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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/02/2011 in all areas

  1. marymary

    What Next?

    Hello all, I haven't been vaping too awful long, but I am looking for my next big purchase. I see things here and there about juice boxes and pictures of big things that people are vaping out of.:P So my question is what exactly is the point of them? Where should I start in deciding what to buy? I understand you need to buy things to go with them? I don't know.. Just need pointed in the right direction and I know this is the place to ask! I have a joye ego now, tried the tanks and wasn't a fan. Stuck on mega cartomizers at this present moment (what I enjoy changes by the hour). I haven't seen any good reviews on the mega cartomizers but after a few days of breaking them in they're okay. I love the warm vapor I get from 510 cartomizers and I've heard that the juice box will encourage that.. Vaping strawberry banana from wordup tastes like a mouthful of hot jello in my 510 cartomizers. Yum! Any advice or tips would be helpful Thank you! Mary
    1 point
  2. Erika

    Wanting A Fatter Battery.

    Using the ego and i have 4 batteries. No problem with the life of the battery but i am so tired of setting my ego down and having it topple over. What would you all reccomend? Probably need something that i can use rechargeable batteries with so i don't have to buy multiple units. Thanks!
    1 point
  3. AimeeG

    Cooling The Ego Down

    Hello. My name is Aimee and I am a chain vaper. I had to switch from an aluminum drip tip to a plastic one so I wouldn't burn my lips. Sometimes I just can't get my fill of vaping. Sometimes I just don't want to wait for the battery and atty to cool down. One option I just thought of would be to have two going at the same time, so while one cools, I can vape the other. But this makes it look like I have a problem. And I don't. I like to keep the cone on as I've found, for me, it helps me control any leaking with an atty, so that option is out. You all are a crafty bunch, so I though some of you might have thoughts, ideas, and various options to try. Tomorrow, thanks to Chris, I'm going to be putting a quarter on the bottom of my eGo to make it stand up better. So, see, I know you all are crafty. Bring it on... let's get the chain vapers into using more liquid!!!
    1 point
  4. Nanna

    Ego Tanks

    Oh honey!!!!!!!! I love mine too and I love mine MORE knowing that YOU are safer.
    1 point
  5. They have a huge disclaimer page.I would be worried about Customs seizing my stuff and I would imagine it would take quite some time for delivery.Usually it is worth the money to have a reputable dealer to answer questions ,take the risk and provide help and some sort of warranty.A lot of people order direct from China and swear by it.But it is not for me.Besides that there are some really nice folks supporting families and employees ,and sponoring forums like this one running honest supplier websites.
    1 point
  6. Jolly

    What Next?

    if you wanna see my reaction to the juice box i call "D Cup" its funny stuff youtube jollyriffic and it should be the 2ed video i hated attys due to the dratty you get when they start to get dry so now im kinda in love with them again. was the first juice box i made. if you want a nice warm vapor, 5v it. if you want juice dont do a juicer that doesn't have a resorvor to hold the juice it squirts or you may end up with a juiced mod, needles = bad idea because they can leak back into the mod. as for battery life, you can vape less using same mah but at higher voltage so it seems like you get longer life. some mods actually run for longer times due to battery or chip used to regulate the voltage.
    1 point
  7. Uma

    What Next?

    Excellent questions, BD. And the answers will change after every purchase. lol My first big mod? A BSB (black silver bullet). Black for lack of fingerprints. SB for the awesome craftsmanship, button and battery. I needed a standard buy anywhere rechargale 18650 type battery. (20 hr battery, with about 12-14 of it great vaping). Outstanding battery life at that time, and I live off-grid, so that was my motivating factor. (as well as the eGo which was the first longest lasting battery). Now days there's the Tekk Mod, Shockwave, Helix, etc.. with days and days of battery life. (4-5) and even solar ones... My 2d mod? An affordable bottom fed juice box. I knew I wanted a fancy smancy expensive one, but had no clue if I would be happy with one... so I bought a tiny and affordable one. and Yes! I now will get a fancy Ali'i as soon as I am able to. (I wish Mark would come up with a curvy bottom feeder). With the JB, I no longer have to contend with carto's and stuff unless I want to, which I do, because I also still keep my eGo rigged up as well. Long example... but I hope you get an idea of the types that are enticing us at every turn of the history page.
    1 point
  8. BirdDog

    What Next?

    These are the questions that you have to ask yourself. 1. Do you want a juice feeder or reservoir? 2. Are you looking for a longer battery life? 3. Are you wanting to try a higher voltage? 4. Will shape and size really matter? 5. Cost. How much do you want to spend? Think about these questions and this might help you make a decision on what you might want to try next or at least narrow it down.
    1 point
  9. Sharon


    Great Tip! Oh just talk to your hubby about it. You just might be able to finagle him into thinking it was his idea! LOL
    -1 points
  10. the tank is so nice...congrats 2 u. I got mine also
    -1 points
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