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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/22/2011 in all areas

  1. Read this for a good reminder and a motivation to stay off the nasty analogs: http://www.aolhealth.com/condition-center/smoking-cessation/smoking-related-conditions-illness-diseases?icid=maing%7Cmain5%7Cdl6%7Csec1_lnk2%7C45042
    1 point
  2. I have understood on this forum that Word-up is the place to order. Well, I placed an order on Feb. 5 or 7, don't remember and ordered two eGo red tank attys to go with my red pass through that I ordered. When they arrived, which was a quick delivery mind you, I couldn't wait for I fired up the first atty and was vaping away for about two or three days, then the atty would not work anymore. I said oh well that's the reason I bought two so I changed out the attys and low and behold the second one would not work at all. I e-mail Word-up and told them the problem and I was not really complaining because I really didn't know their policy on the T atomizers. I just wanted them to know. Well, I haven't had a response from them and I sent it last week, so last night I decided to e-mail them again. They happen to be the only vendor I can see that has the red eGo Tank atomizers. I'm really disappointed in their lack of correspondence like I said I wasn't really asking for a replacement because I didn't know their return policy on the attys but I really would have liked a response back. From what I see on the forum I don't know that anyone has had any trouble with them in the past but like I said above I really would have liked an e-mail just to at least tell me they received my e-mail. Thanks for listening.
    1 point
  3. This is not a REVIEW, it is a Preview of the 306 Glass Drip Tip that is under Bata Testing by others, and myself, for assurance that it will be the Best 306 drip tip you have ever used. Hopefully it will go on sale in a few weeks ONLY from the Theecig.com. When this drip tip is released, or just before its release I will do a Official Review on it with letting you know the sale date. Please subscribe to me for the latest deals, steal, and Giveaways http://www.youtube.com/user/step07726... You are all invited to come Hang out on my show, so we can vape together, Saturday Nights at 10 PM eastern time http://www.stickam.com/elixirtv2 and during week nights with our other hosts. We have shows 7 nights a week most starting around 9 PM eastern time, check the show schedule for changes. Any Questions? you can always email me at smokie901@gmail.com Vape On, and Fuhgeddaboudit, Smokie The Mod Father
    1 point
  4. Cloves are a natural pain reliever. If you have a tooth ache you can place 2 cloves directly on the painful tooth, bite down for several minutes and you have a painkiller that will last for a good hour or so. It is comparable to oral gel and works quite well.
    1 point
  5. Schlitz

    Pv Review - The Ggtb By Gg

    1 point
  6. Sharon

    Exercise And The E-Cig

    It's amazing, but since I started vaping, I can sprint for the front door every time the mailman comes to my door. LOL The Devil made me do it! hahahahaha
    1 point
  7. You will start saving money at some point. Well, for the most part. Some people (and don't worry Brian and Uma, I won't mention your names) keep buying and buying. LOL If anyone tells you that I'm one of those people who keep buying, don't listen to them. Just because I have more than one juice box mod on order means nothing. Nothing at all. LOL Okay, seriously, I am on the saving end right now. When I started, I was probably spending more each month on vaping supplies than I was on smoking, but not by much. I started with an M401 unit (spent $70 on that and probably another $50 on cartridges). About a week later I ordered a 901 and some juice (spent $65 there). I used the first unit for two weeks, so that cost me about $40 more than I would have spent on smoking. First lesson learned. The second unit I used for two weeks which saved me about $15. over what I would have spent smoking during that time. I next ordered the 801 with the same results as the 901. Then I ordered the 510 and the VP2 on the same day. I used those units for a couple of months (and saved quite a bit over smoking) before getting the Spade and then a couple of weeks later, the VP/PT. At that time I ordered just over $100.00 worth of juice. But the juice lasted for several months, so although I spent a lot up front, you have to figure out how long it will last. After another month I had to try this new device called the eGo. Everyone was raving about it, so I got one. It was the device that was perfect for me. I was completely satisfied so I didn't buy anything else for 4 months - except for attys. I bought a Black Silver Bullet then because I'd heard so much good about it. Between my BSB and ego, I didn't feel the need for any other devices for the next 7 months. Then I realized that those really weren't enough backups and I ordered a Provape1. At that point I figured I was done. Until I heard about the new juice boxes available and ordered those. See what I mean? But I probably won't buy another unit for quite some time now. I know I've saved hundreds at this point, so even though I've spent quite a bit in the last two months (because I've also started stocking up on more attys lately), I'm still on the savings end of things. Once you find the perfect unit or units, all you really need to buy is attys and juice. If you start out with the right unit (unlike me), you can be saving within weeks. I never worried too much about what I was spending (although I did try to keep it at or below what I would have spent smoking) because I considered it an investment in my health. I still feel that way about it. As far as backups go, it's a good idea to have at least 3 batteries on hand. If you only have two and one dies, then you don't have anything to vape while the one battery charges. That won't be the case if you have 3. Attys, I would recommend having at least 5 on hand at once. Juice...depends on how much you use. Figure out how much you'll use in a week, multiply that by four so you know how much you'll use in a month and then keep at least a months worth on hand. I kept 6 months worth on hand at first - more now. A backup charger is a really good idea. If your charger dies, then you have no way of vaping when a battery dies. I have a car charger, too. If the power goes out, I don't have to worry about not being able to charge a battery. And I have an adapter so I can plug in and vape in the car. As far as all the, better, more powerful, variable voltage, cool, nifty, just gotta have them, new units...well, if you are like some people I know, you just won't be able to help yourself. But you can still be saving money.
    1 point
  8. IndyColtsfan

    Pg Vs. Vg

    Here is a good baseline for 0-nic juice. You will find that your taste may differ. Also, there is a certain consistency you need in juice that you should be aware of. Before you make your own, look at a few bottles you have of pre-made juice. Swish the juice around, tilt it, drip a little out onto a finger, note the "thickness" and flow of the juice. That is your target. 0-Nic Cherry Juice 60% PG 25% VG 5% Everclear or Vodka (Adjust this with the VG to add or remove throat hit. More Everclear = More hit) 10% Lorann's Cherry As a rule of thumb, 20 drops is 1mL. So if you are making a total of 15mL of juice, you will use 30 drops of flavoring. If you plan on really playing with juice creation I'd suggest you buy this kit from Dawn at Ecigsmokestore.com http://www.diyflavorshack.com/ProductDetails.asp?ProductCode=The+SILVER+DIY+Kit It comes with everything you will need to make juice. Buy your VG and PG in bulk. Here are some links: PG: http://www.revivalanimal.com/store/p/280-Propylene-Glycol.aspx This is the cheapest place I have found and they ship fast. VG: https://www.lorannoils.com/p-9017-glycerine-natural.aspx Same place you buy Lorann's flavor from. Although I have a cheaper source for Lorann's Flavor: http://www.shopbettys.com/detail.aspx?ID=108 You simply can not beat $1.09 a bottle for Lorann's flavoring. Bottles: http://www.usplastic.com/catalog/product.asp?catalog_name=USPlastic&category_name=14951&product_id=26360&cookie_test=1 US Plastic has great prices and fast shipping. I've got a couple other DIY tricks that I should probably get around to posting. But that should get you started down the right path.
    1 point
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