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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/03/2011 in all areas

  1. First let me say I am glad this is my 100th post - I like a good meaty thread! I am with the folks who say we do have the responsibility to take advantage of the learning moment. Let's be honest, if you are outside the world of vaping you will no doubt think someone in the corner vaping is smoking. So its an opportunity to educate someone about the difference and what a difference they can make in someones life. I also would also speak to the the manager in charge first. I am in the fortunate position in Florida of preferring to sit outside on the patio anyway - at least at this time of year, come August who know? I do frequent my local starbucks and they know me well so I will at some point speak to them and get explicit permission first. I also think it's a good idea to choose your juice carefully - as noted some juices do have a very strong smell, as I type this I am vaping a very strong smelling black cherry. If I were to vape in a starbucks I think I would bring a coffee flavor so it blends with the smells that loft around the starbucks as part of the everyday starbucks experience, who could claim they smell my coffee vape over the smell of the business itself! I go to a local pub quite often - go figure - and have had a long conversation with the owners about this. They are happy to allow me and others to vape on the outside patio and at the inside bar, but would prefer not in the dining area. His argument is he wants to accommodate all and provide a comfortable experience for all. Their thinking around the dining room is since there is such a knowledge gap right now it's likely to bother some - admittedly due to lack of knowledge, but he does not want to lose business over it - I think his solution is a fair happy middle ground and I applaud his openness to a mutual solution. Lets be honest, this is our thing, and for years now the anti-smoking crowd has pushed the line - if you can smell it its killing you. So if we want vaping to be socially acceptable we need to honest that to the uninformed person it looks like we are smoking, take a few moments and try to educate a person about the very real difference, and most people will be open to it - its also likely that you might just give some information to someone who knows someone who smokes and they might pass long the information they gain about vaping to that smoker, perhaps changing their life! That did happen to me this past weekend and I just heard last night that person passed along the information and the person ordered and eGO. Happy vaping all!
    2 points
  2. Prouddad

    Great News

    The Utah House Business and Labor Committee on Friday voted 10-4 against a bill (HB 170) to ban the sales of most flavored smoke-free tobacco products, which included smokeless tobacco and electronic cigarettes. The bill also required that e-cigarette sales be made face-to-face. Opponents of the bill said its passage would have been devastating for Utah's former smokers who have switched to smoke-free alternatives, since these consumers depend on the Internet for access to a variety of products, including flavors that often make the products more appealing than traditional cigarettes. Among the staunchest opponents of the bill was the Consumer Advocates for Smokefree Alternatives Association (CASAA), a national volunteer organization
    1 point
  3. Nanna

    Come Be Hear

    My PVs are both eGo's (the regular one and the tank) so I guess that would be a 510, and VT hands down, although I've never ordered from the other guys. But Chris takes care of ya like family.
    1 point
  4. KaYoTiiC

    Vt I Need Your Help!

    Oh you mean like the ones where the girls are covered in make-up??? Yea i don't think i would go that far either, but if it's something minor like this i have no problem. But yea this is what the world is coming to unfortunately
    1 point
  5. Nanna

    Dealing With 'haters'

    I'm with Jeff. You catch more flies with honest, sincere, and mutually respectful sugar than with vinegar. Kids running and playing are also not illegal but I curb mine in places where theory high energy may be a distraction and annoyance to others.
    1 point
  6. cheshyl


    Hank they are talking about a map tank mod. you can find it on the Clouds of Vapor web site. It looks really neat and it seems like everyone is buying them because they can't keep them in stock.
    1 point
  7. juliery


    Discovery.....blueberry, grape, cherry.....VR is awesome with the dark rich kind of fruits....I imagine raspberry, blackberry, peach, all the ones you think of as being thicker syrup type fruits. Watermelon....nope, not so great for Paul and I......another KILLER flavor....CINNAMON ROLL!!! OMG, my new favorite. Also got hazelnut, macadamia nut...BOTH very good. Got Honey Nut Cheerios...a tad heavy on the honey, but NOT bad at all....definitely will use it. Butter Pecan, heavy on the buttery, but also good....I have been topping them off with each other in the same carto.....and they run together wonderfully. SO of all the about 15 flavors I have, ONLY watermelon, we don't care for....it is more the smell I think than the flavor. BUT being as we get basically 3 flavors for the price of one, I don't care about an occasional miss. We had like 40 bottles of juice from the past year that we didn't like or were tired of....and paid 3 times the amount. So all in all I sure won't complain about an occasional thing we don't like. We tried the blueberry and blueberry pie (Thanks Nina and Sharon).....my husband promptly had me order the blueberry....YUMMY. I like that one too. Grape is awesome...both very strong flavors. Nina who gets double of everything agreed, grape does NOT need to be doubled. Tip....you have to be careful with the doubling and tripling......I was doing a lot of reading the past day or so, and adding more of a flavor does not make it better necessarily. You can overkill a flavor, you have too much and it just obliterates it. Like when you bake, if you doubled or tripled the vanilla extract, or rum, or banana, etc....it would NOT make a more vanillaish etc cake, it would ruin the cake. More isn't always better. Of course it is all individual, and of course if you buy a bottle of pg/vg (which I finally broke down and did) from VR, you can get it in your normal nic level and pg/vg preference,....if the flavor is too much you can cut it down yourself. BUT be careful doing that....you don't need to cut it in half to fix it necessarily. Anyway, I figured it will be handy to have for super strong flavors. The CINNAMON ROLL is my new fave....you can taste the cinnamon and the roll each separate, but together....Soooooooooo good. I say that as i am vaping macadamia nut, YUMMMMMMMMMY too....ohhhhhh and the hazelnut. OMG and don't forget the coffee, which mixed with bavarian cream or sweet cream OMG, just like coffee with cream and sugar, JUST how I love it. I am in an e liquid heaven now. I have like 15 flavors that I LOVE.....I really should stop ordering now...well except for refills.......OH and I already ordered another bottle of cinnamon roll THE VERY NEXT DAY. It is soooooooooooooooo freaking good. 16mg, medium TH, 80/20 pg/vg........vaped at 5 volts, good TH. If you are using an ego or other 3.7 volt, you may want to toss in a drop of ever clear to increase TH.
    -1 points
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