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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/26/2011 in all areas

  1. It is amazing how much your own personality can dictate outcomes. Now I love to tinker with things. I'm the guy that likes to install his own computer hardware upgrades, refuses to call a plumber when I need to fix the drain, and will try every remedy known to man for any health problems before I see a doctor. Unfortunately I am not as skilled as I would like to be and I tend to always get a succesful outcome..only to blow it by taking it that one step further then I should. Hey I added a new graphics card to the PC....lets see if i can set it up for overclocking (result: burned out card, lets see If I can change my own oil..and while Im under the hood tinker with a few other things (result: the car runs...but I have several parts lying around now that I have no idea where they go or what they do)...Im gonna cook some chili..and while Im at it I bet I can dry and add my own ghost chilis for a little extra flavor (result: something between napalm and drano). So it should come as no surprise I managed to watch some videos on debridging my 510 atty. I closely followed the instructions...and to my pleasure managed to debridge the atty and get a lot more vapor for my dripping endeavours...but of course I just couldnt stop there..figured I'd dewick my atty as well...not knowing that I had basicly done that when I debridged the atty the wick had pulled out with the foil and bridge..so end result after picking at what I now assume was the actual coil...dead atty. At least the learning curve I am hitting isn't that steep, really isn't that costly (VS a new car, computer, or ER visit due to the liquid death I call chili), and I have many great resources in this site to guide me. Instead of getting angry I am enjoying the mixed success I have found, and am likening vaping to a a combination of science and art...science due to the basics rules that seem to apply to vaping and the art comes in because of the mixed and variable results that can occur. So my advice to other noobs such as myself...if ya can chuckle at a couple dollars loss, experiment..its worthwhile even when you goof up. Big J Semper Fi
    2 points
  2. You know what they say stupidity is the mother of all invention.One of these days I will be rich.
    2 points
  3. Nanna

    Happy As A Little Clam Here

    So, today, the Loranns flavors that Jolly unloaded on me - er, I mean, ghraciously agreed to send me - heh - came in the post, and while I should have been studying Policies in Healthcare, I couldn't resist and added some Strawberry and some Cheesecake flavor to a rather blah juice I had sitting around. Meaning one I couldn't taste anyway. And I must tell you that, as we speak, I am contentedly, and somewhat smugly, sitting here vaping away on the smoothest sweetest, nicest tasting thing I have vaped to date. DIY for the win! And by the way, Jolly, AMAZING packaging in sending those bottles. Holy cow!
    1 point
  4. Brian

    Dealing With 'haters'

    Well said. +1
    1 point
  5. AimeeG

    Happy As A Little Clam Here

    This is AWESOME!!! I love how these devices push so many people forward to try something new, learn some stuff from great people, and feel proud of their accomplishments. I'm so stoked for you, Nanna!
    1 point
  6. AutumnGirl

    Got My E-Go Tank Today

    I think my mind is made up. I reckon I'll have ordered one before the day is out. Enjoy your tank!
    1 point
  7. There is a chamber between the cup the filler is in and the mouthpeice hole.This is where the vapor goes so you can inhale it.The vapor will condense in there and that is what you got.When you are topping off your cart just blow though the mouthpeice and hold the cart so the slot/slots depending on which carts you use are in a kleenex or paper towel to catch the condensation.This is one of the joys of vaping we all learn the hard way.You will get condensation with drip tips but it will just run back down into the atty.It also a lot of what people call leaky atties cause it will seep out when you rig is laying on the table.Melting is usually not a problem at 3.7 volts.
    1 point
  8. using a standard 510 cart or cartomizer. with the standard carts--sometimes the plastic will melt when the atty gets too hot. I have since given up and only use drip tips, but the plastic burning was a pain. I know there was a certain way to line them up to help prevent burning--but no matter how I lined it up, it would occasionally melt. The reservoir you are seeing is it in the part that goes at the atty end or is the mouth piece end??
    1 point
  9. kitsune

    Got My E-Go Tank Today

    Next on my list of things to buy next month !!! soooo many cool toys and gadgets. I can't keep up these days. Congrats !!! I can't wait to try the tank.
    1 point
  10. Erika

    Got My E-Go Tank Today

    Awesome! Congrats!
    1 point
  11. I think all of that will come down to what vaping is ultimately defined as by the federal government once all of the smoke clears (maybe not the best choice of words here but oh well) from all of the court battles/appeals... People who get nicotine inhalers from the doctor don't have to go outside to use it -- the way I see it, the only difference between their nicotine inhaler and my vapor cloud is that my cloud is visible. I'm certain that nicotine is exhaled from a person using a nicotine inhaler... However, it wouldn't surprise me to see vaping banned indoors. After all, this is the same country where alcohol (which kills more people globally than AIDS or violence) is legal, yet smoking a joint gets you in trouble with the law. I do fear the power/influence of BigPharm and Big Tobacco more than anything, in regards to vaping.
    0 points
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