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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/01/2011 in all areas

  1. Prouddad

    Great News

    The Utah House Business and Labor Committee on Friday voted 10-4 against a bill (HB 170) to ban the sales of most flavored smoke-free tobacco products, which included smokeless tobacco and electronic cigarettes. The bill also required that e-cigarette sales be made face-to-face. Opponents of the bill said its passage would have been devastating for Utah's former smokers who have switched to smoke-free alternatives, since these consumers depend on the Internet for access to a variety of products, including flavors that often make the products more appealing than traditional cigarettes. Among the staunchest opponents of the bill was the Consumer Advocates for Smokefree Alternatives Association (CASAA), a national volunteer organization
    3 points
  2. Nanna

    Happy As A Little Clam Here

    So, today, the Loranns flavors that Jolly unloaded on me - er, I mean, ghraciously agreed to send me - heh - came in the post, and while I should have been studying Policies in Healthcare, I couldn't resist and added some Strawberry and some Cheesecake flavor to a rather blah juice I had sitting around. Meaning one I couldn't taste anyway. And I must tell you that, as we speak, I am contentedly, and somewhat smugly, sitting here vaping away on the smoothest sweetest, nicest tasting thing I have vaped to date. DIY for the win! And by the way, Jolly, AMAZING packaging in sending those bottles. Holy cow!
    1 point
  3. BirdDog

    What Next?

    These are the questions that you have to ask yourself. 1. Do you want a juice feeder or reservoir? 2. Are you looking for a longer battery life? 3. Are you wanting to try a higher voltage? 4. Will shape and size really matter? 5. Cost. How much do you want to spend? Think about these questions and this might help you make a decision on what you might want to try next or at least narrow it down.
    1 point
  4. i totally understand that... i just think its kinda sad that social networking has changed contests like this, i recently got a facebook request from a friend to vote for her daughter in some modeling thing, i had to laugh when i finally saw the contestants pics, i was thinking OMG seriously? these are Portlands next top models? some of them looked like they were on crack... but it all comes down to who can get the most people online to back them. needless to say i didnt vote for my friends daughter, or any of them
    1 point


    @ little pea... The 2.4 ohm is good because on a ce2 the coil is at the top so yeah in general the lr is for 3.7 only if you put a lr on a 5 volt it will pop the atty/carto so you gonna want 3.0 ohm minimum for 5v Devices also lr is not necessarly for higher mah but I wouldent use lr on a 510 stick batt, your gonna want at least a standard ego batt. Also please don't judge the map tank based on a clearomizer as the normal ce2s have a leaking/ wicking issue because the wicks cat extend at the right angle for them to wick well, this is how the map tank came into play,,, it allows the wick to come straight out of the edges and allows the wick to send proper amount of juice to the coil, and the tank fixes the leaking issues with the way its built.
    1 point
  6. Ok i'm late to dinner on this one but Uma I just read your tongue post lol and I agree, the way you angle your pv when drawing definately affects the flavor hitting your taste buds, also especially with sweet flavors I curl my tongue a little on exhale and it's sooooooo good.
    1 point
  7. It's a hard decision isn't it... Especially after seeing Aero's reviews on their flavors. I got the Rice Crispity Treat... Lake Placid and OMG I CAN NOT WAIT TO TRY THESE...
    1 point
  8. I agree, KaYoTiiC, I sent a similar note through their contact us link and received a similar email in reply. Now just to decide which flavors I want!
    1 point

    Dealing With 'haters'

    I went to go see a concert Fri. night. It was standing room only, no seating..dope filled the air and the show went on. About the time I was taking a big draw on my Ego, a 6ft 3 security guard snatches my Ego out of my hand and said "LETS GO"!....knowing already what they thought I was doing, all I could do was smile as this guy is repeatedly poking me in the back ,and pushing me towards the front entrance. As he was examining my Ego with his flashlight, I pulled out my E-liquid and said "Its an Electronic Cigarette!"........he just looked at me kinda funny, looked back at my stuff, and the poor guy really didn't know what to say ,lol...but he was cool about it.....alls he was trying to do is catch someone blazing w**d........10 min later, another security officer walked past me as I was drawing another vapor cloud, and he said " those things are cool arn't they?"......My guess? he was a vaper. Whats my point?......I really didn't have one, it was just a funny story.
    1 point
  10. BirdDog

    Throat Hit...

    First of all what flavors are you vaping and is it PG or VG based? I am not familiar with the smoke 51 so I don't know what kind of atomizer it has. The 510 that comes with the Ego produces a much warmer vape and will also add some kick to throat hit. Try using liquids that are VG based. I would avoid using anything with menthol or a spicy/cinnamon flavor to it. Stick with standard resistance atomizers and cartomizers. The mg amount in liquid does affect throat hit and 6mg is pretty low. If this doesn't work for you you may want to try using the 801/302 penstyle or a 901 atomizers. These atomizers produce a cooler vape and might help you with less throat hit. You can use these on your ego but will need a battery to atomizer adapter.
    1 point
  11. Jeffb

    Dealing With 'haters'

    I believe it is our responsibility as a vaping community to educate others. I do not believe we can expect that non-vapors are going to research e-cigs. Yes they may be ignorant and uninformed about vaping, just as many of us are ignorant on topics that dont interest or affect us. It is true that vaping and smoking are different, but perception is some peoples reality. To most people vaping = smoking. As a vaping community we dont have millions of dollars for an all out PR campaign on the benefits of vaping and how it differs from smoking, but we can make a difference one person at a time.
    1 point
  12. AimeeG

    I Think I Screwed Up

    If you are in the Detroit metro area, I could meet you at a Starbucks and give you some liquid tomorrow. I have a bunch of stuff I don't like that you might like, or heck, I could even part with some of my great Vapor Talk liquids for a Michigander in need. Let me know. Vape on!
    1 point
  13. marymary

    What Next?

    Hello all, I haven't been vaping too awful long, but I am looking for my next big purchase. I see things here and there about juice boxes and pictures of big things that people are vaping out of.:P So my question is what exactly is the point of them? Where should I start in deciding what to buy? I understand you need to buy things to go with them? I don't know.. Just need pointed in the right direction and I know this is the place to ask! I have a joye ego now, tried the tanks and wasn't a fan. Stuck on mega cartomizers at this present moment (what I enjoy changes by the hour). I haven't seen any good reviews on the mega cartomizers but after a few days of breaking them in they're okay. I love the warm vapor I get from 510 cartomizers and I've heard that the juice box will encourage that.. Vaping strawberry banana from wordup tastes like a mouthful of hot jello in my 510 cartomizers. Yum! Any advice or tips would be helpful Thank you! Mary
    0 points
  14. So far I can only find the product at around $20 a gallon for about 11 dollars shipping. Does anybody know of any wholesaler that is less expensive?
    0 points
  15. easilyamused

    Vt I Need Your Help!

    personally, i find it distasteful that such contests these days come down to who can gain the most online support, i dont vote in these things for anyone as this has taken contests to a whole new level of low as far as i am concerned, nothing personal, i see these things all the time on facebook and i just ignore them all
    0 points
  16. newvapefiend

    Precise 18650

    Hi fellow vapor junkies-I recently ordered a precise 18650 to go in my rapidly expanding collection of long lasting,big battery mods(bb,silver bullet,omega,copper,mini copper,sdmk2,roughstack and eGo ).Do any of y'all have one of these? The picture on the super T website looks like a work of art. I hope it vapes as good as it looks.I haven't seen any reviews on this particular mod.Maybe because it aint cheap!Grimm Green has done a review of the precise 10440 and was impressed by the quality of the machine work-but whined a little about the small skirt around the button.
    -1 points
  17. The two cones that I got with my starter kit, one is loose and the other is tighter. I just use the one that works best. But, since I got my Tank atty, I don't need the cones.
    -1 points
  18. egoluvr

    Cartomizers Wow!

    So excited to share, I got my cartomizers today, I'm already hooked, talk about ez!! they are hard top 510 from cignot using on my eGo I filled one up using the condom method and my dripping/cart nightmares are over! I don't have to take several draws just to get a good draw etc. Just pick it up vape, put it down. Awesome. I got juices too from Ms T's - Key lime pie, Bostom cream pie, Orange dreamsicle, and chocolate caramel cookies. Loaded up one of my new cartos with the key lime pie, you can even taste the graham crucker crust. Incredible.
    -1 points
  19. AimeeG

    Cooling The Ego Down

    Hello. My name is Aimee and I am a chain vaper. I had to switch from an aluminum drip tip to a plastic one so I wouldn't burn my lips. Sometimes I just can't get my fill of vaping. Sometimes I just don't want to wait for the battery and atty to cool down. One option I just thought of would be to have two going at the same time, so while one cools, I can vape the other. But this makes it look like I have a problem. And I don't. I like to keep the cone on as I've found, for me, it helps me control any leaking with an atty, so that option is out. You all are a crafty bunch, so I though some of you might have thoughts, ideas, and various options to try. Tomorrow, thanks to Chris, I'm going to be putting a quarter on the bottom of my eGo to make it stand up better. So, see, I know you all are crafty. Bring it on... let's get the chain vapers into using more liquid!!!
    -1 points
  20. Erika

    Wanting A Fatter Battery.

    Using the ego and i have 4 batteries. No problem with the life of the battery but i am so tired of setting my ego down and having it topple over. What would you all reccomend? Probably need something that i can use rechargeable batteries with so i don't have to buy multiple units. Thanks!
    -1 points
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