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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/23/2011 in all areas

  1. Beans

    Dying To Know....

    Ok so I just have to know what's doing in your PRIVATE forum??? I've been meditating on this a for while and have come up with a theory. Oh no, It's not a nice one. I've seen those bouncers outside the door. Ive watched the foot traffic. I even tried getting in this morning and was told I haven't paid the man yet. So I know it can't be all nice nice in there. I just haven't decided what the business is........Illegal gambling, orgies, booze, loud music, fight clubs, easy women, human trafficking, I just can't figure out your angle. However, I am certain that the cash is being used to cover up the fact your hiding Elvis. That's my story and I'm stickn to it!
    2 points
  2. After a couple days of vaping here's what I've discovered. First of all, I don't know why this never occurred to me, but people rant and rave about battery life for a GOOD reason. Battery life is of the up-most importance if you want to quit (and make your purchase worth while). Because if you're battery dies, you will go back to smoking those "analogs". Guaranteed. Second, while I do not believe that the automatic batteries have a serious disadvantage on starting up etc. many of them do have cutoff times of 5 seconds, which is REALLY annoying. You'll want to take a nice long drag, and get a real burn in the back of your throat... but often times you can't go as long as you'd want. Third, I'll reiterate this, any "tobacco" flavor you get will be vastly inferior to actually smoking tobacco. It's like making a popcorn jelly bean. Think about it, it's hard for companies to replicate tastes exactly, especially from something like smoke to a flavor suspended in air. Try menthols, or even cloves if you have to. I tried my friends carts with flavors like vanilla and cherry, and honestly when you first take a drag it feels like a cigarette and you don't notice a taste until you exhale. Vanilla is oddly satisfying, even for stubborn me, who refused to buy any for himself. Tobacco will just make you long for a real cigarette that tastes less like crap. Lastly, you will vape more than you smoke, particularly if you don't smoke much. Vaping is fun, you can do it anywhere, and you won't worry about your health. I'd recommend people starting with lower nicotine liquid than they'd think. If you're a heavy smoker try "medium", if you smoke less than a pack a day, definitely opt for "light" or no nicotine liquid. If you get a smaller e-cig definitely get the PCC. That way you can constantly be charging one battery, and hopefully have another battery out and loaded. Think about it, vaping is a good alternative, but I often still crave a cigarette, and if you're battery EVER dies and you're having a nic fit, you won't hesitate to go back to tar. These points should be written in red all over the site. :-P I don't want ANYBODY to think i'm at all dissatisfied with my purchase, these things are unbelievably close to a real cigarette, and may one day save my life. I love vaping, and I'm definitely happy with my Bloog and everything I bought - they're just important considerations to make with any purchase.
    2 points
  3. Christopher

    If History Had Facebook

    ha ha ha
    1 point
  4. I have understood on this forum that Word-up is the place to order. Well, I placed an order on Feb. 5 or 7, don't remember and ordered two eGo red tank attys to go with my red pass through that I ordered. When they arrived, which was a quick delivery mind you, I couldn't wait for I fired up the first atty and was vaping away for about two or three days, then the atty would not work anymore. I said oh well that's the reason I bought two so I changed out the attys and low and behold the second one would not work at all. I e-mail Word-up and told them the problem and I was not really complaining because I really didn't know their policy on the T atomizers. I just wanted them to know. Well, I haven't had a response from them and I sent it last week, so last night I decided to e-mail them again. They happen to be the only vendor I can see that has the red eGo Tank atomizers. I'm really disappointed in their lack of correspondence like I said I wasn't really asking for a replacement because I didn't know their return policy on the attys but I really would have liked a response back. From what I see on the forum I don't know that anyone has had any trouble with them in the past but like I said above I really would have liked an e-mail just to at least tell me they received my e-mail. Thanks for listening.
    1 point
  5. nana

    Another Dumb Question

    Nope, not stupid at all. I don't add much nic, so for me it doesn't change the flavor at all. But, if you do find it changes the flavor for you, just a few more drops of the same flavorings you started with in the proportion you started with. It's not hard at all. So, yes, you are right. See, not stupid at all.
    1 point
  6. Beans

    Another Dumb Question

    You are SO not stupid! Good question. I haven't started DYI my self, but yes. Nic is more expensive. you don't want to waste it on flavors you may not like. From what I understand its peppery in taste. You can always adjust the flavor after you add nic.
    1 point
  7. BirdDog

    Dying To Know....

    I had to swear an oath on my ecig that I would not reveal what happens in the VIP room. That is all the info I can tell you. You do need 500 posts to enter and you are almost half way there.
    1 point
  8. Beans

    Dying To Know....

    That WAS my second theory. You might be on to something egoluvr. Notice no one is fessing up. Suspicious if you ask me.
    1 point
  9. egoluvr

    Dying To Know....

    LMAO - I think they are growing POD people in there. When the pods hatch they are going to take over the world. tee hee :>
    1 point
  10. Beans

    Ego Tank Arrived Today

    Yes, they have the tank Atty and the tank itself. You have to get both. It must be the TANK Atty, Not the mega Atty. sorry
    1 point
  11. mwsmith1778

    Pg Vs Vg

    It's my experience that the VG tends to pull really hard and clog up the atty's. It does produce great vapor, but it zaps my batteries because I'm pulling so long and so much harder.
    1 point
  12. I have only been vaping for a few weeks, but this forum has saved me as far as knowing what to do and what to buy! You've come to the right place. I am by far not an expert on vaping but I've studied more of this than I have for my college classes this whole semester. :/ It's so much more fun! I started with the Joye eGo. Things that I wish I would have bought right away were cartomizers. They are great! I learned within the first couple of days that refilling cartridges stinks. Getting them to wick properly is a nightmare. You can find plenty of mods to help on these forums. I tried the teabag mod, but it definitely did not make a difference for me. I gave up and direct dripped on the atomizer with the cartridge on. You don't need a syringe to fill a cartridge, but most say you do for a cartomizer. It depends which kind you get. The soft tips you don't need one for. I bought a syringe but only use it for for poking and pulling things on my cartomizers and ego t cartridges. I don't see the need for a pass through for me yet, the regular joye ego batteries last me easily two days and I vape fairly often. As for as the difference Type A is a cone and Type B is a cylinder. The cylinder holds a little more liquid. I also smoked Marlboro Smooths and Marlboro Menthols. I thought I would only like menthol juice so I got Menthol 24mg VG from liberty flights. Other flavors seemed weird to me.. because that was nothing like a cigarette. But, I got tired of it quickly and only use sweeter flavors now like cappuccino and chocolate. I just place a large order with Ms T's bakery. All of her juices look amazing and I've heard nothing but good things about her liquids! The only time I use menthol now is when I get a strong urge for an analog, and that happens every few days. Welcome to the forum!! Hope I could help Mary
    1 point
  13. That makes sense.. about getting used to flavors. I also love the menthol. I used it when nothing else was working for me and it calmed me down a ton. So yummy and strong. I'm using liberty flights and I want to try some other vendors, will have to try from the VTS. Thank you! Mary
    1 point
  14. mcquinn

    Blue Mist Vaping?

    I ordered from them four weeks ago ,good prices ,and delivery time.The liquid was not quite as good as I hoped ,but I like Dekang liquid so I guess I am an oddball.I have tried steeping them and they still seem to me to have a chemical taste that doesn't appeal to me.But I had no problems ordering and getting it.
    1 point
  15. You should definitely just wait it out, and not tell anybody about it. kidding... Numbness can be a blood flow issue, so it could be from the e-cigs - caffeine might cause the same thing. The only way to know for sure is... well... what everybody else said. People should get a physical once a year, most doctors do.
    1 point
  16. GO SEE A DR- not from vaping
    1 point
  17. Brian

    Question For Seasoned Users

    I get numbing in my arms and hands, but I had that long before I started vaping.
    1 point
  18. i second the see a doctor post, what you are describing could have many causes
    1 point
  19. marymary

    So Stinkin Happy!

    Wow!! That's awesome! I have been trying to get my stepdad and boyfriend started but they won't budge. Great job that's wonderful to be able to share it with them! Mary
    1 point
  20. Jolly

    Question For Seasoned Users

    i have had something similar to this issue but not while using ecigs. the problem came from trying to be more healthy so i was drinking a LOT of water. i did go see a dr and she told me i'm flooding my system. not that this could be your issue but was mine. also, maybe what is happening is the tar is getting broke down in your system and sort of collecting up in the smaller areas of constricted blood flow. hit the dr and see if there is something they can look into and also check into the other probabilities of it not being ecig related. also if you are doing mainly vg try switching to pg or pg to vg and see if that has any different effects.
    1 point
  21. Beans

    Question For Seasoned Users

    Sewer, Iam NOT seasoned user, but IMHO I would seek medical attention very soon. I have not heard of this being a side effect of the ecig, but regardless of the possible causes I'm concerned for you. Please see a DR and keep us informed. Good luck and take care of yourself.
    1 point
  22. nana

    New (Very) To Mixing

    I don't think it matters which you add first, but I have a suggestion...when you first start mixing your own flavors, use the 3ml bottles and don't add any nic at all. If you like the flavor you mixed, then you can add some nic. If you don't like the flavor, you haven't wasted any of the nic juice. If you use the 3ml bottle, you haven't wasted much of the flavoring either. Once you find a mix you really like, then you can use the bigger bottles and make more of it. Keep notes on which flavors you have used and how much you have used. Make a "recipe". That way you'll know which ones are good and which ones aren't good. It's horrible to make something really great and then not remember exactly how you made it. Don't ask me how I know that...it's sad. LOL Happy mixing!!!
    1 point
  23. when I vape the black clove, it numbs my tongue and lips..lol..the taste is awesome.
    1 point
  24. cheshyl

    Going To See Obama

    That is a big deal. He is our President and no matter what anyones political views are, he is still in that office and we as citizens should respect the office of the President. I'm just sayin......
    1 point

    Going To See Obama

    I guess it's safe to assume that you seriously like yourself some Obama ! So that's nice to still see that people are still supporting him 'no matter what happens'!
    -1 points
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