Big Tobacco more than anything, in regards to vaping.
    -1 points
  33. Don't worry about it. In the end the business is the one that makes the decision.
    -1 points
  34. juliery


    I have noticed, that I get HUGE TH IF I use a 5 volt device. On my 3.7 ego type batteries, and any other 3.7 volt device I get no TH from ANY liquid. I think it is the voltage. There is just not enough power in these weak batteries to do much of anything in terms of TH. I order medium TH as TH is not a HUGE issue for me. Now vaping on a 5 volt passthrough I get so much TH that my throat actually feels like I am smoking. I vape like crazy, and actually had a hoarse voice, like when I was smoking!! So I don't know that it is any liquid, I think it is the voltage. After all when we smoke we have a burning substance, this is just liquid being heated up enough to make vapor. But for sure on the higher voltage devices I have had no problem with TH.
    -1 points
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